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1 Replies and 3857 Views Default to 'whole repository'?  3857  1 Started by  Graham Lewis Is there a way of setting the default context on the search to be 'whole repository' rather than 'this folder' Can't seem to find a setting tick box anywhere...
1 3857
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/11/2009 5:40 PM
1 Replies and 4003 Views Full Text Search  4003  1 Started by  Rajesh Hi Peter, please provide me the dettails of installation procedure and indexing services for full text searching. &160; Thanks, Rajesh.
1 4003
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/18/2009 9:46 PM
3 Replies and 4058 Views Ability to Search by Multiple Categories?  4058  3 Started by  Glenn Sakamoto Hi Peter, I am assigning different root categories to files, and I am trying to figure out if I can use some sort of 'search' function to find certain files via their category cross references. This is best explained by visualizing a simple venn diagram.&160; Pretend I have categories 'black' and 'flat'.&160; If I wanted to find file that were both 'black' and 'flat', how would I search for it&160; Is this even possible in DMX 5
3 4058
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/05/2009 9:50 PM
1 Replies and 3702 Views Can database be queried via z39.50?  3702  1 Started by  Culland Just looking into the Document Exchange program and I was wondering if there is any built in support for web services or z39.50 to be able to query the database if I provide an access point for it Or any way for offsite querying of the database Even two different Document Exchange users Thanks, Cul &160; &160;
1 3702
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/27/2009 4:38 PM
10 Replies and 5824 Views No Search Result after one orTwo Days  5824  10 Started by  Guido Kuehler Dotnetnuke Version:04.08.02 DMX-Version: 04.02.01 We have see an little Bad Effect with the Search-Results in DMX on our Portal. When we activate any Caching Feature in DNN and we wait a Day or two we becoms no Results in the DMX-Search. We have deaktivate the caching = No Effect We have restart the Webapp = Now works perfect After a Day or 2 the Results is empty and we made the same procedure with identical Results We deaktiviate the caching from dnn complete the Search works over any Da...
10 5824
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/18/2009 10:33 AM
8 Replies and 4857 Views Quick Search and Integrated Search Not Working  4857  8 Started by  Sean Nolan When I search from the Tools menu and use Advanced search&160;I get lots of results, but using the quick search tab from the search on the Tools menu or the DNN integrated search (I ran the script to put the Search module on the Search Results page) I get no results. What do&160;I need to do to even troubleshoot this Thanks Sean
8 4857
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/29/2009 12:04 PM
16 Replies and 6426 Views Search no longer works  6426  16 Started by  Arick Hi Peter, I recently upgraded my installation to 5.0.1 and went to search for documents using hte Lucene search engine and am no longer getting anything back.&160; I got the Luke Debugger and when I go to open the index I get the following error: No sub-file with id _3j75.f17 found.&160; Is it possible that the Index needs to be rebuilt and if so how do I do this&160; I don't think it's a problem wtih DMX as the search engine works fine on my local dev box.&160; One other itme to note, whe...
16 6426
by  ArickJump to last post
04/04/2009 12:09 AM
2 Replies and 4122 Views Search no longer returning results in any provider mode.  4122  2 Started by  Freight_Train Hi Peter, DMX search results has stopped working in our test environment. We were using IndexServiceSearchProvider and it had been working better than Lucene(alot more hits when searching). However today our DMX search results return nothing. To be fair, I was curious to see if the ISSP actually&160;leveraged the native Index Service on the web host in order to work. I stopped the Index Service on the web host, and did a search. Found Nothing. Turned it back on. Found nothing. Reset IIS. Se...
2 4122
by  Freight_TrainJump to last post
03/23/2009 10:59 PM
1 Replies and 4260 Views DMX Search returns only a maxium of 99 Objects  4260  1 Started by  Guido Kuehler DMX 04.02.01&160;on DNN 04.08.02 DMX Search returns only a maxium of 99 Objects but we need an higher Resultset (All) by our Customer. We have already discussed with our Customer about longer Search-Time but the Customer will have this. Componentart can return tousends of Records in the grid so we think the Limitation is in the Module but we cannot change this! The Systems goes this monday (1/19/2009) online for Public Demonstration so we need here latest in the next Week a Solution for this ...
1 4260
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/18/2009 11:19 PM
9 Replies and 5548 Views DMX Search return not all Entries  5548  9 Started by  Guido Kuehler DMX 04.02.01&160;on DNN 04.08.02 We have compared the Search Results wit the Search in DMX and with Luke (Lucene Toolbox) DMX returns 79 Objects also with the 'Lucene Syntax: schultyp:AHS) and Luke returns 684 Documents by the same Query. The View_Permissions include by all Documents 'All Users' The Field Schultyp is a Custom-Attribute but we have this testet also with the Standard-Field Title and have here also lower Results as in Luke. Thanky for any Tips!! Guido
9 5548
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/18/2009 11:17 PM
8 Replies and 4968 Views Changing URL search= parameter  4968  8 Started by  Gary Key Hello, I am trying to get DMX search results working with OpenSearch however it is not working.I have found the problem but need to know if I can change&160;the paramter that the DMX module is looking for If you see at the end of the following url 'xsq=venson' feeds the results to the OpenSearch Results module but not DMX: http://intranet/SearchResults/tabid/165/Default.aspxxsq=venson The following link however has 'search=venson' and feeds the results to the DMX Module but not the OpenSea...
