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0 Replies and 3521 Views host user can't see items  3521  0 Started by  40Fingers Hi Peter, I have an issue that recently surfaced, the host user can no longer see items in a cat short list, while 'regular' users (iwth proper rights) can. on child portal dnn742, dmx 6.1.5 It might even have to do with transfer from site from 2008r2 to 2012r2 Any clues
0 3521
04/01/2016 2:19 PM
0 Replies and 3508 Views DNN Document Exchange UI  3508  0 Started by  Mike McMinn Hi Peter, Do you think it is achievable this one Thanks.
0 3508
02/02/2016 11:06 PM
0 Replies and 3182 Views Addon Flexlist - Open links in new window  3182  0 Started by  Stebi Hi Is there a posiblity to open all links per default in a new window in the addon flexlist Regards, Andreas
0 3182
02/01/2016 1:03 PM
0 Replies and 3173 Views Addon Flexlist - Open links in new window  3173  0 Started by  Stebi Hi Is there a posiblity to open all links per default in a new window in the addon flexlist Regards, Andreas
0 3173
02/01/2016 1:03 PM
3 Replies and 3913 Views Determining file type  3913  3 Started by  Michael Hamlett I'm working on a template and need an if statement to determine the file type (Looking for File.Jpg). How would one go about doing this
3 3913
by  Michael HamlettJump to last post
12/30/2015 8:30 PM
1 Replies and 3740 Views Root Pattern and Full Path  3740  1 Started by  Michael Hamlett I'd like to pass the &91;entry:fullpath&93; variable in as a root pattern (getting it as a querystring &91;query:root&93;) but the &91;entry:fullpath&93; puts a leading forward slash so it won't pass properly. Is there a way to eliminate the leading forward slash My template creates an anchor tag with URL:;entry:entryid&93;&root=&91;entry:fullpath&93; Deleting the leading forward slash works properly.
1 3740
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 9:53 PM
1 Replies and 3501 Views Default Action = View, but file still being downloaded  3501  1 Started by  Apeksha Shah Hello, I have set Default Action as View for pdf files. However, any pdf file that I double-click on in the module, a save dialog opens up. This happens in all major browsers. What am I missing
1 3501
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 9:51 PM
1 Replies and 3580 Views DEFINING PER FOLDER ATTRIBUTES  3580  1 Started by  Richard The manual states: 'New since DMX 5.1 is the ability to add attributes per folder. You’ll find the menu button on the folder menu to edit this' I look at the image and there is no such menu item anywhere. Please help.
1 3580
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 9:49 PM
2 Replies and 3915 Views Load times very slow  3915  2 Started by  Roger Goodwin I have an issue where a folder containing about 60 sub folders is taking about 12 seconds to load. I have searched for solutions and found a couple which involve creating indexes however none of these have made a difference. I have set the site to use heavy cache but nothing seems to make a difference. My concern is that over the coming 6 months this folder is going to double in size. Is there any way to speed up the load time of this folder
2 3915
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 9:48 PM
5 Replies and 5196 Views bulk uploading of files?  5196  5 Started by  DJ Phelps Greetings, Our client is set up with Document Exchange 5.&160; We have the file structure and permissions set up.&160; They have about 900 files to upload to the different directories. Is there a way to bulk upload the files to Document Exchange&160; Can documents only be uploaded via the Document Exchange interface, or can I directly access the file structure on our web server
5 5196
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 9:46 PM
5 Replies and 3967 Views Custom attributes not visible in templated view  3967  5 Started by  Tecnologia Hello! I have in the database this attribute: Addon = Core AttributeId = 2 ControlToLoad = NULL IsPrivate = 0 Key = att2 PortalId = 0 Required = 1 ResourceFile = NULL Values = NULL ValueType = String ViewOrder = 0 CollectionId = 4699 ShowInUI = 1 AttributeName = Producto I use the token &91;entryattribute:att2&93; on the Entry.html, but I only get null strings on searchresults exec dbo.DMX_GetEntryAttributesByEntry returns attributes correctly I ...
