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1 Replies and 2990 Views URGENT: Folder not displaying after upgrading 5.0.2  2990  1 Started by  rubie Hi, I recently upgraded my DMX version from v5.0.0 to v5.0.2. Our license is still active so, I updated my local installation. After the upgrade, only three folders diswplay in the document root directory. One folder is missing. But wen I checked on the categories, the content of the missing folder are displaying. It's really weird. Help please! I really need it fixed the soonest. Shall I activate the license again Thanks for the help, Rubie
1 2990
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/06/2009 3:45 PM
1 Replies and 3065 Views How can i change the Languageq  3065  1 Started by  Peter Treier Hi all, could someone tell me how to change the display language in DMX5 I've saved the '' on my Desktop - and now &160; Thanks Peter
1 3065
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/06/2009 3:25 PM
6 Replies and 3015 Views Error when clicking on Edit Templates  3015  6 Started by  Rubinho Hi all, In order to buy this module, i'm testing version 5.0.2 for the first time. When I click on 'Edit Templates', I always get this error: Did I forgot something or is it just a bug I already passed the checklist to know if your installation was succesfull A critical error has occurred. Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index &160; &160;
6 3015
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/04/2009 5:38 PM
2 Replies and 3415 Views 404 error redirect not working  3415  2 Started by  moore creative Peter I'm using DNN4.9.1 and DMX5.0.2. I've set up IIS6 and double-checked that our configuration matches that outlined&160;in your IIS setup document. Everything DMX-wise is working satisfactorily, but&160;I'm now having issues getting IIS to redirect 404 errors to a custom&160;error&160;page&160;created in DNN. This may be unrelated to DMX, but I'm wondering just in case if this is a conflict you've enocuntered before &160; &160;
2 3415
by  moore creativeJump to last post
03/04/2009 5:05 PM
2 Replies and 3010 Views Upload hangs at 45.96k) after upgrade from 4.3.2 to 5.0.2  3010  2 Started by  Jon Hi, I'm unable to upload a file greater than about 45K.&160; Uploads smaller than that run fine.&160; Uploads larger than 45K get a progress bar 'window' a green bar and the stats.&160; The upload&160;hangs, the progress bar hangs, the Elapsed time continues: &160;&160;&160; Uploaded17 (45.95kB) Total268.42kB &160;&160;&160; Elapsed time:&160; 0:0:9s Estimated time:&160; 0:0:43s Speed:&160; 5.11kB/s The directory ..\Portals\0\DMX\Upload has all my file upload attempt but eac...
2 3010
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2009 4:37 PM
2 Replies and 3114 Views IIS WebDav application extension changes  3114  2 Started by  moore creative Unfortunately for this installation of DNN we are dependent on another host to make changes to IIS. They said they are willing to do this and we have forwarded your instructions for modifying the application extensions in IIS. Is there any way to test/determine if these changes have been made Thanks
2 3114
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/23/2009 8:56 PM
1 Replies and 3108 Views Upgrade paths and testing  3108  1 Started by  Freight_Train &160; Hi Peter, &160; Two questions. &160; 1.&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; Is there a trial version that I can upgrade my existing DMX 3 install with, in our test environment We would like to test all features and it would appear we fall into that ‘if your license expired before Dec 8th 2008’ group. Upgrading will put us in an unlicensed state, which limits functionality.&160;However, is this correct for test environments as well… our test environment DMX install still says ‘you...
1 3108
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/23/2009 8:53 PM
8 Replies and 3970 Views System.Web.Extension Error when trying to Activate  3970  8 Started by  Bob Troppmann Hi, Trying to install DMX 5.00.02 on a fresh DNN 5 portal on a hosted site. Logged on as host and installed the module successfully. I put an instance of this module on a DNN page and when I&160;go to that page, I get the following error: An error has occurred. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of it...
8 3970
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/23/2009 8:52 PM
4 Replies and 4854 Views installs fine, but get 'A column named 'VIEW_Enabled' already belongs to this DataTable' error  4854  4 Started by  Vantuykom Natascha Hi, I installed document manager, everything went ok, but when I want to set permissions to a folder or file, I get the error: 'A column named 'VIEW_Enabled' already belongs to this DataTable'. How can I fix this Natascha
4 4854
by  fj reindersJump to last post
02/21/2009 1:00 PM
4 Replies and 3150 Views Upgrade issue 5.0.2  3150  4 Started by  Chris Smith Upgrading a 5.0.1 installation to the latest build (5.0.2) went without issues, no errors. but all the instances through-out the site had blank interfaces. No folders, files, shortcuts. The top menu was present (Files, Tools, Admin), but no content. I checked the main config and all where pointed to the rigt collection. After refreshing the bowsers (FF, IE), there was still no content. I recycled the AppPool on the server, checked the Eventlog and still nothing. I ended up restoring (DB, files)...
