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8 Replies and 7057 Views How to create a custom UI for search?  7057  8 Started by  Stéphane Bebrone Hi, I'd like to create a custom UI for the search feature. How can I achieve such a task I've seen that there is a SearchController available but I find it weird that the static search method has void as return type. Any ideas That's very important since our customer doesn't like the out-of-the-box search dialog. Thank you, Stéphane.
8 7057
by  jsumantJump to last post
04/16/2010 12:33 PM
2 Replies and 4641 Views All entry with All Users  4641  2 Started by  Younan Younan &160;Hi, &160; How do I get a list of all files that has the 'All Users' permission selected
2 4641
by  Younan YounanJump to last post
03/31/2010 5:49 AM
10 Replies and 8651 Views Search issue with AND combine  8651  10 Started by  Stéphane Bebrone Hi, I'm facing a weird behavior with the search: I have a document whih has 'test' as title and '42' as keyword. If I search after it with the 'title contains test' OR 'keywords contains 42', everyhting is fine. Disctinct search on separate fields works as well. But if I type 'title contains test' AND 'keywords contains 42', the engine returns nothing. Even a simple search on the title with combine set as 'AND' fails. Did I miss something Thank you, Stéphane.
10 8651
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/29/2010 3:03 PM
2 Replies and 6054 Views Adobe IFilter Problems  6054  2 Started by  Jacob W. &160;I am having problems getting Adobe's IFilter to work with Lucene and Windows Indexing Service.&160; I am running Windows Server 2008 SP2 32bit and have installed Adobe IFilter 6.0. &160; After installing the IFilter I reindex the portal but I still cannot get any pdf search results in DMX. &160;I also used Luke to look at the Lucene catalog and none of the pdf content is indexed. &160;Office documents, however, are indexed. I also tried creating a catalog in Indexing Service and trie...
2 6054
by  Jacob W.Jump to last post
03/15/2010 8:56 PM
2 Replies and 4258 Views DMX 5.2.2 Search = Is it possible to surch by catégories?  4258  2 Started by  ingrid L Hi all, I didn't find the way to search by catégories. is that possible&160;As a&160;workaround, I created global attributes&160;but I have duplicated informations then. Other question, can we force to fill categories The other option could be to be able to view the document exchange tree by attributes as we can do that by categories. ingrid
2 4258
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/15/2010 11:52 AM
1 Replies and 6626 Views Thread was being aborted  6626  1 Started by  Tim When trying to execute a search with DMX I am not getting any search results.&160; I thought the files needed to be indexed so I ran the script for that.&160; That script is producing an error after about two minutes.&160; Thread was being aborted. An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. &91ThreadAbortException: Thread was bei...
1 6626
by  TimJump to last post
02/25/2010 11:05 PM
2 Replies and 5762 Views Error in script: Add DMX Search to DNN Search  5762  2 Started by  Ad Spelt DNN 05.02.02 DMX 05.02.02 When I run the script&160;&160;'Add DMX Search to DNN&160;Search&160;' I got the message System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TabID', table 'C:\INETPUB\INTRANET\APP_DATA\MIJNINTRA.MDF.dbo.TabModules'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. Can anyone tell me how to solve thi problem Kind regards, Ad Spelt Run Script 00: -&160;Retrieving Settings 00: -&160;&160;PortalId: &...
2 5762
by  Ad SpeltJump to last post
02/07/2010 1:05 PM
11 Replies and 4428 Views LuceneSearchProvider Content Search  4428  11 Started by  Chris Brittain I am using version 5.01.03 and am having problems doing a full text search on the contents of documents which are primarily pdf. I read through the help section and using Luke was able to review my indexes which appear to be ok. I can verify that the contents of each document have been loaded and when I perform queries I do get the expected results in Luke. I did have to change the default field property in Luke to get it to search the contents field rather than the author field. Problem is I ...
11 4428
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/25/2010 1:54 PM
4 Replies and 5267 Views Errors with S3 Storage  5267  4 Started by  Paul Deschenes Trying to set Amazon S3 storage up. I entered my access and secret key I receive the error: Entry point was not found every time I&160;try the TEST or CREATE buttons for setting up the bucket. Strange this is that, even with error, the bucket IS being created and is accessible through other S3 tools Now, trying to upload to the folder that exists in my DMX, I get the following error BUT the file is actually still uploaded to S3: Error: Document Library is currently unavailable. DotNetNu...
4 5267
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/25/2010 1:52 PM
2 Replies and 3526 Views Indexing with S3 Storage Provider  3526  2 Started by  Paul Deschenes Does indexing work with using S3 as the storage provider Are there any configuration tricks to this
2 3526
by  Paul DeschenesJump to last post
01/22/2010 3:59 PM
1 Replies and 3829 Views Customize Search Results?  3829  1 Started by  Chris This module is being used on our company intranet and I am interested in seeing if there is a way to customize the search results page to contain only the title of the document (not as a link to the edit page) and the download button without the extra information. I want a simple and clean search page that will be easy to read and navigate by less savvy users. Also, I'm not seeing a place where I can put a search box in template view if I want to. I would greatly appreciate any assistance on thi...
