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2 Replies and 3322 Views Admin / Categories don't work  3322  2 Started by  oliver dembniak Hello Peter, I have a problem Admin / Catogories view, if I click on a button (like add or update) nothing happens. But I can find a exception in the event viewer for every try. AssemblyVersion: 04.08.02 PortalID: 2 PortalName: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 129 ActiveTabName: Products RawURL: /tr/Products/tabid/129/language/en-US/Default.aspxctl=Categories&mid=470 AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer:
2 3322
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/22/2008 4:17 PM
4 Replies and 2802 Views Timeout on upload  2802  4 Started by  Philipp Becker Peter, and another problem with the latest update: There is now a timeout while uploading. The progress indicator remain at 26, the total indicator displays for instance 185.03 KB although the file being uploaded is only 116 KB. Estimated time keeps increasing from that point and speed is constantly changing its value. The file is not being uploaded. The only thing i can find in the logs is ' System.Exception: Unhandled Error: ---> System.Web.HttpException: Request timed out. --- End of inne...
4 2802
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/22/2008 4:16 PM
6 Replies and 4526 Views Force users subscription  4526  6 Started by  Arick Peter, I don't see this as an option but wanted to know if it was possible, as an administrator, specific users and security roles to be subscribed to folder or a document&160;&160; The reason for this is we have a set of users who need to be notified when a document is chagned or added, and we would like to just subscribe those users without them having to log in and subscribe.&160; If this is possible please let me know how. Thanks, Arick
6 4526
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/18/2008 8:16 PM
1 Replies and 2960 Views Right Clicking  2960  1 Started by  knappster Hi, Just wondering about the right clicking behaviour.&160; When you first navigate to a folder and right click a file, the file gets highlighted and the context menu appears.&160; However, every subsequent right click on a different file does not highlight the file, the context menu appears but is for the original file first clicked.&160; You need to left click first then right click.&160; Is there a fix for this so that all right clicks highlight the file and displays the context menu C...
1 2960
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/18/2008 2:15 PM
10 Replies and 3526 Views Duplicate attribute crashes DMX  3526  10 Started by  saul I wanted to create metadata fields with the same names as already used for our documents.&160; Since we have a title that is different from the filename I created a 'Title' custom attribute.&160; This is the same name as one of the non-custom attributes and the DMX module crashed with no opportunity to repair from the web site admin. Since we were just starting, we uninstalled and reinstalled DMX This leads to 3 requests: 1. Before accepting a custom attribute name, check the exisiting attr...
10 3526
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/14/2008 6:51 PM
14 Replies and 5405 Views Error  5405  14 Started by  Scott When trying to unify permissions on children I receive the following error. A critical error has occurred. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this Thanks, Scott
14 5405
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2008 6:32 PM
4 Replies and 2979 Views Problem when editing a document it automatically becomes approved  2979  4 Started by  Heather We have been using the Document Exchange module for several months now and recently noticed a problem with documents showing up as approved when they weren't.&160; We have narrowed it down to the following process: An employee with only View, Add & Edit permissions on a folder will upload a new file.&160; The filename will show up in blue and the client (View only) cannot see this file when they log in. The employee will than right click on that new file and choose Edit.&160; ...
4 2979
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/30/2008 9:51 AM
2 Replies and 3625 Views Page flicker in FF2  3625  2 Started by  A B I've noticed that when a panel is updated in the DMX the entire page flashes white just before you see the change.&160; This seems to only occur in Firefox 2 as I haven't see the issue using IE7, FF3 or Sarfari . I poked around and it seems to me that the issue is caused by the following series of javascript events:- dom modified - setTimeout call The page goes blank after the dom modification and isn't restored until after the setTimeout completes. All display updates after componentart ca...
2 3625
by  A BJump to last post
07/28/2008 6:14 PM
3 Replies and 2910 Views Drag & Drop Not Supported?  2910  3 Started by  Damon Koronakos From a Doc Exchange newbie. Say you have a document in folder A and you want to move it to folder B. I expected to be able to drag-and-drop the documents/folders around to rearrange them, but when I try to drag the cursor turns into the &91circle-with-line-through-it&93 icon and stays that way no matter what the drop target. I don't see anything in the menus to allow you to move a file between folders. What am I missing Thanks... Damon &160;
3 2910
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/24/2008 10:29 AM
4 Replies and 3704 Views Notification - defaultpath URL issue (MTQ)  3704  4 Started by  rad3tech Hi Peter, &160; We’ve upgraded from DMX 3.04.08 to DMX 4.02.03. Our DNN core is 4.08.02. &160; We’re experiencing some strange behaviour with our notification emails. Particularly, the notification/portal/defaultpath property. &160; We has several portal aliases, lets say (appear in this order in Host > Settings ): &160; Our EMAIL_DMX_NOTIFICATION_BODY template simply contains: &160; &160;&...
