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1 Replies and 2365 Views Is DMX V: 5.3.8 Compatable with dnn 5.6.2 and 5.6.3?  2365  1 Started by  David Amm Hi As I'm running dnn 5.6.2 and i've install dmx V: 5.3.8 and i've set it up according to the way your manual is instructing me but its not showing the folders or even the categories that i've created on left or even on the right handside, its just blank. I've even gone to the file manager to try and create folders from there and sycronised the folders but still nothing is show please help. My module settings are as follows Root Folder for module = create a new folder called Test...
1 2365
by  David AmmJump to last post
07/13/2011 6:05 PM
1 Replies and 2690 Views New Folder button in template view?  2690  1 Started by  primeripe Is it possible to create a new folder button in the template view
1 2690
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/01/2011 5:39 PM
3 Replies and 3018 Views New install sends notifications  3018  3 Started by  Andrew K I am running DMX 5.3.7 (in trial mode) I created some fake users to add, edit and approve. I added a few documents. Could not see any of them. Approved one. Was able to see it with all the users. This is all as I would expect. What was not expected is many users, even users not associated with the DMX folder(s) received email notification the document was approved. I had not/ have not made any changes to the Notifications Admin. How do I control this behavior Why is it turne...
3 3018
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/01/2011 5:37 PM
1 Replies and 2636 Views Search Results have incorrect URL Links.  2636  1 Started by  Lewis Hill I recently upgraded our sites to DNN version 5.6.2 and also upgraded Document Exchange Professional to version 5.3.8 on one site and the integrated document search is no longer work correctly. The DMX Lucene search does display results but the links (URLs) to the documents no longer work correctly… the links all point to the home page. Example: I have a tab (page: /Home/DocumentLibrary/tabid/121/Default.aspx) for documents but the search results links point to the default page i.e. /tabid/0/...
1 2636
by  Lewis HillJump to last post
06/29/2011 11:05 PM
5 Replies and 4277 Views [Entry:path] token not working as expected.  4277  5 Started by  Stefan Cullmann Peter, one of the most requested features for notification was the ability to get information about the actual path. The name/title of the document means normally nothing without the precise context, for example /committee/ultrasonic/meetings/2009-03-5/schedule.doc. We don't want to title that document 'schedule of the march meeting of the ultrasonic committee'. I tried to work with &91Entry:Path&93, however that returns only&160; list of iintegers, for example 0;367; 2124; 4563;...
5 4277
by  Tim JohnstonJump to last post
06/27/2011 3:57 PM
1 Replies and 2677 Views User only Documents  2677  1 Started by  Cameron Knights Is there a way we can create a folder that allows a user to upload and manage their own files, yet admin can see all files in the folder The users could only see their own files and no other members files.
1 2677
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/27/2011 10:26 AM
4 Replies and 3315 Views DMX upgrade problems  3315  4 Started by  Cynthia Steck Peter, I have just recently upgraded from DNN 4.x to 5.6.2. With this upgrade, I also upgraded DMX from 3.5.6 to 5.3.7. I followed all the guides for running scripts to convert the data for the new version. The problem that I am having is mainly with the template and/or permissions. 1) My users are used to the 3.5.6 interface. Is there a way to easily replicate the older design so that the upgrade changes will be seamless to them 2) I am having permissions issues with downloadin...
4 3315
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/27/2011 10:24 AM
3 Replies and 3109 Views Cannot Select Root Module Folder  3109  3 Started by  Jason L I am having recent issues when selecting the root folder for the DMX module. The issue is I caannot scroll down to select the necessary folder. No scroll bar, or at least the one there is not scrolling down. This was working so I'm not sure if a DNN update or Java Runtime update is the cause. I tested from IE8, IE9, FireFox and Chrome and they all are having an issue so I am leaning towards DNN update as the root cause. So right now I am am stuck and could use a quick answer if one is...
3 3109
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/27/2011 10:19 AM
3 Replies and 3110 Views Categories  3110  3 Started by  elvis75 What is the difference between a folder and category
3 3110
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/27/2011 10:17 AM
6 Replies and 4720 Views CAUploadprovider errors  4720  6 Started by  brettn I am testing the use of DX on our website, and have had some issues regarding the CAUploadProvider. Every time we try uploading using this provider, we get the same error: ***Upload error: Error loading progress data*** This happens when using current versions of ie, firefox & chrome browsers. Is there an install problem settings I presume this works for others... any help appreciated, Brett
6 4720
by  Tony HJump to last post
06/25/2011 2:17 AM
1 Replies and 2513 Views User's Subscribed Content View  2513  1 Started by  darryl Hi, I want a view on my website's dashboard which shows all the subscribed files and folders of the logged in user. Clicking on individual files should redirect me to Details Page.. Any Ideas on how it may be achieved FYI..I don't have a source code license.
