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4 Replies and 3555 Views DNN Search Results  3555  4 Started by  slash75 I have setup Document Exchange and added numerous pdf files. These are not showing up in the DNN search results however. How to I accomplish this Also, where are these files stored within DNN
4 3555
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/02/2012 10:03 PM
8 Replies and 4928 Views Content search not working for PDFs  4928  8 Started by  psommer Hello, the search works for the title of a document and it searches the content of simple text files, but it won't search the content of PDFs. I know you indicated that this means there is an iFilter problem on the server but my server provider says everything is set up: 'I have confirmed that the required iFilters are installed on the server, and that the site is currently running in Full Trust (which is our standard server configuration). If you continue to have issues with the PDF se...
8 4928
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/02/2012 11:35 AM
2 Replies and 3516 Views Search Results  3516  2 Started by  mlaursen The majority of the documents used on our website are pdf files, and I have successfully installed Adobe iFilter. I have run a few successful tests but it does not seem to be able to find any of the keywords that are most useful for finding specific files. I have re-indexed the portal and it has not seemed to fix the issue. Any thoughts Mikkel
2 3516
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/12/2012 8:10 PM
13 Replies and 4252 Views Search results shows content of 'hidden' folders  4252  13 Started by We are testing DMX5 on DNN 5.6 I have made a folder 'Sales' and set authentication to specific role (eg Sales) in that folder i have some documents (with permission to all users) When a user WITHOUT the role Sales navigates through the document tree this Sales folder does not appear (which is a good thing!) Except, when that same user searches through all in repository the document within the sales folder are show in the search results (and can be viewed/downloaded) This is not what...
13 4252
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/06/2012 11:21 AM
4 Replies and 3739 Views Input string error on any search...  3739  4 Started by  Carole Hi, We just upgraded to 6.0.3 (from 5.3.7, I do believe), and whenever I run a search, the modal returns an 'input string was not in a correct format' message. It does this using Lucene or Windows Indexing (which is what we use). I can't get any results to return. Any thoughts (I have a screenshot if it would help) Thanks!
4 3739
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/22/2012 4:50 PM
7 Replies and 3786 Views Search on contents only works with *.txt documents, not Word or PDF  3786  7 Started by  Kate We've purchased DocX (version 6.0.3) and installed it on DNN community version 6.01.05. DNN is resident on a hosted server. We set up DocX to use Lucene Search provider. Contents search works ONLY with .txt documents, NOT with Microsoft Word or PDF files. I had the hosting company install Adobe iFilter on the server and restart IIS. I've re-run all relevant scripts. We are setting this up for a client who will mainly store upload PDF documents and needs the ability to search contents as w...
7 3786
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/22/2012 4:48 PM
1 Replies and 3456 Views Search returns no result  3456  1 Started by  Bert Carrington Hi, I had Document Exchange Lite 03.07.02 installed on DNN 5.6.2 with no issues, I recently purchased DMX Pro 6.0.02. I followed the installation steps in the manual and the installation went okay without any error. I also ran the scripts under the Admin to migrate from DMX 3xx to 4xx. All the files structure from the previous version also carried over without issues. In addition i ran the scripts to do the re-indexing et all. The search provider is set to the Lucene Search Provider. The ...
1 3456
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/22/2012 11:01 AM
1 Replies and 3203 Views What size tables can DMX handle?  3203  1 Started by  tfrazier We are looking for a document management module that can accomodate tables in the 100,000 size. We are an educational institution and will be putting in documents like .doc, .pdf, .txt, .png and .jpg. We anticipate that documents like these could total 35,000. Then we want to put into the table records from url links. And we might have another 75,000 or more of these. And if we are successful these numbers could grow. So the question we have is, what, if any, limitations on size does DMX ...
1 3203
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/16/2012 9:59 PM
1 Replies and 3031 Views Show restricted documents in search results  3031  1 Started by  bradirby I sell documents through my site and want to entice my customers to purchase new documents. I would like all docs that satisfy the search criteria to show up in the list of docs, but only allow the user to view the ones they have View access to. The others would display only an overview of the document, but not the document itself. is this possible with your component
1 3031
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/16/2012 9:54 PM
4 Replies and 3510 Views DMX Search - Data could not be loaded  3510  4 Started by  Erik Lee I keep getting the error 'Data could not be loaded' when trying to perform a search from inside DMX (tools | search). I am on 2008 R2, using the 2003 Indexing Service. DotNetNuke 5.0.0 Document Exchange Professional - 5.1.0 I am using ISRemoteSQLSearchProvider as the Search provider for DMX.
