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3 Replies and 4373 Views SQL 2000 Support  4373  3 Started by  Jack Hi All (and Peter), Is there anyway possible that we can get support for SQL 2000 on DMX4&160; It would be a bit diffcult for us to upgrade to 2005 at the moment. Thanks, Jack
3 4373
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/05/2008 12:06 AM
3 Replies and 3831 Views Date format on Shortlist  3831  3 Started by  Simon Goodchild Having installed the en-GB language pack and enabled it, the date format in the shortlist module is still M/D/Y - can you please let me know how to change the format to match the portal format (ie. UK date format, DD/MM/YYYY) Thanks, Simon
3 3831
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/02/2008 5:36 PM
2 Replies and 4570 Views PDFViewer Errors After DMX 4 Upgrade  4570  2 Started by  rad3tech Hi Peter, After upgrading to DMX 4, whenever I try to open a PDF file, I get the following error: On my page: 'Error loading bring2mind/dmx/addons/pdfviewer.ascx' Error Trace: &160;ModuleId: 403 ModuleDefId: 136 FriendlyName: Documentation ModuleControlSource: DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Dispatch.ascx AssemblyVersion: 04.08.02 PortalID: 1 PortalName: xxxx ...
2 4570
by  rad3techJump to last post
05/29/2008 3:56 PM
2 Replies and 5111 Views Did my DMX 4 Upgrade fail?  5111  2 Started by  rad3tech Hi all, I'm upgrading DMX 3 to 4 in DNN 4.8.2. I'm following the DMX Pro&160;4 Installation instructions found in the downloads section. The install did not report any errors, however, on page 6 of the doc (Installation checking and errors), point 2, they say : In the DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMX folder there should be sub folders called ‘Menu’ and ‘Core’. If not then it looks like a failed upgrade of DMX 3 to 4. Again check the file permission...
2 5111
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/26/2008 11:38 PM
2 Replies and 3743 Views How to diagnose installation timeout or never completes  3743  2 Started by  Mark My&160;first attempt to install DMX4&160;used the default httpRuntime value for executionTimout, resulting in an error. So, as recommended in the doc's I increased this value to 300 seconds and installation appears to stall at about the same point, only now instead of getting a request timeout,&160;my web&160;session timesout after 30 minutes of idle time. Database tables do get created but there&160;was no &160;modification to the web.config and no trace of the module in my desktopModules...
2 3743
by  MarkJump to last post
05/23/2008 3:22 PM
1 Replies and 3965 Views Upgrade DMX3 to DMX4 (How to?)  3965  1 Started by  rad3tech Hi Peter, I've read a few posts on the topic. I'm going from DMX3 to DMX4. Is there any documentation to this effect Where can I get it Can I get it before purchasing the new module I'm using the following DMX3 Add-ons: Bring2Mind - DMX MailDoc Bring2Mind - DMX Navigator Bring2Mind - DMX PDF Viewer Bring2Mind - DMX Shortlist ...
1 3965
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/14/2008 12:26 PM
2 Replies and 3882 Views Runtime Error  3882  2 Started by  John Croson Installed latest version of DE4, on DNN 4.8.2. Could not find Licensing option logged on as host, so ran the uninstaller, as seen done by another poster to get it to work...and broke my site. Now get a RunTime Error.... Fortunately, I can download my template and related files, but not the content I've jammed into the site thus far... My error: Runtime Error Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this ap...
2 3882
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/07/2008 8:30 PM
1 Replies and 3529 Views SQL Server 2000 client  3529  1 Started by  Michael Medved Can you clarify the installation requirements IIS is running on MS Server 2003 so IIS version is not a problem however SqlServer 2000 is installed here. I've moved the DNN database to another server with SQLServer 2005. However the SqlServer client component will still be 2000. Any Issues Thanks, just want to be sure and save any grief later.
1 3529
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/06/2008 9:43 PM
2 Replies and 3819 Views error with categories  3819  2 Started by  Daniel Steinmann I've a clean installation of DNN 4.8.2 and DMX 4.2.1 and checked all configuration settings mentioned in the DocExPro 4 Installation doc. I cannot open the categories, here the stack trace: AssemblyVersion: 04.08.02 UserID: 1 UserName: host RawURL: /WebAdmin/Dokumentenverwaltung/tabid/65/language/de-CH/Default.aspxctl=Categories&mid=404 InnerException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Method: Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Controls.WebControls.ShortTextEdit.CreateChi...
2 3819
by  Daniel SteinmannJump to last post
05/04/2008 3:06 PM
2 Replies and 3669 Views Can't see root folder  3669  2 Started by  Saurabh Mehta I had dropped the DMX module on parent portal and it works fine. Now when I drop the DMX module in child portal it doesn’t show any root folder, which is created by module. Also when I click on the “Folder --> New Item” option it will not open up the file/folder creation screen but open the same listing page. &160;White space filter option is already disabled.
