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2 Replies and 2982 Views Descriptive Title Illegal Characters  2982  2 Started by  Connie I read in a 2008 topic that you don't allow the slash '/' character in a document title because it would interfere with WebDAV. While I understand this, our organization has legal documents whose titles contain this character and potentially others. Is there any chance in the future you will address this by perhaps adding a 'Display Title' field in which we can use all characters Otherwise, we will have some rather unhappy staff. Thanks!
2 2982
by  ConnieJump to last post
11/06/2014 10:37 PM
2 Replies and 3940 Views Cannot NEW Anything from main file list  3940  2 Started by  Random69 Tried New...File, Folder, and Hyperlink - all behave the same way. Tried refreshing the browser pages - IE11. Checked permissions, etc, all the same as it was before. IIS7.5 SQL Server 2012 Express DNN 7.3.3 Community Any ideas on what this could be Thanks! I'm getting some errors (f12 console), could be DNN... (but notice the XMLHttpRequest error) HTML1300: Navigation occurred. File: DocumentExchangeRoot.aspx JQMIGRATE: Logging is active HTML1423: Malformed start tag. At...
2 3940
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:38 AM
2 Replies and 3126 Views Cant scroll down far enough to see last files in list  3126  2 Started by  tbhgroup Good day Support, We are currently using Document Exchange 6.1.6 and using the AJAX 2 panel view. On the right side where the documents are listed, in some of the folders where we have a long list of files, we cannot scroll down far enough to view the last file/s, the scroll tab doesnt seem to be able to go all the way to bottom and you can only see a small snippet of the last file name which is not legable or click-able. Is there there any fix/trick to give padding on the bottom or chang...
2 3126
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:28 AM
2 Replies and 3206 Views Zip and Download creates an empty .Zip file  3206  2 Started by  BartS When I try to zip and download an entire folder, DMX creates an empty .Zip file of 1kb. When I open this .zip file there is nothing inside of it. I've seen a few post out there about this but nothing really on how to fix it. Has anyone found a fix for this I'm running DMX 6.01.07 on DNN 6.2.6
2 3206
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 9:18 AM
0 Replies and 3179 Views New Feature Requests  3179  0 Started by  Chhavi Hi Peter, I have requests for some new features that can greatly enhance DMX and I would think are common enough that a lot of users could benefit from them. The first two are very basic features that every document management tool has and the lack of these two capabilities is a big drawback when we try to promote this tool to our business partners. Add Effective and Expiration date to documents and have a template view where only documents that have not expired show up. I know this can ...
0 3179
09/26/2014 4:10 PM
0 Replies and 3199 Views Displaying Subcategories  3199  0 Started by  elvis75 I have a folder that contains several sub-folders. Ex. Main - Sub 1 - Sub 2 - Sub 3 I want to display all of the sub folders and files on a page within a main folder. Can this be done
0 3199
08/20/2014 11:06 PM
0 Replies and 3289 Views Template Minimal View  3289  0 Started by  Darryl Jenkins I'm having trouble displaying folder structure using the template minimal view. When I switch to 2 panel view, all folders/files are shown but in minimal view only root and 2nd level folders are shown. No files and/or sub-folders are shown in 2nd level folders and below. Any ideas Thank you, Darryl Jenkins
0 3289
08/12/2014 4:30 PM
0 Replies and 3234 Views help text settings templateview  3234  0 Started by  40Fingers currently it is (or at least in my DMX instance): IsCollection DESC, title. But what actually works for custom attributes is: IsCollection, att11 DESC (as an example). It took me a bit too much time to figure this out....
0 3234
07/21/2014 1:34 PM
0 Replies and 3246 Views Hard Delete Error  3246  0 Started by  Craigjb12 Document Exchange version: 6.1.8 DNN version: 07.03.01 Skin: Gravity 2-col Template: Ajax UI When I right click on a file, then choose Hard Delete the alert window pops up, after clicking ok the file is not removed. Chrome Console shows 2 errors : Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL (jquery.js:9597) window.ComponentArt_CallBack.ProcessContent (jquery.js:9597) _z19F Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'result' of undefined A...