8 4968
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/16/2008 10:52 PM
9 Replies and 5422 Views Search From Tools Not Giving Results  5422  9 Started by  spbarber We recently purchased and installed DMX 5.00 and are running on DNN 4.09.00.&160; The problem I am having is I cannot get the search from the tools menu to work.&160; I have test documents with keywords and title but get no results when we search.&160; I also tried the DNN search box which also provides no result.&160; I have found the Filter List on: box does work however.
9 5422
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/08/2008 10:27 PM
4 Replies and 4520 Views DMX Search Results - Document links do not work from results?  4520  4 Started by  Gary Key Hello for some reason the weblinks or the download icons do not work on the search results page - when integrated with DNN search results. When you click on them it just returns you to the sites home page Ive ran&160;the repair, re-index and dnn search integration scripts without any joy Any ideas Thank you, Gary. &160;
4 4520
by  Gary KeyJump to last post
12/05/2008 9:21 AM
4 Replies and 4055 Views Search Syntax  4055  4 Started by  Gary Key Hi Peter, What syntax search terms are supported by DMX If you do a search for 'cheque hessay' it will produce a result as the document title has the words the correct way round. However, if someone searches 'hessay cheque' it will not produce any results I have tried most of the lucence search syntax terms but they also do not work The DMX module is using the lucence search. &160;
4 4055
by  Gary KeyJump to last post
12/03/2008 9:53 AM
3 Replies and 4139 Views Search Focus  4139  3 Started by  Gary Key Hi, We have integrated the DMX search results into the standard DNN search results page. However,&160;a user&160;carries out a search and the results are returned, they then click on the link which takes them to the folder within DMX where the document is located. If there are only a handful of files in the folder it easily highlights the location of the file, however, if there is say 100/200 documents in the folder the user has to go and find the file. Question is, would it be possible whe...
3 4139
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/28/2008 1:30 PM
1 Replies and 4583 Views DMX 5 Tools|Search not producing results  4583  1 Started by  Rob Ralston Hi Peter, On two separate DNN 4.9 DMX 5 portals, both setup with MS Indexing Service, the module Tools|Search function is not returning any results. Neither the Simple Search, nor the advanced search, even on just a title. Selecting whole repository does not help. The DNN integrated search does return results, as is the query tool in MS Indexing Service. I've checked my Search settings and they are correct. I remember there were search problems in earlier versions of DMX 4, but you corrected ...
1 4583
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/22/2008 1:49 PM
2 Replies and 4343 Views Trouble with Indexong Service  4343  2 Started by  Cyril_Amerge Hi, I have some problems I don't understand with Indexing service. My portal is working with DNN 4.8.0 on a Windows 2003 server with the version 4.3.2 of Document Exchange. I configure the Indexing Service, like described in the help document. I unchecked the 'Change Extensions:', and reindex the portal. When I use the indexing Service queries have some results, but when the same queries are done in the portal, I don't have any results. Please can someone help me Cyril
2 4343
by  Cyril_AmergeJump to last post
10/20/2008 12:05 PM
3 Replies and 4135 Views Is it possible to search DMX instance in a child portal from a DMX instance in the parent Portal?  4135  3 Started by  RickK We have an instance of DMX running in the parent portal and and instance of DMX running in the child portal. I want ot know if it is possible to set it up so that we can search the DMX Child Portal from the DMX parent If it is, how
3 4135
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/02/2008 5:40 PM
4 Replies and 4242 Views Search - Feature Request - Latest Version  4242  4 Started by  muzchap Hi Peter, Firstly, love the new version Just one thing that we have noticed - on the search option, there is: 1) Search this folder 2) Search Entire Repository Would it be possible to add a 3rd option, or perhaps a check box to Option 1, with the following: 'Search recursively' (all subfolders under folder) As we have a document tree and under that are folders, if you select Option 1, it returns no results. Results are only returned when using Option 2 - which kind of defeats the searc...
4 4242
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/04/2008 9:49 AM
7 Replies and 5613 Views pdf contents indexing on bulk import  5613  7 Started by  knappster Hi, I have the Adobe ifilter set up so that the contents of pdf's are indexed and it works fine when I upload a document.&160; However, I need to bulk import a load of pdf's using your Import facility but when I do the contents of the pdf's are not indexed.&160; I have tried running your re-index script afterwards but it makes no difference.&160; Any idea if I can get the pdf contents indexed with the bulk import facility Cheers, Lee.
7 5613
by  knappsterJump to last post
09/01/2008 8:02 PM
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