4 3704
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/21/2008 10:57 AM
3 Replies and 3594 Views can't make categories anymore  3594  3 Started by  sjalle Hi Peter, i'm working with DNN 4.6.2&160; and DMX 04.02.00 it seems&160;I can't add no more new categories , if&160;&160; I&160;add them ,&160;I see them , but&160;after &160;update , refresh , there vanished. Also&160;installed version&160;04.02.03 on a local host and tested , same problem. is there a procedure to make this work Thanks , Steven. &160; &160; &160;
3 3594
by  sjalleJump to last post
07/11/2008 12:41 PM
3 Replies and 3706 Views Unzip file gone in version 4?  3706  3 Started by  Stephen Tindall Hi, Has the "unzip file" option for bulk upload of files disappeared from DMX 4 I can't seem to find it in the new version. Is there an alternative Thanks, Steve.
3 3706
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/09/2008 12:38 AM
3 Replies and 3371 Views What's New module?  3371  3 Started by  Chris Onyak Peter,&160; do you have plans to create a Whats New module like you did with the v3.0 release&160; Or do you have that and I'm missing something&160; That was a great module that can't be duplicated with a simple SQL list since it includes the DMX security settings.
3 3371
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/09/2008 12:37 AM
20 Replies and 11426 Views Clipboard is not working  11426  20 Started by  Mark Kirstein
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I've upgraded to DMX 4.01.  It didn't work on 4.0.06 either. The clipboard isn't working.  I can add things to it, but then when I try to move or copy into other folders it does something, but the documents don't show up there. Thoughts
20 11426
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/27/2008 6:57 PM
8 Replies and 3371 Views Mail Item or Selection  3371  8 Started by  Guido Kuehler DNN 04.08.02 DMX 04.02.01 Right-Click on Object or a Folder and click on 'Mail me' get a Error-Box with the Error 'The data could not be loaded' Thank You Guido
8 3371
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/26/2008 12:39 AM
1 Replies and 3404 Views Column Width  3404  1 Started by  Gaurav Kumar I got another question here. we can control the column width of the Grid display of documents. But Can we make the columns to wrap text, if i specify a fixed column width of the column, and text is larger than the column width i specified so text should wrap for the column. Can this be possible, i tried doing it through CSS and ViewCollection.ascx but no luck. Can you help me here too &160; Thanks, Gaurav
1 3404
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/26/2008 12:38 AM
18 Replies and 37879 Views Java script error  37879  18 Started by  Gary D. I managed to have the installation of the trial version done on a clean DNN 4.5.5. After adding the module onto the page, it appears to have some javascript error at the left bottom of the page. "Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus" Any idea  
18 37879
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/23/2008 1:53 PM
7 Replies and 3310 Views IE 7 Display Issue  3310  7 Started by  Warren I'm not sure if this has been answered before, but in IE7 the details tab at the bottom of DMX4 module overflows the DMX content area and there are no scroll bars or anything being shown, the entire details area is just shown. I am using DMX 4.02.02 and DotNetNuke version 4.08.00.
7 3310
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/23/2008 1:46 PM
4 Replies and 4970 Views Log / Download statistics  4970  4 Started by  Mathias Freudigmann When I am logged in as host the Log is displayed in the details tab. That is fine and very important for us since we need to keep track of download statistics (which file how often and by whom). Is there a way to sse log details also as Admins (not only as Host) Or is there an alternative way to get download statistics for files within DMX 4
4 4970
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/17/2008 11:59 AM
3 Replies and 3312 Views DMX Document Detail View Loading Problem  3312  3 Started by  Gaurav Kumar Hi When I click on any Document and&160; file for&160; change it's attributes etc. then I cannot edit any entry by selecting it and right clicking it. the loading image does not finish even for hours after you select a document in left and bottom panes of the module Basically this problem occur whith my online configuration ,When i use fresh DNN installation and configure DMX then it's view is good on my local system but when i use same configuration for my online site then loading image doe...
3 3312
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/13/2008 11:16 AM
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