0 3246
07/17/2014 6:26 PM
0 Replies and 3065 Views Main Screen  3065  0 Started by  Joe Craig Is there a way to get the left column to be more of a standard treeview My current view using something that looks like { to the left of the node names. I'd like a more traditional view with to expand and - to collapse the tree structure. How
0 3065
07/14/2014 9:23 PM
1 Replies and 3060 Views import path  3060  1 Started by  LingTec It should be simple but I cannot figure it out. In the import edit box. What exactly the path format I need to put in so it can read from For example: my DNN installation domain/data /log /wwwwroot /wwwwroot/admin I can put anywhere the DMX can access location but I don't know where it can and what format I need to put into the Import Directory box. I tried the DMX location /Portals/0/DMX/2014 and it still display 'I can't access /Portals/0/DMX/2014' Than...
1 3060
by  LingTecJump to last post
07/12/2014 3:08 AM
3 Replies and 4061 Views View PDF screen resolution  4061  3 Started by  Gigi Payne We just installed DMX v6 and are generally very happy with it. We are having one issue though, when we right click a PDF file and select View, it appears to pop-up a PDF viewer. However, the entire pop-up window is not visible and there is no X button to close the window. When you click the back button on the browser it attempts to go back to the page before the DMX view page or even generates an error. Any ideas on how to resolve this Can you control the size of the pop-up window based on t...
3 4061
by  lucywillJump to last post
05/21/2014 4:02 AM
3 Replies and 5127 Views PDF Preview  5127  3 Started by  lprager Is the PDF Previes feature from DMX3 gone in DMX4
3 5127
by  lucywillJump to last post
05/21/2014 3:58 AM
1 Replies and 3205 Views Switching Between Languages on Categories Page  3205  1 Started by  Damian I'm getting a javascript error (see below) on language drop down selection change on the categories page. It appears that this error is preventing the category tree from updating to any other language than default. I tried to manage the categories in non-AJAX mode, but I don't see an option to switch languages in that interface. Please advise. Thanks. Uncaught Sys.ArgumentException: Sys.ArgumentException: Cannot deserialize. The data does not correspond to valid JSON. Parameter name: da...
1 3205
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/14/2014 6:13 PM
1 Replies and 3126 Views Add New File  3126  1 Started by  amedomea We are having an issue with users uploading files. Users right click on a folder and select New->File(s)then they are redirected to the upload page, they click select and browse to their files and click next then update, file shows in the folder but disappears after a few minutes. Please advise
1 3126
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/06/2014 11:54 AM
1 Replies and 3624 Views Silverlight upload control button text doesn't match descriptive text  3624  1 Started by  Dearborn IT On the Silverlight upload provider the upload box states 'Click 'Upload Files...' and choose 1 or more files to begin uploading'. However the button has 'Choose Files...' as its text. Is it possible to change the 'Choose Files...' text to match the actual description text
1 3624
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/03/2014 11:12 AM
1 Replies and 3300 Views Document upload to give a warning for duplicate documents and allow to replace a version instead of deleting it  3300  1 Started by  Chris Wylie Hi, Is it possible when uploading a Document to give a warning for duplicate documents and allow to replace a version instead of deleting it Thanks!
1 3300
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/10/2014 11:37 AM
2 Replies and 3248 Views How to turn off all notifications  3248  2 Started by  bring2ferenc How can I turn off all notification emails in DMX 6.0.2
2 3248
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/10/2014 11:37 AM
3 Replies and 3298 Views Load files take much time  3298  3 Started by  Marc Hello, I put the DMX module in a page and he take 15-20 seconds to load module. When I make this query for see the reason i see the problem is this stored procedure: DMX_GetSpecificEntryPermission. I delete log table but still slow load. Can help me Thz.
3 3298
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/10/2014 11:36 AM
1 Replies and 3209 Views Alternative file format option  3209  1 Started by  dolver apologies if this is not the right area, its basically a feature request. As the administrator of multiple government websites, we have a need to provide alternative formats of documents to meet accessibility requirements. The dynamic listings of documents available through DMX is a great feature, which has the potential to essentially reduce the content publishing effort almost all together. But in order to make multiple formats available it requires having duplicate entries in any lis...
1 3209
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/10/2014 11:34 AM
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