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16 Replies and 12934 Views How To: Setup iFilters & Medium Trust    12934  16 Started by  Leith Tussing This seems to be a rather discussed topic and I know I've run across multiple learning curves related to it myself so I've decided to write a How To on the topic. This How To will cover both setting up iFilters along with getting iFilters to work under Medium Trust. This How To assumes you have access to the server you are running on, if you have a hosted environment you will need to work with them to perform these steps. DMX Version: 6.0.0 or greater (Lucene in the previous versi...
16 12934
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/18/2013 11:31 AM
2 Replies and 3107 Views Word Doc Files not indexed - DMX6.4.1/Win2012R2/DNN8.0.4  3107  2 Started by  David Jamell DMX6.4.1/Win2012R2/DNN8.0.4/ASP.NET 4.6 I'm in Trial Mode and I can't seem to index a word document. TXT Files index just fine. I downloaded and ran Luke and the TXT fiels show 'contents', but the Word Doc does not. The Windows Indexing Service is installed and Word iFilter is there and set to index contents. The file permisssions for AppPool is set to Modify for all folders including the Lucene folder. Permisssions on the Host Page are: ReflectionPermission, WebPermission, AspN...
2 3107
by  David JamellJump to last post
12/04/2019 11:38 PM
1 Replies and 2377 Views Timout error in search  2377  1 Started by  Baird Baird I haven't changed any code in my DNN install, but suddenly I'm getting a timeout message from the search in DMX. The error message is 'Execution timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding'. Any idea what this is or how to fix it
1 2377
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/05/2019 2:03 PM
0 Replies and 3886 Views WindowsIndexingService on Windows 2012  3886  0 Started by  Mohamed FKI Hello, We have an installation of DMX (Version 6.0.4 on DNN 06.02.03) on our production sevrer that runs windows 2008 r2. We have WindowsIndexingService as search provider. Since we are migrating our server system from windows 2008 r2 to windows 2012 r2, we have to configure the DMX search on the new system. I notice that there are changes in windows search in windows 2012 system. I have installed the windows search service but i'm blocked to execute the next configuration steps. I didn't foun...
0 3886
08/26/2016 3:42 PM
1 Replies and 4264 Views pdf content not searchable  4264  1 Started by  Michael Hamlett DMX 6.1.11 DNN 7.4 Versions in the dnn bin folder itextSharp.dll itextsharp.pdfa.dll itextsharp.xtra.dll manually reindexed all documents ~3000 title searches return results. no results searching content. any thoughts
1 4264
by  Michael HamlettJump to last post
12/09/2015 4:39 PM
0 Replies and 3521 Views indexing of documents  3521  0 Started by  Michael Hamlett what process does the auto index of documents i see the Reindex Portal script that runs manually. what runs to reindex content on a regular basis that only indexes the document just added to DMX how often does it run
0 3521
12/09/2015 4:22 PM
1 Replies and 4313 Views Seperate search module  4313  1 Started by  Paul Schwarz Is it possible to have the DMX search functions (including advanced search) as a seperate module I would like to have a search dialog box on the home page that just searches DMX and returns the user the DMX search results page Thanks
1 4313
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/21/2015 10:27 AM
8 Replies and 11469 Views DMX uploaded documents inconsistently synchronize to the DNN file system automatically.  11469  8 Started by  KCB When we add new folders and/or files to the DMX document admin area they upload successfully but do not always get synchronized into the DNN file manager. Specifically, when browsing the DNN file manager we don't see the files there (sometimes for a while, sometimes EVER) and in turn we cannot use the files in places where we'd link to them from the DNN RadEditor while editing HTML content. Patterns we noticed: 1. Some folders are pickier than others. We've renamed folders which seems to t...
