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6 Replies and 2990 Views DMX 5 and DNN 5.1.3  2990  6 Started by  The Mobile Guru I&160;really need some help. I have DMX 5 installed into DNN 5.1.3 (succesfully-ish). Everything works however DMX is really slow. None of the controls work quite as they should - eg no progress bar when loading files. WebDAV does not work correctly. I have posted about this before and I am using IIS7 running on Windows Server 2008 with SQL Server 2005. I am hapy to provide any access to my server in order to fix this - but this is now threatening my intranet portal strategy where DNN &...
6 2990
by  Johnny GarciaJump to last post
12/04/2009 4:27 PM
3 Replies and 2848 Views Questions about the DMX  2848  3 Started by  Gareth Hi, Sorry if i've placed this under the wrong topic........ Our company is looking to implement a DNN based document library. I have narrowed it down to 4 products, and have a few questions about your product. Not all questions below specify a requirement that we must have, but this will give us a better understanding of what we get 'out of the box'. 1. Is there the ability to search documents by title, metadata, text within a document 2. Does your product allow a document to be locked ...
3 2848
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/04/2009 10:49 AM
4 Replies and 4093 Views Blank page with DMX Category Shortlist  4093  4 Started by  Nicolo Pitsch Hello Opening pdf-Files with DMX&160;Category Shortlist can cause issues within Internet Explorer. It is not consistent, some times it works maybe for one time and the next time you click the same link a blank page appears instead of the File. I tried this from different computers. On a computer with Internet Explorer 6 even the Download.aspx file gets downloaded. If the blank page appears, you can force a redraw with F5 and the document appears! I tried this with different Internet Explorer ...
4 4093
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/04/2009 10:47 AM
3 Replies and 3112 Views Latest Verion of DNN and DMX  3112  3 Started by  Johnny Garcia Hi there Peter, I just purchased DMX today it's a GREAT Module. The thing is that I'm having the same problems others have regarding the performance of editing an existing folder or file. It's actually taking a bit longer than 30 seconds. I check my server and everything is OK. I also took a look at the DB and same thing... OK. Have you came with a solution that i haven't found in your forum Please, let me know what can I do I'm way way past my due date to finish this project. Best regards, ...
3 3112
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/04/2009 10:43 AM
1 Replies and 2458 Views Apply default template  2458  1 Started by  Jim Collier I'm testing the DMX&160;module and have one question before making a purchase.&160; I have inserted a DMX&160;module using the TemplateView.ascx.&160; Then I have customized that template.&160; I want to be able to apply that same template I customized to other DMX&160;modules I insert on various other pages.&160; I can't see how to apply that custom template to other modules that I insert &160; Jim
1 2458
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/27/2009 6:37 PM
3 Replies and 3492 Views Error after upgrade to DNN 5.1.3  3492  3 Started by  4Tech Good Day&160; I have recently upgraded from DNN version 4.9.2 to DNN version 5.1.3.&160; After the upgrade, when I navigate to the DMX control I get 'An Error has occurred - Error loading&160;Bring2mind/DMX/ViewCollection.ascx' ONLY when I'm LOGGED OUT of the portal. When I LOGIN as a user to the portal, DMX displays and operates fine.&160; When I look at the Event Viewer, I see a 'Module Load Exception' with the following details:&160; --- ModuleControlSource: DesktopModules/Bring2min...
3 3492
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/27/2009 6:34 PM
6 Replies and 3243 Views uploading zip files  3243  6 Started by  Matthew Cushing I'm coming across something interesting - I'm uploading a fairly large file - 11M, I already set the proper flags in the config. When I check zip and use folder name, it uploads fine, but then I have two folders - Main &160;&160; ZipFileName &160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; ZipFileName Any idea why it's using the foldername twice If I leave the 'use for folder name' unchecked, it doesn't upload it.&160; No error message, just doesn't upload it.
6 3243
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/27/2009 5:41 PM
2 Replies and 2990 Views DMX IS KILLING MY SERVER!  2990  2 Started by  JT I purchased and installed DMX months ago. Since that time we've had major performance issues on our server and the size of our database has been bloating out of control (from 50MB to 800MB). We maximized RAM on our server and yet it still continues to have problems. I've been doing everything I can to keep my server up but its been choking and stopping responding several times a day. I just identified the source of the problem. For whatever reason the server is locking and unlocking abo...
