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1 Replies and 4397 Views Another DMX 4 search problem  4397  1 Started by  Leif ?dell Hi Peter! I just bought DMX 4 for my customer, and we have made a clean install of the module. We have DNN 4.06.02 and DMX 4.00.03, and like other people I can't get the search function to work. I have read a few other topics here, and I have the same problem as others, as I can't even search for the filename except if I enter the complete name. My actions so far includes setting full trust and re-indexing the portal.   Please help me (and my customer) with this....   reg...
1 4397
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/16/2007 7:22 AM
1 Replies and 4468 Views Document's aren't indexed, folders are indexed  4468  1 Started by  janalwin Hallo, I've got the module running on my testmachine. Now I've installed it on the server of my client. Search doesn't seem to work at my clients server. I used luke to look at the lucene index.  The folders that I made are in the index, but no documents are in the index. If I run the re-index script. The result shows that the documents have been indexed. I have no direct access to the server, so I have to talk to the sysadmin of my client about this problem. I'd like to have...
1 4468
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/11/2007 11:23 PM
13 Replies and 4952 Views DMX 4 Search issue  4952  13 Started by  ygunawan I have installed the DMX 4 TRIAL version and activated it successfully on my DNN site. But, the search functionality doesn’t seem to work; I always get zero result when I try to search a document. I have tried to re-index my portal so many times by running the script, but I still always get zero result when I do searching. And, I am not talking about the full-text searching (content searching), but this is about the basic searching (title, author, keyword, etc.). So, I am wondering: is the...
13 4952
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/25/2007 11:15 AM
2 Replies and 4895 Views Search fond not uploaded .zip or .exe files (Lucene)  4895  2 Started by  Guido Kuehler DNN 04.06.02, DMX 04.00.03 We have found today a problem with any File-Types in DMX but we think this problem is located and not by DMX. We have many uploaded *.exe and also *.zip files in DMX The files is displayed in the Structure btu not displayed by searches as results. We have look any location to locate the Problem and see when we change the OriginalFileName in the Table dbo.DMX.Entries to .msi instead of .exe then lucene have this in the Index. and is also returned in the Search-Results...
2 4895
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/05/2007 10:33 PM
0 Replies and 7906 Views Important Tool to verify installed iFilters on the Server  7906  0 Started by  Guido Kuehler We have found today a great and free Tool to check or see what iFilters are installed on a Server or other Windows-System. We have used today this great Tool to verify wy specified Files with different File Extension not returned in DMX Search Results. The problem is not by DMX!!!! But by Lucene what use for each File-Extension a iFilter on the Server, is the needed iFilter not on the Server-System so is the File not indexed from Lucene and not displayed in DMX-Search Results. iFilter Ex...
0 7906
10/05/2007 7:15 PM
10 Replies and 5202 Views No Search Results when localize SharedResources.ascx.resx !  5202  10 Started by  Guido Kuehler We have localized SharedResources.ascx.resx Copy SharedResources.ascx.resx to Localize Values We have also localize names *.Searchterm to become a German Name in the Dropdown. The Dropdown is great but no Results is displayed. So we see that the Search this name to make the Search How we can localize the Contents from the Search We think this is a additional problem what we have include yesterday to see nothing Search Results!!! Th...
10 5202
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/29/2007 6:26 PM
2 Replies and 4535 Views What make the Raw-Search in Detail?  4535  2 Started by  Guido Kuehler What make the Raw-Search in Detail Exist any way to hide this Register when we not need this Thank You
2 4535
by  Guido KuehlerJump to last post
09/26/2007 8:36 PM
17 Replies and 4884 Views No Search Results  4884  17 Started by  Guido Kuehler We have upgrdaded DMX3 to DMX4 and have run all needed Scripts how "Upgrade DMX3 to DMX4" and Reindex. We see the complete Folder-Structure and also Documents. We see also teh Details-Informations from Dokuments and can publish Documents without any error. Here is all ok! But when we search with Title, Searchword, Author nothing is found in the Results. The search bring also nothing results when we use a fulltext search in PDF Documents, we have installed Adobe iFilter and reind...
17 4884
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/25/2007 4:53 PM
1 Replies and 5269 Views DMX 4 Search  5269  1 Started by  YodaRocks Peter, I know you're really busy supporting the new roll-out (including my own problem with license activation), so no need to answer these until you come up for air. 1. With the search on DMX 3, which used Indexing Service, I used an add-on that enabled a deep search into .pdf files. I'm wondering if the new search for DMX 4 does that as well 2. On DMX 3, we could place an instance of the DMX 3 module on the search results page, and configure it to display search results on the same page as ...
1 5269
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/18/2007 10:33 AM
4 Replies and 7186 Views Search on DMX 3 vs. DMX 4  7186  4 Started by  YodaRocks Peter, congrats on the release of DMX4! I inadvertently saw it on Snowcovered yesterday and see that it was release only yesterday -- so other than beta testers I might be one of the first to purchse it. I'm currently running DMX3. I'm getting ready to install DMX4. In DMX3, search utilizes the Indexing Service in Windows 2003. The documentation sent with DMX4 doesn't discuss the search function, other than to indicate that there is a new search provider, Lucene. I'm unfamiliar with Luce...
4 7186
by  YodaRocksJump to last post
09/17/2007 5:04 PM
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