8 11469
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/12/2014 3:52 PM
1 Replies and 4489 Views How can i disable search  4489  1 Started by  Olaf Nilssen Hello all, Is it possible to disable the search functionality in the document exchange module I tried limiting the number of search results to 0 and disabling search in the admin menu (this however only removes it from the folder structure) Alternatively is it possible to restrict searches to a certain subfolder Thank you in advance, Olaf Nilssen Volantis BV
1 4489
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:43 AM
1 Replies and 4766 Views DMX search does not find documents  4766  1 Started by  torheskje DMX search does not return all the documents that correspond to the search criteria. sql query: select s.Text,e.EntryType,e.* from DMX_ShortTexts s inner join DMX_Entries e on e.EntryId=s.ObjectId inner join (select e.EntryId from DMX_EntryPermissions e where e.roleId=0 and e.PermissionId=1 and e.PortalId=0) p on p.EntryId=e.EntryId where s.text like 'TWI' and s.SubTypeKey='TITLE' and s.TypeKey='ENT' and e.Deleted=0 and e.EntryId=e.LastVersionId and e.PortalId=0 returns 737 ...
1 4766
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:41 AM
1 Replies and 4395 Views DNN and DMX Search Experience  4395  1 Started by  Whitney Daley We have purchased the DMX module for our website, and have not been able to do any testing with the functionality of the search function on the DNN site pulling information from the DMX module into the search results. If you have used this before, can you please let me know how it has worked for you
1 4395
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:39 AM
1 Replies and 5381 Views Search results to exclude specific extensions.  5381  1 Started by  KCB Our solution involves a combination of the DNN search index (to cover much of the site content) and the DMX solution for managed documents. While the DNN Search Admin area allows us to exclude extensions from the index, I'm confused about the implementation of this in DMX. This is possible correct If so, can I be referred to a post or documentation of any kind to configure this Otherwise, do we have any option to screen JPG (or other) files from our DMX search results
1 5381
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/17/2013 2:33 PM
1 Replies and 5392 Views Feature Request: Template Search  5392  1 Started by  Bryan Beswick I have assembled a template that I like a lot and that works really well for us. The problem is that I don't have a search box where the user can enter a name or partial name and get a list of matches. I searched this forum and found several others that have had similar questions - all resulting in the news that it won't do that. Given that there are several of us interested in this capability, here is my feature request: Add the capability to have template-driven views support searching....
1 5392
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/29/2013 10:56 AM
2 Replies and 5087 Views Feature Request: Template Search  5087  2 Started by  Bryan Beswick Apparently the forum software doesn't escape HTML when it shows it on screen. In my post just a few moments ago, the HTML would look like this:
2 5087
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/29/2013 10:47 AM
3 Replies and 5242 Views Search was working and just stopped  5242  3 Started by  Obadiah Williams I installed document exchange last thursday and today the search feature stopped working. I have no clue what is going on.
3 5242
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/29/2013 10:46 AM
0 Replies and 4823 Views PDF iFilter on Server 2012  4823  0 Started by  Mark Luffred Has anyone successfully installed a PDF iFilter on Server 2012 that works properly with DMX Document Exchange I asked this question in Feburary 2013 to the support staff at PowerDNN. The answer was no although several had tried.
0 4823
09/30/2013 10:41 PM
1 Replies and 6135 Views DMX Search and new DNN 7.1  6135  1 Started by  jeda Hi Peter, I upgraded our site to DNN 7.1 in large part for the improved search functionality within DNN itself. I've used the solution of also placing a DMX module on the Search Results page to display results within the documents. With the DNN 7.1, the DMX module still returns search results when a search is entered from the menu in the skin. However, when using the search input on the Search Results page itself, it doesn't update the results in the DMX module at the bottom of the page. ...
1 6135
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/06/2013 5:35 PM
3 Replies and 6003 Views DMX and Search Boost  6003  3 Started by  Matt Have any of you incorporated DMX results with Search Boost results before
3 6003
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/06/2013 5:29 PM
1 Replies and 5015 Views Bring2Mind Forums - Seach -- error  5015  1 Started by  Dan A critical error has occurred. An unexpected error has occurred Getting this error when trying to search for topics
1 5015
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/10/2013 11:42 AM
2 Replies and 4827 Views PDF Content Search with Amazon S3  4827  2 Started by  jeda Hi Peter, I've read through the helpful How To Setup iFilters post that Leith Tussing wrote, as well as the accompanying posts in that thread. I just want to verify that if I use Amazon S3 storage and need content search for PDF files, I must setup the Lucene implementation using the Adobe PDF iFilter 9 and not the latest PDF iFilter versions from Adobe. Has there been any other work-arounds established Is there any other method to providing PDF content search Thanks! -jed
2 4827
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 11:14 AM
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