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1 Replies and 2637 Views Navigator 2.0 for DMX 5 appears to be broken  2637  1 Started by  Rob Ralston Hi Peter, I had been playing around with the Navigator with the Template UI interface, and it appears that either DMX v5.0.3 or the latest v5.0.4 broke Navigator. Thanks. Rob Ralston
1 2637
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/27/2009 10:35 PM
6 Replies and 3387 Views Display Functionality  3387  6 Started by  Herman Howard I downloaded your trial version and everything seems to work fine.&160; My question is,&160; how do you turn the details Tab off or hide it&160; I think it is something we will&160;purchase but we don't want to show all the details of a file or folder.&160; We are looking for a simple file manager module.&160;&160;Thanks in advance.
6 3387
by  Herman HowardJump to last post
03/25/2009 10:34 PM
3 Replies and 2534 Views All Users Getting Notifications  2534  3 Started by  jeff darco DMX 5.00.01, Notifications page has the default settings We have set up a DMX project and started loading files.&160; Every user on the system started getting notifications of the new files, yet only a few users are administrators for the portal, and no users have subscribed to any folders or files. Why are they all getting the subscriber messages I stopped the flood by removing the SMTP settings. What may be wrong
3 2534
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/25/2009 9:35 PM
1 Replies and 2640 Views Agree to License before download  2640  1 Started by  Stefan Cullmann Hi Peter, Today we discussed a nice to have feature: If a license is attached to a folder, all files should require&160;to agree to that license&160;&160;before a&160;download/mail transfer occurs. WebDAV can be ignored in that case.&160;It should work similar to the license agrrements at codeplex. What do you think Could that be off common interest Stefan
1 2640
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/25/2009 9:32 PM
1 Replies and 2533 Views IE JavaScript error when using the scroll wheel  2533  1 Started by  Bryan Beswick Module version 5.0.3, IE7 When hovering the mouse cursor over the document/folder list and there are only a few (1 or 2) items in the list and then using the mouse scroll wheel to scroll down, if the user scrolls off the bottom of the list (resulting in no items shown in the list) the browser throws an error message: A Runtime Error has occured. Do you wish to Debug Line 1 Error: 'undefined' is null or not an o...
1 2533
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/24/2009 11:17 PM
6 Replies and 2975 Views Double-clicking on a document fails  2975  6 Started by  Brad O. I just installed this DMX_04.02.0 desktoip module.&160; If you right click and select 'Download File', it works fine and displays the&160;file.&160; If you double click on the file, I get a 'Internet Explorer cannot download Download.aspx from localhost.&160; Internet Exploer was not able to open this Internet Site.&160; The Requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.&160; Please try agian later.' What''s the deal Thanks, Brad
6 2975
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/23/2009 11:03 PM
1 Replies and 2629 Views Cant upload pdf files  2629  1 Started by  conrad Hi I get the following error when uploading PDF files: Could not find file 'C:\ZetaCode\YZSites\ScoutingDirect\wwwroot\Portals\0\DMX\Upload\sample_1.pdf The site is installed locally. Trial version of DMX is versoin 5.00.03 .pdf is in the file types on host settings Using asp.nt uploader as the other options do not work. The file upload works for .doc, zip,give and hyperlinks. &160;
1 2629
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/19/2009 10:03 AM
1 Replies and 2479 Views Menu is not poping out  2479  1 Started by  sridhar Hi, I have installed the trial version in the test site and when i right click on the uploaded files or folders it is not showing the menu and it also makes the top menu not visible.
1 2479
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/16/2009 11:55 AM
1 Replies and 2751 Views Upload Problem  2751  1 Started by  Stas Popov The DMX generate an error, when I either choose TelerikUpload or CAUpload where ASP upload works fine. I've check the web.config, all entries there as per installation manual. The errors: CAUpload : JavaScript error Message from webpage Upload error: Error loading progress data. Page error log: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB5; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0; .NET CLR 3.0.30618) Time...
1 2751
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/16/2009 11:54 AM
5 Replies and 2537 Views Bug: Deleted User & Permissions  2537  5 Started by  Gregory T I ran into an issue with a client that uses user-based permissions on their document repository.&160; If a user account is deleted from the site and has permissions set up on a directory in DMX, the following error is received when that directory is navigated to: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. In: at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.UI.Utilities.FormatPermissions(EntryPermissionCollection permissions) at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Business.EntryInfo.GetProperty(Strin...