2 2990
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2009 11:06 AM
3 Replies and 4664 Views UI allows Adding a New File without uploading  4664  3 Started by  jasonred We have noticed on the New Item page when you select to add a new file that you can sucsefuly submit an item without uploading anything. You then get an item in the document tree with a Zero byte size and it give the error 'Could not find a part of the path '...DNN\Portals\0\DMX'' when you try to download it. Is there a fix for this Thank You
3 4664
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2009 11:03 AM
2 Replies and 2975 Views ViewCollection - minimize details pane  2975  2 Started by  Nicolo Pitsch Hi Since I investigated some time to discover it, I&160;share this: I wanted to have the details pane minimized. I made two little changes in a copy of ViewCollection.ascx (starting at line 79): &160;&160;&160;&160;&160; SplitterBarActiveCssClass='ActiveSplitterBar' SplitterBarWidth='5'>&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; &160;&160;&160;&160;&160; 99' CssClass='SplitterPane'> &160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; &160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; &160;&160;&160;&160;&...
2 2975
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2009 11:00 AM
2 Replies and 2736 Views Forcing SSL  2736  2 Started by  pmarkiewicz I&160;have an installation that sits behind a firewall which only allows https access.&160; If a user visits the page (and it is protected by SSL), a New Item will redirect the user to 'http' which is not accessible.&160; How can I&160;force DMX&160;to use https addresses in its menu items&160; Is that possible Thanks.
2 2736
by  pmarkiewiczJump to last post
11/19/2009 3:15 PM
1 Replies and 2713 Views Color in Details  2713  1 Started by  TColl Hi, I'm Testing DMX 5 in a skin color with black background. I have modified the style sheets but I can't change the colors of the Details section on the Grid (ViewCollection.css). How do I&160; change the color blue &160;Thank you!
1 2713
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/19/2009 1:20 PM
1 Replies and 2891 Views Friendly URLs?  2891  1 Started by  cstern Is there a way to get a public document download links to be in a friendly URL&160;format&160; In other words (from the demo site) could this download: be turned into:
1 2891
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/19/2009 1:16 PM
5 Replies and 3702 Views Critical error: The device is not ready  3702  5 Started by  para3505 I get this error when trying to open any document. I copied my dnn version back from production. Could this have caused the error
5 3702
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2009 4:52 PM
5 Replies and 2800 Views A couple of interface questions  2800  5 Started by  grandypeace I recently checked out the demo of DMX&160;5.1 and I&160;have a couple of questions. 1. Is it possible to change the fields that appear in the file/folder list view in the top-most panel on the right side of the display&160; The Powers&160;That Be would prefer to see a version number for each file listed there. 2.Is it possible to customize what items appear in the right click menus, above and beyond what appears based on the assigned permissions&160; I&160;set up my page with only adm...
5 2800
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2009 4:51 PM
5 Replies and 3498 Views Disabling the Zip and Download  3498  5 Started by  Sean Nolan Can someone please tell me how to disable the Zip and Download selection on the popup menu. I do not want to allow&160;users to do this. Thanks Sean
5 3498
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/28/2009 4:40 PM
1 Replies and 2498 Views How do you not approve a change  2498  1 Started by  Paul Meyer &160;If I am an approver and a user that can edit a document makes a change that I don't like, how do I reject there change and keep the document's version set to the last approved version It seems like there should be a 'Reject changes' option in the menu or something.
1 2498
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/27/2009 10:39 AM
3 Replies and 2995 Views Direct Link with IE8 issue  2995  3 Started by  scottjasta We're having a problem using direct links to secured documents from IE8. People using these links are redirected to the login page but after logging in there's a prompt from IE&160;about an attempt to download a file. When you OK&160;this action, nothing further happens. This occurs only in IE8 from what I've seen. Any ideas how we can work around this thanks
3 2995
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/15/2009 6:14 PM
7 Replies and 3397 Views How do I unsubscribe from a document?  3397  7 Started by  Nathan Rover I've been able to subscribe to documents and they appear in my subscribed content folder, but I can't find a way to unsubscribe from that file... Any thoughts Thanks
7 3397
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/15/2009 6:11 PM
2 Replies and 2937 Views Portal Setup RSS DMX on multiple pages  2937  2 Started by  Matthew Cushing We are in the midst of setting up DMX for our intranet portal and loading about 2-3k documents in it.&160; In organizing our DNN portal, I have a plan for setting things up and I'm wondering if it's even feasible. We have one page called DMX which is the DMX install, allowing certain people in each dept access to specific department folders based on their AD permissions.&160; If anyone wants to search for a document, they can either type in the filename into the search bar in the home page, o...
2 2937
by  Matthew CushingJump to last post
10/15/2009 3:02 PM
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