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1 Replies and 2976 Views Category tree display bug  2976  1 Started by  Gus Hi Peter I was a bit dismayed to discover a problem that i have with much older versions of DMX is still there in the latest version. I thought I'd brought it up a long time ago but may never have got around to it. When adding categories the tree on the left gets in a right mess and puts duplicates of category names in the list and appears to be doing all sorts of nonsense. Unless you are aware of it you get in a right mess. If you click 'return' and come back the tree is refreshed and the ca...
1 2976
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/01/2010 12:19 PM
1 Replies and 2829 Views Larger File Upload Fails  2829  1 Started by  Pavan &160;Hi, DMX 5.2.9 is setup on DNN 5.3.1 and using TelerikUpload as we have files more than 200MB. For any file more than 15MB is failing and after sometime of upload initiation it redirecting to 404 page. I did not see any log generated in DNN. Further &160;I &160;verified all web.config settings and please note below. &160;&160; &160; &160;&160; &160; .... &160; &160;&160; &160; &160; &160;&160; &160; &160; &160;&160; &160; &160; &160;&160; &160; ....... &...
1 2829
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/25/2010 3:02 PM
1 Replies and 3000 Views UserID Token  3000  1 Started by  tim maler Is there a userid token something like &91entry:authorid&93 or &91entry:userid&93 that works in the itemtemplate.resource template.&160; I would like to link the auther's name to there profile.&160; Thanks Tim
1 3000
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/19/2010 4:24 PM
1 Replies and 2555 Views Category Short List  2555  1 Started by  maoz We have a customer requirement to add a 'properties' and 'subscribe' buttons in the Category Short List, so it would have a similar functionality to the DMX template view. &160; We were able to add the subscribe functionality by modifying the ascx, adding code that calls the subscribe static functions. &160;We cannot do this with &160;'properties' &160;since it resides in the main module. &160; How can this be done
1 2555
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/19/2010 4:22 PM
1 Replies and 2517 Views Subscribe Button when not logged in  2517  1 Started by  James Nagy I have a customer that is looking for a way to see the subscribe button when not logged in. &160;When clicked they want to have a way to either log in the user or register a new user. &160; If they choose to register then would need a way to be able to quickly add a DotNetNuke user. &160;(Could be an external module (like Dynamic Registration) in a popup or something. &160;Then they could subscribe to the document change notification. If they choose to log in then would need a way to be ab...
1 2517
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/19/2010 4:19 PM
4 Replies and 3137 Views Filter by categories?  3137  4 Started by  Chrickel Good morning! Is there probably an option I haven't found to filter search results (or even folder contents) by Categories For example a search returns about 100 Files - it would just be great to have the possibility to only see the files which are in category 'B'.... Thanks in advance! &160; -Chris
4 3137
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/04/2010 10:21 PM
2 Replies and 3397 Views Question about the notification process  3397  2 Started by  Yann Habrial Hi, I have a question about the notification process of DMX. This is really simple: First, I have unchecked all notification options in the notification administration tab of DMX In my DNN Portal I use 3 generic user accounts (configured with my mail) which are used by differents users depending of their rights on the portal When a user (which has the rights)&160; deletes a file, I receive a notification mail saying that the file has been deleted. Is there somewhere else ...
2 3397
by  Yann HabrialJump to last post
07/30/2010 3:23 PM
1 Replies and 3047 Views lank Box and Errors when dragging folders..  3047  1 Started by  SHC Forums We are currently testing DMX 05.02.09 in our QA area, and when you try to either drag a folder onto another folder, or drag a folder onto itself (should not work) from the rightside of the screen, a thin white box appears, with a spinning icon in the middle, and remains there until completed. However, there should be verbiage in the box, I believe, and there is none. Plus, when you do try to drag a folder onto itself, you do get the same box, but also sometimes a javascript error saying this ob...
1 3047
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/21/2010 9:11 PM
4 Replies and 3298 Views Non-functioning drop downs in module settings and missing permissions  3298  4 Started by  Laurence Neville Here are 2 intermittent problems we have noticed with the Document Exchange Module Settings (this is for someone logged in with Administrator rights): 1.&160;&160;&160; When we try to alter the settings, the “Root Folder for module” pull down menu has been empty.&160; Also, the “Root Category”&160; won’t let us expand categories to see sub categories. This doesn’t happen every time but it happens frequently and regardless of whether I am view, edit or design mode. Note: both regular DNN&...
4 3298
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/21/2010 9:09 PM
4 Replies and 3147 Views DMX 5.2 How to subscribe to a folder and its subdirectories?  3147  4 Started by  ingrid L Dear&160;bring2mind community, I'm new to DMX 5.2 and I'm currently evaluating the notifications and subscription proccesses. I set the notification options in the DMX module/admin/notifications .&160;Then I selected the folder and subscribed to it. It appears that I recieve notifications only for documents directly under this folder. I would like to subscribe to this folder and its&160;subdirectories, does somebody know if it is possible to do that and how to do that thank you very much f...
