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2 Replies and 3658 Views No module available after successful installation on DNN6  3658  2 Started by  Zap Hi, First ever install of DMX (DMX Newbie). Not new to DNN however. Have a DNN 6 Pro instance. Intallation of DMX 5.03.09 initially succeeded with no errors whatsoever. However there is no Document Exhange Professional module available. Modules > Add > Host > Extensions Admin > Extensions Trying to install a second time errors out stating that all the SQL components already exist. I check \DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMX\ folder and there is only one file - Install.05.03.00.Sql...
2 3658
by  ZapJump to last post
09/20/2011 1:23 PM
1 Replies and 3237 Views Problems Upgrading from 5.2.7 to 5.3.8  3237  1 Started by  Timothy Bray I've just installed the upgrade from 5.2.7 to 5.3.8, which DNN reported as a successful installation. However, any pages where the Document Exchange module was displayed now render with a 'Critical Error. Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object' error. No modules on the page load. However, I can install the module on a new page from scratch and it runs just fine. Any clues on where to begin looking to see what's going on DNN logs and windows logs are rather non-informative. 5.2.7 w...
1 3237
by  Timothy BrayJump to last post
09/06/2011 6:16 AM
1 Replies and 3270 Views Different e-mail text for different folders  3270  1 Started by  abdul I would like to implement different e-mail text for different group of folders on different Tabs. Is it possible if yes then how. Thanks Abdul Basit
1 3270
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/30/2011 2:20 PM
8 Replies and 5274 Views Problems upgrading from 3.4.11 to 5.3.8  5274  8 Started by  philb Hi Peter, I'm having problems upgrading from 3.4.11 to DMX 5.3.8. The site in question has been upgraded from DNN484 to DNN561 and I've had to use SQLCompare to remove a number of collation conflicts along the way. Having upgraded DNN to 561, I then attempted to install DMX 538. The installation failed when executing the 5.0.2 sql provider due to to collation conflicts. I corrected the conflicts by modifying the 5.0.2 sql provider script. I tested the script for syntax errors and then rol...
8 5274
by  philbJump to last post
08/25/2011 6:48 PM
4 Replies and 3491 Views Error while updating from 5.3.0 to 5.3.8  3491  4 Started by  Jimmy StartJob Starting Installation Info Starting Installation - Bring2mind\DMX Info Starting Installation - Script Info Begin Sql execution Info Creating backup of previous version - 05.03.00.SqlDataProvider Info Created - 05.03.00.SqlDataProvider Info Executing 05.03.00.SqlDataProvider Info Start Sql execution: 05.03.00.SqlDataProvider file Failure SQL Execution resulted in following Exceptions: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Column names in each table must be unique. Column n...
4 3491
by  JimmyJump to last post
08/18/2011 6:58 PM
3 Replies and 2970 Views Unable to see the share directory or mapped drive  2970  3 Started by  stanny Hello all - I have just downloaded the document exchange lite trial version and I am having some issues on getting it to work in mapped environtment or share drive. I tried options, portal, then repository location. I then entered D:\foldername but folder and file list didn't come up on the front end. I have given networkservice permission on that folder. Please let me know what I am missing. Thanks, Smitty
3 2970
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2011 9:19 PM
1 Replies and 2748 Views Activating License in Developer local machine  2748  1 Started by  Srinivas Hi, I am using 'Document Exchange Partial Source' and the license comes with 2 Activations.. We activated the license in both Test server and Production server. How Can I use the same license to activate the 'Developer local machine(not the server)' Regards, Srinivas
1 2748
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2011 9:18 PM
4 Replies and 6590 Views Exception: Length of the DSA signature was not 40 bytes.  6590  4 Started by  koolworld Hi, we're trying to license the module for the trial period but it won't work. Looking in the DMX log, we are seeing this: 25 16:10:10 E: VerifySignature Error 25 16:10:10 E: Exception: Length of the DSA signature was not 40 bytes. at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils._VerifySign(SafeKeyHandle hKey, Int32 calgKey, Int32 calgHash, Byte&91;&93; hash, Byte&91;&93; signature, Int32 dwFlags) at System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyHash(Byte&91;&93; rg...
4 6590
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2011 9:17 PM
3 Replies and 3865 Views How to activate module? URGENT!  3865  3 Started by  Jonas I managed to install document exchange and to create a module on my website, but when I try to create a folder, I get the following message: Editing: New Item (Unknown Type) Folder: Document Exchange The module has not been activated or there is an issue with the license. Check your licenses on your licenses page on Log in using the account you received when you first bought the product. I've emailed and called Bring2Mind for support but have not gotten a response. ...
