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1 Replies and 2132 Views Limiting or wrapping pager in TemplateView  2132  1 Started by  Jason Scott &160;I have an odd use case that I'm hoping some TemplateView experts can help me out with. &160;We have a folder that contains 5,000 files (they're uploaded by an automated batch process each night). &160;We're using the templateview UI to display the files, and we have it set to show 50 entries per page. &160;The problem here is that there are now 100 pager buttons that all display on one row. &160;It forces the entire module to grow in width so that the user has to scroll horizontally to...
1 2132
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/06/2010 1:31 PM
1 Replies and 2337 Views Cannot see Repository Location setting  2337  1 Started by  GA I upgraded from DMX v5.1.3 to v5.2.5 and now cannot see the repository location setting anywhere. I think it used to be on the MainOptions screen. Was it moved to some other place
1 2337
by  Jason ScottJump to last post
05/05/2010 11:24 PM
1 Replies and 2436 Views New Version - Remarks  2436  1 Started by  GA When uploading a new version, the remarks (description) does not seem to carry over. Can that be changed. Everything else gets copied over to new version. I am running DMX version 5.2.5 &160;
1 2436
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2010 10:32 AM
1 Replies and 2354 Views Problems with DMX and Firefox 3.6.3  2354  1 Started by  Urs Van Binsbergen We are currently running DMX 5.2.6 and Firefox 3.6.3. The problem is that Browser‘s context menu covers the DMX context menu. It happens with Firefox but not with IE.
1 2354
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2010 10:31 AM
5 Replies and 3440 Views Date range for date custom atrributes  3440  5 Started by  Pete We have a couple of custom attributes that use the date type/calendar control. The system seems to prevent user from selecting&160;a date past December 31, 2030. Is that something we can change or configure Is this a bug or by design Our users track dates for most of our documents so it very important that we can select dates past 2030. Thank you
5 3440
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2010 10:29 AM
4 Replies and 3156 Views Custom attributes in viewcollection.ascx  3156  4 Started by  Chris Jacobs We are currently running DMX 5.1.3 and have a number of custom attributes that I have been displaying as columns in viewcollection.ascx by adding the column names like with the upgrade to 5.2, I now get A critical error has occurred. Column 'Document_Number' not found in data source I have looked at the partial source but I can't find where the data is being loaded.&160; Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
4 3156
by  Chris JacobsJump to last post
04/28/2010 9:35 AM
3 Replies and 2467 Views TemplateView.ascx  2467  3 Started by  James Hi I've amended the file called TemplateView.ascx located at \DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMX\App_LocalResources The page now looks how I want it to but now when I click on a document it doesn't open. Instead you click it and nothing happens - the page refreshes and nothing appears in the module. I&160;guess I must have amended something I shouldn't have - any ideas, or should I attach all the code Thanks James &160;
3 2467
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/23/2010 3:34 PM
1 Replies and 3047 Views DNN 5.4 AJAX.AddScriptManager Issue  3047  1 Started by  Chris Smith Peter, I upgraded one of our sites to 5.4 with no errors. Now when any node in the Treevie area is selected a 'Error loading callback data' pop-up appears. The event log shows the following: AssemblyVersion: 5.4.0 PortalID: 0 PortalName: Net Data Design Client Site UserID: 2 UserName: admin ActiveTabID: 223 ActiveTabName: Master Documents RawURL: /DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/GetTreeviewContents.aspxNodeId=ent1158&TabId=223&ModuleId=690 AbsoluteURL: /DesktopModules/Bring...