1 2513
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/20/2011 2:34 PM
3 Replies and 2874 Views Missing categories  2874  3 Started by  Yiji Rong Hi Peter, I have just recently upgraded from DNN 3.2.2 to 5.4.4. With this upgrade, I also upgraded DMX from 3.4.6 to 5.2.11. I followed all the guides for running scripts to convert the data for the new version. The problem that I am having is mainly with the missing categories. For example, I have a document which belongs to 3 different categories in the previous version, but after the updrade, it only shows the last category in the list. The first two are missing. When I look in the data...
3 2874
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/20/2011 2:31 PM
12 Replies and 4749 Views Module Navigation Error  4749  12 Started by  Proliant Inc I am experiencing a weird issue with the DMX repository module navigation. I have a site at that works just fine. On that site there is a page that contains the DMX repository and the module itself as far as adding/editing items and most functionality works fine. However, when I select an option from the Admin menu (Main Options for instance) it attempts to navigate to
12 4749
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/10/2011 11:47 AM
1 Replies and 2505 Views ReindexPortal script  2505  1 Started by  Arjan Rijkens Hello, We are using DMX version 5.3.5 and found the scripts under the Admin menu. One of them is called ReindexPortal. I cannot find anything in the manual(s) describing these scripts. First, should we run this (or other scripts) regularely to make sure all is running fine Secondly, if so, is there a way to do this based on a schedule I noticed a few DMX tasks in the DNN planning area. Thanks, Arjan
1 2505
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/08/2011 11:44 AM
5 Replies and 3913 Views Open in Word and Mail me  3913  5 Started by  newbie When i right click on a word document in my DMX folder and select the Open in Word, it does nothing . Is there a setting that I should enable for this to work. Also when I click on the Mail ME, I get a message saying 'There is a problem with the configuration of your SMTP Server. Mail was not sent.' How do I configure this Thanks,
5 3913
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/08/2011 11:38 AM
10 Replies and 7165 Views DMX Right click menu not displaying correctly in IE9  7165  10 Started by  Jason L When I right click a DMX folder or file I receive the normal IE9 right click menu. This menu covers the DMX menu. I need to hit Esc when this occures so I can access the DMX right click menu. I also have the lastest JRE on the machine 1.6.0_24 DNN version Any ideas -Jason
10 7165
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/30/2011 2:15 PM
1 Replies and 3383 Views Custom Template problems  3383  1 Started by  Mike_Shapleski Hi, I have created a simple file list I am experiencing 2 issues. 1) After the user clicks the directory link and the files are displayed. The first 2 files don't have any link on the Disk icon, they are download-able from the file name (as I have made that a download link). Where there is only 1 file in the folder the disk link works. Page Template: Back to:&91;BreadCrumbs|view&93; &91;entry:title&93; &91;entrylist|view|collection&93; Item T...
1 3383
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/24/2011 10:39 AM
3 Replies and 3529 Views why does it jump off --DMX  3529  3 Started by  newbie I am trying to set the root folder, it doesn't allow me to select any content from the menu ..when i click on the drop down, the screen just jumps off to the top of the page. For that matter I am unable to access any of the dropdown menus in the settings. Can anyone help me please..
3 3529
by  Machine KillerJump to last post
05/23/2011 10:25 PM
0 Replies and 4610 Views Adding attribute to details pane ruins header alignment  4610  0 Started by  mattykegs I added the Remarks attribute to the details pane of my DMX module. Now the column headers aren't lining up with the file attributes correctly. The columns in order are the File type (as an icon), Name, Remarks, Status, Size and Modified. I'm also using wrapped text for the details pane. Now the new Remarks column header doesn't align correctly with the information displayed in the details pane. The Name column header is much wider than it should be. So some part of the Remarks attribute...
0 4610
05/18/2011 8:41 PM
7 Replies and 3205 Views Flexlist issue  3205  7 Started by  Martin My document exchange professional recently will take 1 or 2 minutes to generate a view. It was normally almost instantaneous. Also the Flexlist module when I place it on a page the root dropdown inside the configuration will only display 10 folders The scrollbar fills the whole vertical. Ayy ideas please.
7 3205
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/16/2011 12:11 PM
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