5 2537
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/16/2009 11:30 AM
2 Replies and 3401 Views Need a Hired Gun  3401  2 Started by  E. Swan I apologize if I am violating any local work request rules.&160; But I do need to hire a bit of a consultant's time. We love the DMX product.&160; But we are short on time, and do not want to take on any learning-curve right now.&160; So I hope we can hire a few hours from one of the fine DMX gurus who hang around here. We need two things now: 1. A quick-uploader that lets our administrators load files into a Customer Downloads folder, all authorized and ready to download, and with p...
2 3401
by  E. SwanJump to last post
03/11/2009 1:50 AM
1 Replies and 2518 Views DMX 5.02 Error on unzipping folders  2518  1 Started by  Simon Gammon-Hardaway Hi Peter, I'm just checking out DMX 5.02 on our dev site and had an error when trying&160;to unzip some folder structures to DMX. However only seems to give an error when uploading the larger files. For example when uploading 7 files with one level of nested folders, it was ok, but when I tried a zip with 48 files (about 18meg) and a 2 level nested structure, it gives me&160;this error. &160;Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this...
1 2518
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/09/2009 11:46 PM
2 Replies and 3133 Views Adding file types  3133  2 Started by  moore creative Hi Peter We have MP3 and WMV files but those file types do not appear on the dropdown list. How can I add file types and related icons I don't need to have an application&160;interface for these, I just want to be able to display the proper file type and icon in the tree and detail views. &160; &160; &160;
2 3133
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/06/2009 3:40 PM
1 Replies and 2777 Views Questions / Comments  2777  1 Started by  subguru I have to say, your help that you provided over the past few weeks was FANTASTIC! Thank you very much. My site is online, and working well. Q: 1) Is there any way in the future to have the user interface with the ability to add multiple documents at once. Then the 2nd option screen would appear, and allow you to edit each item all on 1 screen Q: 2) I see your working on a few solutions on users setting there own time table for notifications. I think this would be a great feature. * On to...
1 2777
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/06/2009 3:39 PM
4 Replies and 2956 Views Upload problems  2956  4 Started by  J A Mijares Peter: I am having a lot of problems uploading documents to a DMX site. I have taken a speed test ( &160;and the upload test result I am getting is 182 kbps I have modified the web.config file making larger the time out and file size upload as follows: I am uploading a pdf document that is only 147. 7kb in size and it times out after 20 min. What happens is that I get a 31 advnace in the graph and stops there. It says: 31 uploaded (46.13kb) Total 147.77 kB Time passe...
4 2956
by  moore creativeJump to last post
03/05/2009 5:20 PM
2 Replies and 2578 Views Question uploading a new version  2578  2 Started by  Brian Gruselle Does anyone know how many characters can be entered into the comments box when uploading a new version.&160; I have a client who would to know. Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this for me! Brian Gruselle Skyline Technologies Inc Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 2578
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/04/2009 5:01 PM
1 Replies and 2917 Views Feature Request: Tokens for Profile values  2917  1 Started by  Stefan Cullmann Peter, Token Replace&160;for notification and templates is really awesome! I kindly ask for some new tokens: editor_profile,dnnadmin_profle and recipient_profile.I would like to address my users formally, therefore I need access to user's profile. Example (sorry, German): Sehr geehrte&91Recipient_Profile:Prefix&93&160;&91Recipient_Profile:Title&93&160;&91Recipient_Profile:Lastname&93, Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann,&160; Sehr geehrte Frau Professor Maier, Thank you, Stefan &1...
1 2917
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2009 5:07 PM
9 Replies and 4902 Views Wrong path in Show Direct Link  4902  9 Started by  saul When I right click on a document and select Show Direct Link, I get the following link that just takes me to the home screen of our DNN site: &160;&160; If I play with the URL, the following path does work.&160; Is there an easy way to fix this&160; Do we have something installed incorrectly do you think &160;
9 4902
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2009 5:06 PM
1 Replies and 2692 Views Is the a click to view option?  2692  1 Started by  Cutts I've just begun working with DMX in trial mode to see if it works in our environment.&160; This may be a dumb newbie question, but is there an option that allows a user to click and the document opens.&160; It seems the only option is to click download and select open. Thanks... and sorry if I'm missing something obvious
1 2692
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2009 5:02 PM
1 Replies and 3002 Views Template View  3002  1 Started by  moore creative Two questions about the Template View: 1. I'd like to be able to change the default number of items in a list from 10 to some other number. If that's possible, where do&160;I change it 2. I'd like to keep versions in my admin instance, but only want to show the single most recent version in the template view. If that's possible, how Thanks &160;
1 3002
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2009 4:57 PM
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