4 3150
by  Chris SmithJump to last post
02/21/2009 12:44 PM
1 Replies and 2885 Views Upgrading DMX 4.03.02 to DMX 5.02  2885  1 Started by  Simon Gammon-Hardaway Hi Peter, I'm&160;keen to&160;DMX 4.03.02 to DMX 5.02 on our live site, which as you know works brilliantly. Are there any issues I should be aware of before, or can I put it straight over the top of the existing one I'm a little nervous about doing an upgrade as we have a lot of information on it and don't want any 'down time', although the data is backed up&160;using an Evotiva&160;Backup Native module.&160; We also have a seperate DNN installation for DEV stuff (and on the same server...
1 2885
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/18/2009 11:16 PM
1 Replies and 3096 Views DMX 5 license transfer  3096  1 Started by  BTurek Peter, I wanted to check if I can xfer my DMX 5 license directly to the client I purchased it for so they can become more self sufficent.&160; Could you please let me know how this could be accomplished.&160; Thx l
1 3096
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/09/2009 8:08 PM
2 Replies and 3379 Views Occasional DMX Error on Dotnetnuke Load  3379  2 Started by  Stuart Hilbert Hey Peter, Getting an interesting error from time to time when we access the our DNN site.&160;&160; The error is displayed immediately but usually a refresh of the page fixes it.&160;&160; There is nothing consistent about it however. It comes and goes, mostly we never see it. The site is running under HTTPS, so I don't know if that would cause a problem.&160;&160; The home page doesn't have any DMX module on it, so that is also quite interesting. Just wanted to run it by you to see if...
2 3379
by  Stuart HilbertJump to last post
02/09/2009 5:14 PM
2 Replies and 3592 Views Wrong URL when View in window explorer  3592  2 Started by  fmention Hello, I first installed DMX 5 on the pre-production site and when I migrate to production site, 'View in Windows Explorer' asks me to connect to the pre-production server. Even if I deleted the portal alias of the pre-production, the URL is always there. I also deleted and reinstall the module on the production site, and this problem has not disappeared. Where do I change this URL Best regards, Fabien Mention Aricie
2 3592
by  fmentionJump to last post
01/30/2009 10:39 AM
7 Replies and 5067 Views module settings incomplete  5067  7 Started by  Eric Swanzey Hi Peter, Please see attached for what I'm seeing when trying to set module settings on a dmx upgrade. The upgrade went fine on a test server that has a mirror of the site, and the actual module upgrades installed fine on the live server. But the live server has the attached issue, and I also can't activate the license because of script errors on the licensing page - none of the licensing buttons work. I've done 3-4 other upgrades and they all went fine, so it's not as if this is a first time ...
7 5067
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/29/2009 9:58 PM
5 Replies and 3483 Views Search stopped working after upgrade to 5.0  3483  5 Started by  Math2008 After upgrade from DMX 4.03.02 to 5.0 in two different installations using IndexingServiceSearchProvider, all searches stopped working, including search in titles only. Contents search by querying the catalog via SQL Linked Server is working ok. Any hints Regards, &160; Fernando
5 3483
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/24/2009 11:26 PM
3 Replies and 3819 Views pdf viewer for DMX 5?  3819  3 Started by  MJ i bought the module today, but i'm suprised that the pdf viewer is not available. i knew that function from DMX 3 which i bought for two customers of mine. i would need that function for my new customer at DMX 5 too. do you update the addon for DMX 5 and when will it&160;be avialble thanks michael
3 3819
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/24/2009 11:24 PM
3 Replies and 3385 Views Insert Base Folder script causes license error  3385  3 Started by  Curtis Eidson Hi-- (running dmx 5.0.1 & dnn 4.8.4) I ran the 'insert base folder' script that created a new folder 'New Base Folder'.&160; When I click edit on the 'new Base folder' (to rename the folder), I receive the following 'error': 'The module has not been activated or there is an issue with the license. Check your licenses on your licenses page on Log in using the account you received when you first bought the product.' &160; I've checked my license and everthing looks o...
3 3385
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/24/2009 11:22 PM
1 Replies and 3065 Views Error in DMX 5.0.1  3065  1 Started by  JcFernandez I recived this error in the main page on DMX 5.0.1 compoment window.Bring2mind.CompomentArt is null the grid isn't displayed Can you help me &160;
1 3065
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/24/2009 11:19 PM
2 Replies and 9061 Views javascript error  9061  2 Started by  MJ hi, &160; i installed the trial version 5.1 of DMX. activated it as trial version. but i see no menu structure,&160;no files or folders and&160;so on. i get an javscript error with internet explorer 7 and&160;with firefox 3.0.5. i'm using dnn 4.9.1 &160;
2 9061
by  MJJump to last post
01/20/2009 9:19 AM
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