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4 Replies and 2076 Views Context menu empty - monitor issue  2076  4 Started by  Penny Oddly this appears to be a monitor issue but I have no idea how to solve. The user complains he gets an empty context menu when he right clicks DMX, he sent me screenshot and sure enough, nothing there but the tool tip and the outline of the context menu. When he unplugs his laptop from the dual monitors (Dell's) the context menu looks fine! Anyone seen this Using Silverlight upload, DMX6, DNN5.6.3 I thought it was a browser issue but he proved me wrong.
4 2076
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/13/2012 3:07 PM
1 Replies and 1919 Views Notifications  1919  1 Started by  Sam Bonsett I'm running 6.01 and on some email notifications I am getting this error. Subject: Resource CORE_OWNER.Subject not found in file Could not find original or default template for key 'CORE_OWNER' in portal 0 (default language en-US) for locale en-US in resource file DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/App_LocalResources/SharedResources. Thanks
1 1919
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/09/2012 10:58 AM
3 Replies and 1941 Views notification UI  1941  3 Started by  LDC I am using dmx 6.0 and unable to figure out the UI for the notifications - it appears to have some major styling issues. I will send an email with the screenshot. Also, where is the documentation for this screen
3 1941
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/23/2011 12:44 PM
1 Replies and 2096 Views No Contents in Ajax 2-Panel Interface  2096  1 Started by  Timothy Bray Just upgraded to DMX 6.0.0 and have an interesting issue with every implementation of the module. Any module using the new 2-panel interface shows the appropriate menu header and a light blue background, but no contents (and apparently only 1 panel, not 2). When I switch to the old 3-panel layout, everything appears appropriately. I've got the module appearing several times thoughout my portal, and would prefer to use the new view. Any help Tim Running DNN 6.0.2 on SQL 2005, Windows 20...
1 2096
by  Timothy BrayJump to last post
12/16/2011 3:52 PM
1 Replies and 2172 Views Search not displaying results  2172  1 Started by  Les Cantin Hello. i am running 05.03.05 on a DNN4 installation Search is set to Lucene, the module does not display any search results for any type of search. Is there something I can look at to correct this thank you
1 2172
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/15/2011 1:08 PM
2 Replies and 2594 Views RadEditor integration issues  2594  2 Started by  Noah Bast I'm trying to get the RadEditor integration working with DMX. We're using DMX version 5.3.9 and DNN version 6.1.1. I've followed the instructions here: and here: When I click the DMX button in Radeditor, I get the following error: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: The file '/DesktopModules/DMXBrowser.ContentProvider/DMXBrowser.aspx' does not exist. ---> S...
2 2594
by  Noah BastJump to last post
12/01/2011 5:13 PM
1 Replies and 2032 Views Item icons not displayed after update  2032  1 Started by  Ralf Everding I upgraded DMX from version 5.2.11 to 5.3.08 on our test system . Due to an incompatibility with IE6, I wasn't able to update earlier. Now that W2K/IE6 is gone, I am planning for the update. However I found an issue with the entry item icons not showing up in template view during test installation. I found some hints in this forum indicating an interference within multiple css overriding each others definition. I couldn't figure out how this applies to my issue. Or if it apply to my issue ...
1 2032
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2011 3:58 PM
3 Replies and 2516 Views file not found error in stead of login form  2516  3 Started by  peter schotman Hi Peter, I have links on public pages that point to documents that are visible for reg. users only. on dnn 523 / dmx 539, this works fine, however on 5.6x and 6.01 this does not work any more. I get the following urls (taken from fiddler): GET /DeNVK/Documenten.aspxCommand=Core_Download&EntryId=1149 HTTP/1.1 GET /DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Download.aspxCommand=Core_Download&EntryId=1149&PortalId=0&TabId=603 HTTP/1.1 GET /login.aspxReturnUrl=2fDesktopModules2fBring2mind...
3 2516
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2011 3:57 PM
1 Replies and 2157 Views Printing folder structure...  2157  1 Started by  Tom Rybak If there some report I could run that will show the folder structure and the content of each folder
1 2157
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/16/2011 11:43 AM
1 Replies and 2151 Views Adding folder title to templatable UI  2151  1 Started by  raya__85 Hi all, is there a way to add the folder name a file is in into the templatable UI for example in the catshortlist view I would like to add a column showing the name of the folder the document resides in. Is this doable In a perfect world I would actually like it to show the folder name the level above the folder its in so a folder in dtz/wollondilly/members would show as wollondilly. are either of these things achievable and if so could you guide me in the right direction Cheers,...
