3 Replies and 3164 Views
Can't view folders or files 3164 3
Started by Morgan Case
This is a new installation with a trial licene.&160; DNN version 05.01.04 (3).&160;&160; version 5.2.9. installation was rocky.&160; first installation could not see DMX in module pull down list.&160; uninstalled and reinstalled 4 times and finally got it to work.
I installed DMX on a page but can't see any folders or files.&160; If i add a new folder I ca see it in the module settings in the root folder drop-down.&160; but even when the root folder is set to 'Document Exchange' I can'...
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3164 |
by Peter Donker08/04/2010 8:58 PM |
1 Replies and 3005 Views
DNN 5.4.4 Upgrade Issues 3005 1
Started by todd Renier
We just applied the DNN&160;5.4.4 upgrade and DMX&160;is not displaying the collections. We are running your latest patch ver 5.2.9.
Any ideas..
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3005 |
by todd Renier07/31/2010 7:42 PM |
1 Replies and 2728 Views
...cannot display the webpage for anything but main screen 2728 1
Started by Viktor
Hello, trying this awesome module out for myself and built a test dnn site on my computer (latest version). Downloaded latest DMX and installed it, no problems. Added an admin page and DMX module to it, now trying to click any of the links in the module I get the 'cannot display the webpage' in internet explorer, or firefox (different message though).
Did I forget something I should be able to add some collections I would guess, but none of the links (except the help files) take me anywhere. T...
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2728 |
by Peter Donker07/21/2010 9:00 PM |
1 Replies and 2722 Views
Renewed License is not extending the Service Until date 2722 1
Started by LindaW
I have purchased a new subscription as the old one expired on 5 Oct 2008.&160; I have been issued with a new Invoice Number I can enter this on the license page and get a valid response with an activation key when I click on the Request Activation button.&160; When I click save the Service until and Invoice number are not saved.&160; How do I modify these values before upgrading
I am currently using version 4.01 and am trying to upgrade to version 5.2.9.
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2722 |
by Peter Donker07/21/2010 8:54 PM |
3 Replies and 2966 Views
Document upload history after migration DNN3 to DNN5 2966 3
Started by lucberland
before migrating my client from DNN3 to DNN5, I installed DNN5 on a empty environment, I&160;seen perfectly the document usage history, user, nb, date
I migrated my client from DNN3 to DNN5
all works perfectly, unless when connected as admin, the history is not shown
Shoild I run a script or do some specfiic modif
Tx , Luc
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2966 |
by Peter Donker07/21/2010 8:53 PM |
2 Replies and 3515 Views
Issue setting up sync folder 3515 2
Started by Bogdan
Currently using the trial to see if it does what I need it to do...
Storage provider is set to&160; a unc path.
When going in to set up a sync folder, out the unc path in the sync path field, i get the following error:
'This path is invalid. Please use a path that starts with 'D:\DotNetNuke\Portals\0\' '
I&160;won't let me go to next or finish from this screen.
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3515 |
by Bogdan07/21/2010 8:53 PM |
2 Replies and 2867 Views
Letter Box error? 2867 2
Started by Walfrid Lundborg
I&160;am running DNN 05.02.03 with DMX 5.02.08 and I&160;keep getting the following error every time I try and submit an item with the letterbox extension.
A critical error has occurred.
Method not found: 'Int32 Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Business.EntriesController.MakeCollection(Int32, Int32, System.String, DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo, Boolean)'.
I&160;have tried both Letterbox 1.02.01 and 1.01.01 and the error is the same.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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2867 |
by Peter Donker07/13/2010 1:47 PM |
2 Replies and 2396 Views
New install on DNN 05.04.02 (Pro Edition) 2396 2
Started by Peter Wilson
I am new to this and attempting to get it working as a trial my trial runs out 7th Aug and I need to demo to a team to convince them this is the way forward.
I have installed it which did not report any errors.
But now when I put it on a page and use the viewcollection.ascx it just shows me a blank where any content or folders or categories should be. I change it to the template view and I can see things I have added. Also I can't seem to define collections anywhere.
I must be doing somet...
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2396 |
by Peter Donker07/13/2010 1:41 PM |
2 Replies and 3018 Views
Transferring license and activations 3018 2
Started by Freight_Train
My company has a production website running DMX 4.
We have an upgrade environment that is a mirror of our production plus:
DNN&160;Core upgrades
Modules upgrades
Bugfixes, database syncs for changes in production since the mirror, etc..
We are now going to mirror that back to the production server, make some IIS changes to point to the upgraded website directory and upgraded database, and our upgrade environment becomes our production environment. Neat-O stuff, I know :)
But how do I...
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3018 |
by Peter Donker07/02/2010 2:28 PM |
2 Replies and 4591 Views
DNN 5.4.3 and DMX 5.2.8 error 4591 2
Started by Chris Smith
There appears to be &91another&93 breaking change in DNN 5.4.3. In a test environment we can reproduce this error:
AssemblyVersion: 5.4.3
PortalID: 0
PortalName: NDD Test
UserID: 1
UserName: cjsmitty
ActiveTabID: 62
ActiveTabName: DMX
RawURL: /ndd/DMX.aspx
AbsoluteURL: /NDD/Default.aspx
AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://localhost/NDD/Default.aspx
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0...