5 3967
by  TecnologiaJump to last post
05/25/2015 3:51 PM
1 Replies and 2902 Views Mail Permissions  2902  1 Started by  ForemostMedia Current Configuration: DMX: 6.1.6 DNN: 6.2.8 When logged in as admin, mail functionality shows, and works properly. When accessing site as unregistered user, mail functionality does not show. 1. Have verified mail options are turned on (since it works for admin this is verified) 2. Have verified mail works properly (tested with admin account) 3. Set permissions within main options for All Users -> Mailing 4. Ran script Repair Permissions Any ideas what would cause mail to not sh...
1 2902
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/21/2015 10:46 AM
1 Replies and 3061 Views Critical Error  3061  1 Started by  msurcu We are using the latest version of DNN and DMX. Long time users... But any time we create a new folder, set permissions on a folder, or upload files in DMX we get a critical DNN error displayed. We check the Windows IIS permissions to make sure the app pool user has the appropriate permissions on the DMX portal folder. Are there other things we may be missing or someone has run into like this Sean Owen, PhD Research and Curriculum Unit
1 3061
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/21/2015 10:43 AM
1 Replies and 3187 Views Can't view files on mobile  3187  1 Started by  Jackie McGrouther I am running DNN 07.02.00 with Document Exchange 6.1.8. When viewing on a mobile device (Iphone, Ipad etc) we can see the files and the folder structure perfectly but are unable to open word documents or PDF's. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Many thanks Kind regards Jackie
1 3187
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/21/2015 10:42 AM
1 Replies and 3152 Views DMX File icons  3152  1 Started by  Joe Craig DMX uses an icon with a question mark for .csv files. How/where can I change the icon (I would like to use the Excel icon for .csv files)
1 3152
by  Joe CraigJump to last post
04/02/2015 9:45 PM
2 Replies and 3472 Views No elevator bar on IE11 only  3472  2 Started by  Michael Goldberg When viewing a category using AjaxUI 2 panel I am unable to scroll down past the list items shown on screen. Scrolling works as expected on Chrome and Firefox but not IE11. DNN version: 6.02.01 DMX version: 6.04
2 3472
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/10/2015 5:58 PM
2 Replies and 3222 Views Error on file upload  3222  2 Started by  Michael Goldberg This error stated in the last 2 weeks. A critical error has occurred. Access to the path 'D:\Hosting\9663609\html\Prod\Portals\0\DMX\Upload\Triple Play Results.pdf' is denied. DNN version is: 6.02.01 DMX version is: 6.0.4 Hosted at Godaddy
2 3222
by  Michael GoldbergJump to last post
01/08/2015 10:24 PM
3 Replies and 3538 Views Problems with details panel on AjaxThreePanel view.  3538  3 Started by  Tecnologia Hello! I have 3 pages in my portal, each one has a module using AjaxThreePanel view. The oldest page shows everything and it works perfectly but in the other two the details pane doesn't load and using the Properties menu option, I get a message The data Could not be loaded. I've tried reindexing and the button 'reset menu'. Any suggestions about this Thanks!
3 3538
by  TecnologiaJump to last post
12/17/2014 12:14 PM
1 Replies and 3281 Views Mail Me function  3281  1 Started by  Hans Lenting When i use the mail me function i cannot fill in another emailaddress to send the file to. I eneabled the mialing functions and selected the 'free text email list'. But there is no way to fill in an emailaddress when hitting the mail me button. How to solve this
1 3281
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2014 2:18 PM
2 Replies and 3037 Views Modify Versions section  3037  2 Started by  Chhavi I have been asked to modify the Versions section of the interface to display the name of the person who modified each version. I looked at VersionList.ascx, but I am not sure which property of DataItem will give me this info. Can someone please help Versions 3 9/27/2014 New Document Version User 3 2 9/26/2014 Document Version 2 User 2 1 9/25/2014 Document 1 User 1 Thanks
2 3037
by  ChhaviJump to last post
11/07/2014 10:40 PM
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