4 3147
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/13/2010 2:03 PM
3 Replies and 2548 Views copy subfolders  2548  3 Started by  rheingold Hi, I have some foldres, one contains 4 subfolders. Now, I would like to copy these (emtpy) subfolders to all other folders - is this possible Best, Jörg
3 2548
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/13/2010 1:56 PM
10 Replies and 3806 Views Shortlist Settings Dropdown Problem  3806  10 Started by  Mark Hannig It seems to me that the settings control for the Shortlist addon (and probably others) does not select the item in the list for&160;'Control to Load'&160;which is currently set.&160;&160;I have added several&160;controls for viewing that&160;control functionality by User Roles.&160;Regardless of control the setting is saved as, the dropdownlist always defaults to the first item in the list being selected.&160; Therefore, if anyone edits the control for any reason, and the first item is n...
10 3806
by  GusJump to last post
07/06/2010 5:54 PM
2 Replies and 3094 Views Folder path in notification emails  3094  2 Started by  Chris Jacobs I am looking for a way to insert the folder path into notification emails, I have tried using entry:path but that only seems to return the collectionid's for each folder like 0;4;1449;1450;1596;1621;1622;
2 3094
by  Chris JacobsJump to last post
07/02/2010 4:35 PM
1 Replies and 2988 Views Doc Exch Pro 5.2.3 Unable To downlad  2988  1 Started by  herman My environment is :&160;&160;DNN&160;4.09.01, SQL Server 2005, IIS 6.0, Windows 2003 Server I have Document Exchange Professional 5.02.03 and Document Exchange Treeview Navigator 2.00.04 I have two (2) questions.&160; 1.&160; How do I resolve this error message.&160;&160;&160;Error message : 'Unable to download Download.aspx from; Unable to open this Internet site.&160; The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.&160; Please try again later.' 2.&...
1 2988
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/02/2010 2:49 PM
3 Replies and 2798 Views Document Changes Notification issue  2798  3 Started by  Ad Spelt I have a problem with notifications. The link is missing&160;some (the red colored) caracters. How to solve this problem Examples: DMX-version 05.02.08 DNN-version 05.04.02 Dear ....., The following actions have taken place on documents you are tracking: xxxxx was&160;xxxxx by&160;xxxxx on xxxxx link:
3 2798
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/02/2010 2:37 PM
0 Replies and 4376 Views What's New addon showing Gallery Thumbnails  4376  0 Started by  Chrickel We've installed both addons 'What's New' and the 'New Gallery' (which BTW is terribly slow - any hints on this) Now the 'What's New' addon also shows the generated Thumbnails of the New Gallery addon without a clickable Filename. This can be avoided by appending this statement&160;to the Row Filter: AND (NOT OriginalFileName LIKE '-True' AND (NOT OriginalFileName LIKE '-False')) &160; -Chris
0 4376
06/30/2010 11:23 AM
1 Replies and 2389 Views direct link to folder  2389  1 Started by  rheingold Hi, is there a way to get a direct link to a folder I would like to provide a link on a certain page that shows to a subfolder. Best, Jörg
1 2389
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/25/2010 3:54 PM
1 Replies and 2501 Views Notification issue  2501  1 Started by  Bill Mason I'm sorry if this has been asked but I have been searching and experimenting for hours with no success. I have a folder, called uploads.&160; There are probably other folders within it but not necessarily.&160; I finally was able to make it so any authenticated user could upload a file there and have it automatically approved. The problem is notifications.&160; There are a few people who own the company and I created a DNN security group called 'owners' that I put them and myself in.&160; ...
1 2501
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/25/2010 3:52 PM
3 Replies and 2800 Views Drag & Drop  2800  3 Started by  GA I have edit permissions on my DMX folders for a large number of users. Someone dragged and dropped a folder (Folder A) which was in the root collection to some other folder, through the UI. The problems I have are 1. I cannot find out who actually moved the folder as drag and drops do not seem to be logged in DMX_Log or through notifications. 2. I cannot move the folder back to the root collection even if I log in as host or admin. Is there any way to&160; track drag & drops. Can this fe...
3 2800
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/25/2010 3:49 PM
5 Replies and 3300 Views real bulk upload required  3300  5 Started by  Christian Rommel DMX 5.2.2 Hello, a real bulk upload is required since it is much easier for less experiences users to upload a list of small files rather than having them zip/unzip, and sometimes also split the archives. On top, I have big issues uploading large files here - a bulk upload would help here too. Thank you Chris
5 3300
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/25/2010 3:47 PM
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