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4591 |
by Peter Donker06/21/2010 10:27 AM |
1 Replies and 2772 Views
Install of 5.2.08 from 5.2.07 2772 1
Started by Michael Hamlett
what are the installation steps
i installed the .08 module
do i need to do anything to the modules on my pages or the scheduler
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2772 |
by Peter Donker06/18/2010 11:02 AM |
3 Replies and 2799 Views
Cannot find DMX after module installation 2799 3
Started by Cliff
I am using DNN 4.2.3 and installed DMX 5.2.4. &160;After installation, I cannot find it in the Module list (http://screencast.com/t/ZTdmNDcxND).
Am I missing a step &160;I haven't registered the license. &160;What I did was simply go to Host -> Module Definitions -> Install Module -> Uploaded the files.
I think I am missing a step. &160;Any suggestions what I should do
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2799 |
by Peter Donker06/09/2010 9:40 AM |
4 Replies and 2488 Views
Error on upgrade 2488 4
Started by Colin Oakshott
Install error on &160;DMX 5.2.6
Any idea's
ExceptionSystem.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at DotNetNuke.Services.EventQueue.EventQueueController.GetSubscribers(String eventName) at DotNetNuke.Services.EventQueue.EventQueueController.SendMessage(EventMessage message, String eventName) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer...
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2488 |
by Peter Donker06/09/2010 9:38 AM |
2 Replies and 3143 Views
Share your success story? 3143 2
Started by Jason Scott
&160;This really isn't an installation issue, so I could be in for a hand slap for this post. &160;I'm really just interested in hearing some specifics about other users' success stories with DMX. &160;We've used DMX for a couple of years now and have been very happy with it. &160;I'll give some details our installation, and would truly be interested in hearing of others:
Industry: Energy/Oil
User base: Approximately 700
Documents in DMX: approximately 50,000
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3143 |
by Jason Scott06/02/2010 5:28 PM |
2 Replies and 2983 Views
Upgrading from DMX 5.2.6 partial source version to 5.2.7 partial source version 2983 2
Started by jsumant
Hi Peter,
I am facing some issues while upgrading DMX 5.2.6 partial source version to 5.2.7 partial source version. At the time of installation of new version, I am getting following error on the installation screen.
Error loading files from temporary folder - see below
Failure Installation Failed - ResourceFile&160;&160;
I am using DNN&160;05.02.03 (74) version.
Appreciate your feedback.
Note: If I use 'Bring2mind.DMX_05.02.07_Install.zip' file for installation, it works. But if I use ...
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2983 |
by jsumant06/01/2010 9:15 AM |
1 Replies and 2523 Views
Pricing for 2 DNN installs? 2523 1
Started by Dave Ingraham
Hi Peter,
We are currently running DMX 03.04.06 on 2 DNN installs (04.09.05). We are going to upgrade to DNN 05.04.02 soon and were looking to upgrade DMX also.
I looked at your licensing options, and it appears the only option for upgrading would be to go with the Enterprise version. Are there any options between the Pro and Enterprise versions that would allow for installing DMX on 2 DNN installs
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2523 |
by Peter Donker05/31/2010 2:04 PM |
4 Replies and 3426 Views
update went wrong 3426 4
Started by peter schotman
We did a upgrade to 5.2.4 and had a problem:
1. after install the record
was twice in the web.config file, as a result the installation stopped working. This was easy to solve.
2. the satelite modules (shortlist,navigation list&160;etc.) stopped working, we get&160;following error:
Message: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Security.DMXUser Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Framework.ModuleBase.get_CurrentUser()'. at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Ca...
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3426 |
by Peter Donker05/31/2010 1:57 PM |
6 Replies and 3484 Views
RSS issues 3484 6
Started by danc
Enabled the RSS feed. When I try to read it using the DNN News feed I&160;get:
Feed 'http://webdev03/dnn/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/DmxRss.aspxPortalId\x3d0\x26TabId\x3d152\x26ModuleId\x3d623 ' could not be loaded. Error: The element 'channel' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'title, link, description, language, copyright, managingEditor, webMaster, pubDate, lastBuildDate, category, generator, docs, cloud, ttl, image, textInput, skipHours, skipDays, ratin...
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3484 |
by Peter Donker05/31/2010 1:55 PM |
1 Replies and 2513 Views
new install questions 2513 1
Started by rstout
I am evaluating DMX 5.02.07 on my DotNetNuke version 5.2.3 site.&160; I'm on shared hosting Windows 2003 (IIS6).
Is it possible to use WebDAV on shared hosting&160; I cannot access the application extensions mapping with my host's control panel.
Is it possible to upload an entire folder's worth of files at one time&160; I found the import capability but this requires me to FTP the files to my webserver first
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2513 |
by Jason Scott05/26/2010 11:21 PM |
1 Replies and 2609 Views
Notiations not being sent 2609 1
Started by Chhavi
Hi Peter,
We just upgraded to DMX&160;5.2.7 in QA.&160; I&160;have noticed that some users are not receiving any notifications when changes are made to the files that they have subscribed to.&160; Here is an example.&160; A user has subscribed to 1 folder and several files on a portal.&160; I&160;have verified that the user is tied to the portal and to the roles in the portal.&160; I am seeing the following error in Notification Log.
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2609 |
by Chhavi05/26/2010 4:51 PM |