2 3669
by  Saurabh MehtaJump to last post
04/30/2008 3:33 PM
2 Replies and 3582 Views LabelControl and CustomFieldsControl missing from DLL  3582  2 Started by  G2 Excel Hi, I have installed the DMX 4 on my DEV box, in VS 2008, I can not get it to compile though. The 2 errors are about&160; 'Could not load type 'Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Controls.CustomFieldsControl'. and 'Could not load type 'Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Controls.labelControl' . The label and customfieldscontrol&160; ascx files are under the Controls filder,&160; but the DLL Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.dll does not have the definition.&160; I can still get most of the MDX working on my DEV bo...
2 3582
by  G2 ExcelJump to last post
04/30/2008 1:57 PM
1 Replies and 3330 Views document manager manual  3330  1 Started by  Roger Goodwin Hi, Can you tell me where to get a user manual for the document manager v4 please. Regards Roger Goodwin
1 3330
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/30/2008 1:30 PM
6 Replies and 6448 Views Activation Page - IE7 Status Bar = Error on Page  6448  6 Started by  Kevin Hudson I'm attempting another upgrade of DMX 3.5.5 to DMX 4.2.1 on a different site than before. I contacted my Hosting Provider, PowerDNN to have the check the WebDAV Setting before I upgraded. I installed the DMX 4.2.1 Module and did not receive any Red Errors in the script. When I go to the Page there the Module is Loaded, there is nothing in the Module Window. The only selection I get in the Drop Down Menu is for the License. I purchased a New License for v4 from Snowcovered.Com and I've receive...
6 6448
by  Kevin HudsonJump to last post
04/30/2008 11:45 AM
5 Replies and 3936 Views Cant see menus  3936  5 Started by  Roger Goodwin Hi, I have installed DMX v4 with no errors. I have installed an instance of the module and all I can see is a grey bar accross the top. No menus nothing else at all. I have been through your trouble shooting all looks fine. Any ideas please. Regards Roger
5 3936
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/25/2008 11:18 PM
2 Replies and 3453 Views No menu to delete folder DSX 4.2.1 DNN 4.8.2  3453  2 Started by  Jon I have installed 4.2.0 and created a few folders in a tree to 'play around'.&160; I could not delete a node.&160; Looked on this forum and saw some issues with 4.2.0, so I installed 4.2.1.&160; Same problem; I don't see a way to delete a folder.&160; I have no data in any folder, just creating the tree(s) now. Thanks, Jon
2 3453
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/25/2008 11:53 AM
9 Replies and 4051 Views error installing  4051  9 Started by  M Silvester I'm getting the following error: Failure The element 'control' has invalid child element 'iconfile'. List of possible elements expected: 'vieworder, helpurl, helpfile' as well as any element in namespace ''. Failure ExceptionSystem.Exception: Dnn load failed, aborting at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.ResourceInstaller.PaDnnAdapter_V2.ReadDnn() at DotNetNuke.Modules...
9 4051
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/25/2008 11:51 AM
19 Replies and 3807 Views No text Displayed in DMX 4.2.0  3807  19 Started by  John Valentine Hey Peter, Update: I got my Upgrade sort of working. It turns out that the SQL script that runs on install doesn't really work on my database server. I was able to pine through all the scripts running them individually in the SQL module in the host menu. Some of them keep failing on the keyword MAX. I fixed it by changing it to 4000 since they were NVarChar fields. This caused the DMX_LongTexts Table creation query to fail. I ran the create statements manually from your 04.00.00.SqlDataProvide...
19 3807
by  John ValentineJump to last post
04/14/2008 4:18 PM
1 Replies and 3595 Views Level of SQL Server 2005 Required  3595  1 Started by  Tiphanie Combre Is there a minimum level of Sql Server 2005 needed Express, Standard, Enterprise, Workgroup &160; Thanks!
1 3595
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/12/2008 12:01 AM
6 Replies and 3523 Views can not navigate through folder after upgrade to DMX 4  3523  6 Started by  ls I upgraded DMX 3 to DMX 4. DNN version is 04.05.03. Website running locally on IIS 5.1 with SQL2005. I followed the steps given in document 'DMX 4 Installation'. Database is looks fine, run 2 scripts as suggested - DMX 3 to DMX 4 upgrade and Reindex installation. The whole purpose of upgrading was to get zip and download option so that I could download all the files uploaded in the module easily. However, I am not able to navigate into the folder. It seems empty. I do see the files physically p...
6 3523
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/08/2008 10:41 PM
2 Replies and 4147 Views Wrong File Extension on Email Attachment  4147  2 Started by  allaboutduncan Trying out the demo version and I'm experiencing 2 issues. Running on DNN 4.7.0 with no Cache or Compression turned on. 1. When I select multiple documents to email, the email is sent, but the attachment is '_temp_laJQyRhnky.resources' I can save the attachment and change the .resources to .zip and the file opens fine and the cirrect files are inside. This happens with the 'Change Extensions' option turned off or turned on. When change extension is turned off, I can't send a single file by e...
2 4147
by  allaboutduncanJump to last post
04/01/2008 3:04 PM
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