4 3510
by  Erik LeeJump to last post
04/16/2012 8:43 PM
1 Replies and 3158 Views Is it possible to put Search tool outside of module?  3158  1 Started by  kinidaho We would like to put the search function elsewhere on the DNN page outside of the DMX module. Would that be an easy matter and what would it entail doing to make it possible Thus, elsewhere on page, there is textbox with 'Search' next to it, user enters text, clicks on Search and it does a document search.
1 3158
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/16/2012 11:28 AM
1 Replies and 3230 Views search doesnt find custom attributes  3230  1 Started by  bukarita hi, we need a document mgmt in our company and i've just installed trial of this software on our 2008 R2 server. everything works fine for now, but when i try search within custom attributes that i've created and filled, there is no data found. I am system work fine but i may forget some configuration, can anyone help or direct me to solve this problem
1 3230
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/16/2012 11:27 AM
7 Replies and 5492 Views DMX Search not properly working  5492  7 Started by  Gaurav Kumar Hi I am using DMX 04.02.03 version. I have added several custom attributes like client name,description,date,type,status etc in our project. my problem is that when i use DMX search and select client name,description,date,type,status etc in dropdown and click on search button then it does not show any document but here document are present. can you help me how can i search document on the bases of custom attributes using DMX search feature.
7 5492
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/16/2012 11:26 AM
5 Replies and 4459 Views ReindexInstallation - error  4459  5 Started by  Mark Luffred I have a DNN site containing several portals. Each portal has it's own set of documents in a DMX module. When I run the script 'Reindex Installation' using my superuser account, the script only indexes the current Portal ID (0) and the last Portal ID (8). Shouldn't this index all my portals
5 4459
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/28/2012 9:57 PM
2 Replies and 3282 Views Search result should not show Folders  3282  2 Started by  3i-infotech Please provide a solution to not show Folder names in DMX search result. We need to show only Document details in the search result.
2 3282
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/14/2012 11:00 AM
6 Replies and 4041 Views Error after file upload  4041  6 Started by  Han Hi: We were running DMX v5.3.9 and we had a bug where when a file was uploaded, it would crash the page. So when we logged back into DNN, we could see that the file was uploaded alright. Today I upgraded to v6.0.2, but still have the same problem. Our DNN version is 5.6.1 Pro, and we are running on .Net 4.0. Our SQL server is SQL 2008. Here's the two error message from DNN log viewer. Please help. ------------------------------------------ AssemblyVersion: 5.6.1 PortalID: 32 Portal...
6 4041
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/29/2012 9:47 AM
4 Replies and 3288 Views Select-Doesn't Contain not works  3288  4 Started by  3i-infotech In advance search, Select-'Doesn't Contain' does not returns any documents though the documents meeting the filter criteria are available in the DMX Document repository. Tried using Select-'Doesn't contain' with all types of fields like content, title and customized attributes but it does not return any documents. Please let us know what can be done to make this option work.
4 3288
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/09/2012 11:00 AM
3 Replies and 17111 Views Search Results - Show only documents.  17111  3 Started by  Mark Luffred I setup a document library of thousands of PDF's. My documents are organized into folders. Each parent folder contains child folders in which the PDF's reside. The PDF documents are stored with the 'description' and the 'remarks' fields complete. All the documents follow this same structure. Example... parent folder: Brand Name 222 child folder: More Details Listed PDF document: Description: Lot 11234 Remarks: Brand Name 222 More Details Listed Lot 11234 I have added t...
3 17111
by  Mark LuffredJump to last post
10/26/2011 8:07 PM
3 Replies and 3742 Views Customize Lucene Index  3742  3 Started by  Mark Luffred I would like to limit my search results so that entrytype:collection (folders) don't show up in my search results. I know how to manually remove them from the index using LUKE, but I would like to make this process automatic. I tried to add some logic to the Private Function CreateIndexDocument in LuceneSearchProvider.vb but I couldn't get the syntax correct. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark Luffred
3 3742
by  Mark LuffredJump to last post
10/26/2011 8:04 PM
1 Replies and 4103 Views Search results not getting documents which are created using DMX API  4103  1 Started by  Srinivas Hi Peter, The search is not working on “remarks” fields, where the file document is created using DMX API. Here is the code I used to create the file (PDF) document and update the “remarks” to that file document: // Creates the file document int iEntryID = EntriesController.SimplifiedUpload(this.PortalId, iCollectionID, oInputStream, Path.GetFileName(oFile.FileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oFile.FileName), oCurrentUser, true); // adds remarks to document LongTextInfo inf = n...
1 4103
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/24/2011 1:50 PM
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