5 Replies and 2221 Views
Error when uploading files with spaces in 2221 5
Started by BartS
Hi all I've just installed DMX to test it out to see if it will work for our organisation and right of the bat I got an error trying to upload a file that contains spaces in the name. When I rename the file and remove the spaces the file uploads fine. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this or if this is a limitation of DMX
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2221 |
by Graham Lewis11/06/2012 6:10 AM |
3 Replies and 2703 Views
DMX Log View Issue 2703 3
Started by ygunawan
Hi Peter, I have question about the Log view in the Document Exchange (currently we are still using version 5). It seems when I login as a SuperUser account (Host), I can see the log view in the bottom of the Details tab. In this log view, I can see all of the previous activities that had been done in a file/folder. And, I am trying to enable this log view for all users. But, I don't see the option inside the Document Exchange that is enable me to do that. So, I am wondering whether there is ...
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2703 |
by Peter Donker11/05/2012 5:07 PM |
3 Replies and 2331 Views
missing icons 2331 3
Started by Sherri Camp
In the Ajax UI the icons are missing from the popup when you right-click on a folder or file. It displays the link and name (Download File, Mail Me, Mail, etc.) but no icons appear next to them as your screen shot show.
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2331 |
by Peter Donker11/05/2012 5:03 PM |
2 Replies and 2429 Views
How to enable multiple file select in Silverlight Letterbox 2429 2
Started by Larry Daniele
I'm using the Letterbox extension v1.3.0 with DMX 6.0.4. I love its simplicity and it's basically working fine. But the Silverlight control appears to default to only a single-file upload. Multiple selection is disabled in the Open dialog. I didn't find any setting in Letterbox or DMX that would enable multiple file support (although the control is obviously built to support this). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! Larry
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2429 |
by Larry Daniele10/31/2012 10:14 AM |
3 Replies and 2353 Views
template view / copy item icon 2353 3
Started by Eric Swanzey
I've looked through the forums and looked through the docs and have come up empty. It makes no sense to me that the 'Copy Item' icon is showing up in template view, yet I can't for the life of me find the DMX setting that would affect its visibility. Where is it I can create a local copy of the default system template easy enough, yet for the life of me can't find the DMX setting to specify using this revised template that is in /Portal/id/DMX/ViewTemplates folder. Where is it It seem...
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2353 |
by Peter Donker10/31/2012 9:46 AM |
1 Replies and 2266 Views
Category Shortlist limit items shown 2266 1
Started by MG
I would like to use this module showing only a number of the most recent uploads with no pagination (only showing the last 7 or 8 items). Is this possible with this module
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2266 |
by Peter Donker10/31/2012 9:45 AM |
6 Replies and 2950 Views
404 error when issuing Zip and Download command 2950 6
Started by shire
A 404 error is produced when selecting the 'Zip and Download' command from the 'Folder' menu. Is this a configuration or possibly a permissions issue. It occurs even when logged in as 'host'. The URL that is requested upon issuing the command is: http://domain.com/site_root/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Download.aspxEntryId=-1&PortalId=0&Downloadmethod=attachment Thank you for any assistance you can provide in resolving this.
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2950 |
by shire10/25/2012 4:11 PM |
8 Replies and 2217 Views
Help Link Removal 2217 8
Started by slash75
Is it possible to hide the help link for all non admin users
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2217 |
by LizF10/24/2012 11:48 PM |
2 Replies and 2084 Views
Search Results Control 2084 2
Started by mitewks
I noticed there was a Default View Screen setting within the modules settings called Search Results Control in the drop down list. I switched to that and nothing came up. Am I missing something Ideally we're wanting our users to only be able to do an advance search and then return to them the files that match the results. Is that possible
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2084 |
by Peter Donker10/24/2012 5:51 PM |
1 Replies and 1898 Views
Permissions after move operation 1898 1
Started by Kevin
When we drag and drop a document from one folder to another, is there a way to have the file automatically inherit the permissions from the destination folder From what I can see, the file continues to use the permissions assigned from the original folder, which means users of the destination folder cannot automatically see the new file without a manual permissions change made to it. Thank you.
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1898 |
by Peter Donker10/24/2012 5:46 PM |
1 Replies and 1851 Views
Set a display folder below the root 1851 1
Started by Kate
We are looking for a way to set a 'display folder' for a specific module instance and we want the default view to show the users all the documents and folders that they have access to under that node. For example My Root >Client 1 >Client 2 If a user has access to Client 1 Only, they would immediatly see the contents inside the 'Client 1' folder. The end goal is to hide the tree view from users entirely. Acctually not even to display the Folder column. Any suggestions Kate
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1851 |
by Peter Donker10/24/2012 5:45 PM |
2 Replies and 2048 Views
Has anyone written a custom search extension.... 2048 2
Started by Stacy
I would like to have an extension that just shows an advanced search screen without the library or having to press a 'Search' button in order to show the search window. I could then direct the output to the Search Results Extension. Any help would be appreciated!
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2048 |
by Peter Donker10/24/2012 5:42 PM |
1 Replies and 2095 Views
Show file count next to folder? 2095 1
Started by James Wood
is it possible to show the file count next to the folder so like: folder 1 (34)
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2095 |
by Peter Donker10/24/2012 5:42 PM |
1 Replies and 2241 Views
Template View Formatting 2241 1
Started by slash75
I am using a template view based off of the minimal template and had some questions about how to format this. 1. How to change the Document Exchange text at the top 2. How do I change the icon image 3. How do I change the default gray background color Can anyone tell me where these settings are located
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2241 |
by Peter Donker10/24/2012 5:37 PM |
2 Replies and 2109 Views
HTML WYSIWYG Editor 2109 2
Started by Scoutt
We are currently using DMX and was curious as to if it has ties to the DNN HTML editor for users I mean if a user uploads a file from the editor will it post it in DMX's vat or DNN structure someplace
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2109 |
by Scoutt10/05/2012 4:44 PM |
2 Replies and 1964 Views
User does not have access to 'Open in Windows Explorer' 1964 2
Started by LE
I gave a specific user access to a folder and that user can add documents to the folder without problems. But, when the user right-clicks a folder, there is no option to Open in Windows Explorer. How do I give them this option
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1964 |
by Peter Donker10/02/2012 9:57 PM |
1 Replies and 1981 Views
Updating Files 1981 1
Started by slash75
I have several pdf files that has been updated and need to be replaced. How to I update these through Document Exchange Can this be done through FTP
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1981 |
by Peter Donker10/02/2012 9:56 PM |
1 Replies and 1890 Views
Creating a link to a folder 1890 1
Started by LE
Is there a way to create a link that will open DMX with a specific folder already chosen
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1890 |
by LE09/28/2012 7:44 PM |
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2299 |
by Peter Donker09/27/2012 2:19 PM |
2 Replies and 2782 Views
Skinning/Theming Guide? 2782 2
Started by Michael Lucas
Hello, Is there a document on how to skin or theme DMX to match the colours and fonts on our site Thank you, Michael
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2782 |
by BartS09/26/2012 11:12 PM |