1 3829
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/16/2010 9:09 PM
16 Replies and 6134 Views Search Provider Issue after Upgrade to 5.2.1  6134  16 Started by  Chris Smith When a (Lucerene) search is performed a pop-up appears saying 'The data could not be loaded'. The event log shows the following error: AssemblyVersion: 5.2.0 PortalID: -1 PortalName: UserID: -1 UserName: ActiveTabID: -1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke.SqlDataProvider ExceptionGUID: f708c9ba-ecca-47c1-b8fb-f2b20a005946 InnerException: Could not load type 'LuceneSearchProvider'...
16 6134
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/12/2010 10:24 AM
1 Replies and 3564 Views Problem with SQL search service under DMX 5.2.1  3564  1 Started by  Dominique Delforge Hi Peter, I've just updated my system with DMX 5.2.1 on DNN 4.9.5. Last version was 5.0.3 with SQL search service installed and operational. In this last version, it seems that something is missing. I can't select the index catalog under the DMX Search index settings. I have also the following msg in my event viewer : AssemblyVersion: 04.09.05 PortalID: 1 PortalName: L.O.G UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 271 ActiveTabName: DMX admin only RawURL: /WebPortal/DMXadminonly/tabid/271...
1 3564
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/06/2010 9:56 PM
3 Replies and 4209 Views Open search window programaticaly  4209  3 Started by  Stéphane Bebrone Hi guys, Sorry if it's a duplicated question but I didn't find anything during my search. So, is there a way to open the search window programmaticaly My customer wants to have a special URL that directly open the search. Or maybe there is a better way to do it Thank you, Stéphane.
3 4209
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/14/2009 12:03 PM
4 Replies and 5070 Views Search Results links take me nowhere?  5070  4 Started by  Matthew Cushing If I click on the disk, I&160;download the file.&160; When I click on the title of the file, or the http location in the description, I get the search screen again, but it's blank.&160; Am I&160;doing something wrong The default View screen is set to Search.ascx and the Default Edit screen is set to EditEntry.ascx. &160;
4 5070
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/19/2009 1:09 PM
4 Replies and 4173 Views Only Showing 10 results  4173  4 Started by  Matthew Cushing &160;Is there a setting that will show more than 10 results &160;Not sure where to change this value is it's set somewhere. &160;In the Lucene window, I am sticking with the 100 default. Do I need to change this somewhere else
4 4173
by  Matthew CushingJump to last post
11/02/2009 10:51 PM
2 Replies and 4143 Views DNN Seach not finding anything  4143  2 Started by  Matthew Cushing I've run the Add DMX to dnn search script. I've downloaded Luke and I&160;see the documents in the documents tab. On the documents tab, when I use the term originalfilename and put in the name of one of my docs, and then hit the show all docs, it goes to the search tab and shows one entry, as it should. I have a file named _f.cfs and something called segments in the c:\home portal\DMX\Lucene\Index folder. At one point when I installed this with DNN 4.9, everything was fine.&160; I&160;upg...
2 4143
by  Matthew CushingJump to last post
10/27/2009 1:22 PM
4 Replies and 5443 Views Search.ascx not searching document contents  5443  4 Started by  Dan Duda We've setup the DMX module on the DNN search results page setting the default control to Search.ascx. It works but compared to the normal search inside the main DMX module it's only searching the title and not the contents. When we go to a DMX page and use the search from the toolbar it does search the contents. Is there any way to make the Search.ascx control search the contents as well
4 5443
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/27/2009 10:44 AM
2 Replies and 3649 Views Search  3649  2 Started by  Marnix Bouwman Hi, we're using DMX&160;5.0.4 and Shortlist 2.1.1. Now when I do a search, it will only show results from the DMX&160;module, and not from the shortlist, while in fact I want it just the other way around. The main DMX&160;module is used for management of the documents, and should not be found by the other users. The shortlist modules are shown to the 'other' users, and should be found by the search engine. Is there any way I can do this
2 3649
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/28/2009 2:35 PM
12 Replies and 7824 Views DBNull to type Date not valid error  7824  12 Started by  shelly campbell When searching on the document library with the term 'service excellence', the search returns a list of results but when the subsequent pages of the results are selected, it returns the following error message: A critical error had occurred - Conversion of type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid Would anyone have any idea as to what could be causing this error This is occurring on our production server but not on our development server. Thanks!
12 7824
by  shelly campbellJump to last post
09/17/2009 6:54 PM
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