1 3047
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/23/2010 3:30 PM
3 Replies and 2957 Views Advance Search: How to incorporate advance search feature in template driven views  2957  3 Started by  jsumant I&160;am evaluating DMX&160;document. During evaluation I&160;found that there is no way to show 'Advance Search'&160;option in template driven views. My requirement is to publish documents to anonymous users and for that I&160;don't want to use default view of DMX&160;module (i.e. ViewCollection.ascx) where Search option comes under Tools menu. Is there any way to incorporate advance search feature in my customized view (TemplateView.ascx)
3 2957
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/16/2010 10:28 AM
1 Replies and 2255 Views show direct link from templated view  2255  1 Started by  peter schotman How do I invoke show direct link from a templated view Peter
1 2255
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/16/2010 10:26 AM
3 Replies and 2840 Views Showing a unique id for each file  2840  3 Started by  Exir Hi I want to have the possibility to have a unique id in details part for each uploaded file, Is there any special token to use for this issue if not what is the other ways to achieve this Thanks &160;
3 2840
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/16/2010 10:20 AM
2 Replies and 3214 Views Only Details visible in IE8 (Internet Explorer 8)  3214  2 Started by  pmarkiewicz Here's a real head scratcher.&160; On both IE6 and Firefox, when I select a file, I see the Details, Status, Permissions, Versions, and Logs for a file.&160; On IE8, I only see the Details visible.&160; There is also a scrollbar that appears at the bottom (as if to scroll left or right). I'm currently using DMX&160;5.1.3.&160; Is this a known issue that has been resolved in later versions &160;Thanks.
2 3214
by  pmarkiewiczJump to last post
04/12/2010 3:45 PM
7 Replies and 3681 Views Show Direct Link  3681  7 Started by  Alain RAMON Hi! Config: Windows 2k8, SQL 2k5, IIS7, DNN 5.2.0, DMX 5.2.1 When right clicking on a file name and then left&160;clicking on 'Show Direct Link', the popup window doesn't show the right link. In the displayed link, the portal alias is displayed twice. Example: Alain.
7 3681
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/12/2010 1:43 PM
1 Replies and 2326 Views How to list all files  2326  1 Started by  Stephen D Is there a way of creating a list of all documents in DMX with the folder location (folders within DMX not folders on the server) &160;
1 2326
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/12/2010 1:40 PM
5 Replies and 2662 Views Err  2662  5 Started by  Ruskin &160;I seem to have experienced an error with Synch Folder. &160;When I run the Sync Folder Script in Admin, I get the following 00:00:00.046 -&160;Previous logfile found C:\inetpub\apps\dnn\Portals\0\DMX\Temp\_temp_20100331SyncFolderLog-3.resources. Failed folder sync. Message: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime., Trace: at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles) at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Framework.SyncFolderSynchronizer.Run(S...
5 2662
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/12/2010 1:36 PM
3 Replies and 2739 Views Custom attributes doesnt show for some types  2739  3 Started by  Exir Hi I have defined some attributes and choosed some types like file.docx and some other types, to apply the attributes to them but it doesnt shows in the custom. it is ok with some special types like jpg but doesnt work with some other types like docx or types of video, why is it like this please guide me
3 2739
by  ExirJump to last post
04/04/2010 9:45 AM
4 Replies and 2316 Views class: Bring2mind\DMXContent  2316  4 Started by  peter schotman DMX injects class = 'Bring2mind\DMXContent'&160;I don't think it is valid. Moreover, it is not working in FF. Peter
4 2316
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2010 4:23 PM
1 Replies and 1907 Views display block for table cells  1907  1 Started by  peter schotman Maybe I should collect my issues.... Here is one from the default template: td style= ' display:&91button:undelete_visible|block;none&93;text-align:center' > doesn't work nicely in FF, you better use: 'table-cell' instead of 'block'. Peter
1 1907
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/31/2010 4:31 PM
4 Replies and 3039 Views Double Clicking doesn't work in 5.02.03  3039  4 Started by  omeszar This is an old issue as found by doing a search in the forum (see link below); however, it appears that it has surfaced again. Yesterday I upgraded a customer to the newest version 5.02.03 and now if I&160;double click on a Word document or if I&160;do right-click Open in Word, I get the ''Internet Explorer cannot download Download.aspx from 'sitename'' error. This happens from IE. If I do right-click download file, then the file gets downloaded and everything works fine. &160; Is it possib...
4 3039
by  omeszarJump to last post
03/30/2010 2:56 AM
3 Replies and 2747 Views Category Shortlist: How to add attributes to grid?  2747  3 Started by  jsumant I&160;would like to use category shortlist addon for displaying files. Is it possible to display additional attributes for each record&160;If yes can some one post sample code to achieve it. Thanks.
3 2747
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/29/2010 3:09 PM
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