3 3865
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/08/2011 8:27 PM
2 Replies and 2919 Views Partial Source build error  2919  2 Started by  Lee Drake I'm getting the following error trying to build the latest partial source release: Error 8 'LoadStreamWithStream' is not a member of 'Affirma.ThreeSharp.Model.ObjectAddRequest'. &91;path removed&93;/DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMX\Providers\StorageProviders\S3StorageProvider\S3StorageProvider.vb 162 6 Bring2mind.DMX I removed the unused search provider as indicated in an earlier post, and added a reference to the Core dll to resolve quite a few other issues. I also removed the project ref...
2 2919
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/08/2011 8:26 PM
1 Replies and 2921 Views Browse server file  2921  1 Started by  SCIPPY ONE Hi! Is it possible configure DMX module for browsing c:\ and all server files Thanks!
1 2921
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/08/2011 8:25 PM
17 Replies and 14581 Views Error when upgrade from 3.4.3 to v5.2.9  14581  17 Started by  Eric Stone Hi I upgraded our DNN 3.2.2 site to v 5.06.02, and since DMX was no longer working I thought to just upgrade the version from originally v3.4.3 to v 5.2.9, and Navigator v2.00.05, but now I get the attached errors and cannot seem to configure any settings for the modules Please advise if any ideas. Thanks =============================================== Visible By Administrators Only Error: Navigator is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException...
17 14581
by  Eric StoneJump to last post
07/22/2011 3:33 PM
4 Replies and 4213 Views Can't download my package...  4213  4 Started by  Lee Drake Peter, I recently purchased the limited source code version of the DMX module from your website, using paypal. The site however says that I don't have access to /Clients/My Orders tab to download. Could you resolve please Thanks in advance - feel free to email me directly at the email in my profile, it's accurate... Cheers, Lee
4 4213
by  Lee DrakeJump to last post
07/20/2011 5:40 PM
1 Replies and 2817 Views Error after upgrading DNN...  2817  1 Started by  Tom Rybak This morning I upgrade from DNN version 5.6.2 to 5.6.3 and now I'm getting the following error when trying to access Document Exchange: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Reflection.Assembly' to type 'System.Web.Util.Tuple'. HELP :)
1 2817
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/19/2011 4:26 PM
1 Replies and 2924 Views Remove Copy to and Subscribe logos in 5.3.8.  2924  1 Started by  Jim Hi We are installing and customising DMX 5.3.8 using templates. We would like to be able to remove all the Subscribe and Copy to logos. We have tried to edit the templates but the logos still appear. Can toy please let me know if there is an easy way to do this perhaps in an ascx file, and if so what that file would be called. Many thanks Jim
1 2924
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/14/2011 2:46 PM
2 Replies and 3311 Views License mix-up?  3311  2 Started by  Bruce M We had a problem with our renewal payment via a credit card. That is now resolved and our license page indicates we are good until March of 2012. Today I finally upgraded to the current version of DMX and now we get this message at the bottom of the DMX page in the application: 'Your service period for this license has expired on 3/3/2011'. What do I need to do to clear this up Bruce
2 3311
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/14/2011 2:45 PM
1 Replies and 2912 Views Display issues on Dnn 5.6.2  2912  1 Started by  David Amm Hi I'm running dnn 5.6.2 and i've install dmx V: 5.3.8 and i've set it up according to the way your manual is instructing me but its not showing the folders or even the categories that i've created on left or even on the right handside, its just blank. I've even gone to the file manager to try and create folders from there and sycronised the folders but still nothing is show please help. My module settings are as follows Root Folder for module = create a new folder called Test Folde...
1 2912
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/14/2011 2:44 PM
1 Replies and 2995 Views Blank Screen (Cached Javascript)  2995  1 Started by  Carter Edmonds I encountered a browser problem I'd like to share. After upgrading from 5.00.02 to 5.03.08, the DMX main screen went blank. It showed the menu header but no folders and documents. It turns out that IE and Firefox cached the old version of the DMX Javascript code. Users won't know to clear their browser history. As such, I'd like to suggest a simple workaround. Append a build time or revision number to the javascript file name. Examples: myjavascript_r27 or myjavascriptt=1309431589. ...
1 2995
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/01/2011 5:30 PM
12 Replies and 4769 Views Help  4769  12 Started by  mmangold Hi we purchased and after doing the install I am getting the following error. I am not sure what to do but I need help asap. Error: Plans 1 is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\dnn\79537f45\e73f093a\App_Web_dispatch.ascx.10da481b.qy5zew2x.0.vb(53): error BC32206: Indirect reference is being made to assembly DotNetNuke version, which contains 'Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Dis...
12 4769
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/20/2011 1:46 PM
11 Replies and 4364 Views login view for folders  4364  11 Started by  Shawn O'Connor Can the module be configured such that users from a given group login to see only a single folder (and subfolders that they own) Currently it appears that one will always see the root tree leading to that folder (or folders) that have been granted specific access to a given role. I did notice that if you setup the root pattern in the module settings to autocreate using a user token then it does what I want. The user only sees their folder and is not presented with any toplevel folders. Howe...
11 4364
by  Shawn O'ConnorJump to last post
06/08/2011 4:56 PM
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