1 2151
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/16/2011 11:39 AM
3 Replies and 2321 Views Permission capabilities within DMX  2321  3 Started by  raya__85 Hi, This is a little long winded as I wanted to try and provide as much info as I could. Apologies in advance. I'm investigating using DNN as an extranet platform for a volunteer based government emergency services agency with approximately 70,000 members across 2500 locations. Document management is a very important part of what we are trying to achieve and I've been playing around with the trial version of DMX for a couple of days. By all measures it appears to be a superb product and...
3 2321
by  raya__85Jump to last post
10/31/2011 6:43 AM
1 Replies and 2151 Views Force Subscriptions  2151  1 Started by  Tom Rybak Is there a way to subscribe users automatically to certain documents Or for an admin to subscribe users to certain documents
1 2151
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/28/2011 3:40 PM
14 Replies and 4342 Views Right Click After Upgrade  4342  14 Started by  Brian Cogswell Peter, I upgraded to 5.3.8 and am running on DNN 4.9.5 After the upgrade, when I right click the IE or FF context menu covers up the DMX one. If I then left click the context menu goes away and the DMX one is visible. How do I prevent the browser context menu from opening Brian
14 4342
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/28/2011 3:39 PM
9 Replies and 4097 Views Module not showing up correctly in Firefox  4097  9 Started by  larry mattox I'm using Document Exchange 5.3.9 and DNN 5.6.1 and I am having problems with how the module is displaying in Firefox. It happens on all computers using Firefox. It is like the module isn't receiving any CSS.
9 4097
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/28/2011 3:38 PM
1 Replies and 2082 Views Ajax UI: Parent Folder button?  2082  1 Started by  Chrickel Hi Peter, many of our users ask for a 'Parent Folder' button in the AJAX UI, next to the 'Filter list' text field... Manually navigating to the parent folder in the navigation tree sometimes is quite a challenge at our site - some folders have 1000 subfolders... Do you consider this reasonable and possible Cheers -Chris
1 2082
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/20/2011 4:24 PM
9 Replies and 3521 Views Subscription - Mutliple Emails  3521  9 Started by  Tom Rybak When a user subscribes to a file he/she receives the same email multiple times (eight) entitled Document Changes Notification. Why are so many emails being generated and how can this be change so that only one notification email is received
9 3521
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/20/2011 4:23 PM
2 Replies and 2213 Views locked By  2213  2 Started by  Gus Hi I really need to show who locked a document. This is so that users can contact the lockee and ask them to unlock if they want to work on the file. Is there any way to enable this Gus
2 2213
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/20/2011 4:20 PM
2 Replies and 2086 Views Mark for UnRead and New documents  2086  2 Started by  3i-infotech We want to mark newly uploaded documents after users last login and Unread documents i.e. documents which are not yet opened by the user. Do DMX have any existing setting to do this Please let us know what can be done to fulfill this requirement.
2 2086
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/29/2011 2:06 PM
1 Replies and 2228 Views A couple of suggestions for improvements  2228  1 Started by  Siri Hi! Here are a few suggestions coming from the users of DMX: 1. Make it easier to subscribe to a folder This could be achieved by a button somewhere rather than having to go into the menus. 2. Make 'Open in Word' the default action for double-click. Would be nice to have a setting to allow this. 3. A toolbar with buttons for at least som of the actions on Folder and Element menus. F.eks. new file(s), new folder, subscribe/unsubscribe, download element, open element in application....
1 2228
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/29/2011 1:56 PM
3 Replies and 2367 Views deleted folders  2367  3 Started by  rheingold Hello, we use DMX Professionell 05.03.07 with DNN 4.9.5. We have the strange and annoying isue that from one day to another all folders with their content is deleted. One can restore the folders and content, but this is a very elaborting process. This thing happend yet. I have created a set of folders and after uploading a file, all folders have been deleted. We use DMX for our business intranet. There are a lot of files and folders. I can not restore all of this every now and then. Is...
3 2367
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/29/2011 1:52 PM
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