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3 Replies and 3843 Views Deleted folder causes crash  3843  3 Started by  Thierry Lach We've got multiple pages with DMX modules pointing to different levels in the directory structure controlled by DMX. Simplistically - we've got a file structure Root - Folder1 - Folder2 - Folder3 and pages Page1 - DMX module pointing to Folder1 (which contains Folder2) Page2 - DMX module pointing to Folder2 (which contains Folder3) Page3 - DMX module pointing to Folder3 with different levels of permissions on the pages. One of the users with access to Page2 did a hard-delete of F...
3 3843
by  Thierry LachJump to last post
04/08/2008 10:59 PM
6 Replies and 3351 Views Object is saved but the Title is empty when is to large  3351  6 Started by  Guido Kuehler DMX 04.00.03 Steps: We create a new Object Folder or Document and define a very large Title for this Set Custom-Attributes and right and save this No Error is displayed We see the Entry in teh List with Symbol and all infos but the Title is empty. Here is needed that the UI blocks the save with a error when teh Title is to large! Thank You! Guido
6 3351
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/08/2008 10:17 PM
2 Replies and 3500 Views Getting Started - First Issues...  3500  2 Started by  Philipp Becker Hi Peter, 1. How can I disable the Help menu This seems pretty confusing for endusers / customers downloading things 2. How can I disable the Tools / Search Menu 3. If an item has no Size (e.g. a link), the size cell is not rendered, so in Firefox this looks pretty ugly on selecting such an item 4. Can I set the default size of the splitter panes somewhere &160; Thanks Philipp
2 3500
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/03/2008 9:21 PM
2 Replies and 3703 Views Folder Name problem  3703  2 Started by  Rob Ralston Hi Peter, A user found that attempting to name a folder with the word 'Selection' truncates that word to 'ion'. My guess is it is related to the SQL SELECT key word. For example, if I try to name a folder 'Software Selection' it will be named 'Software ion' Rob Ralston
2 3703
by  Rob RalstonJump to last post
04/03/2008 12:01 AM
2 Replies and 3916 Views Problems when folder name contains single quote  3916  2 Started by  Thierry Lach During a demonstration of the site, we added a subfolder named Tom's Folder.&160; DMX displays it with two single quotes (Tom''s Folder) in both the folder list and the detail lists.&160;&160; If I try to 'Open in Windows Explorer', I get an error dialog... Runtime Error Line: 1 Error: Expected ')' If I open the parent folder in Windows Explorer, the folder also shows up there with two single quotes instead of one. We're running DMX 4.2.0 under DNN 4.6.2 &160;
2 3916
by  Thierry LachJump to last post
04/02/2008 11:02 PM
1 Replies and 3781 Views Script error when adding new item  3781  1 Started by  Thierry Lach I accidentally found a small problem when adding a new item. In the Upload/Choose item screen, if you have entered some text in the 'select' box while the dropdown is set to File, then change the dropdown to Folder,&160; you get an error dialog Runtime Error Line: 279 Error: Access is denied. We're running DMX 4.2.0 under DNN 4.6.2 &160;
1 3781
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/02/2008 10:57 PM
1 Replies and 3804 Views Prevent Notification on deleting Item  3804  1 Started by  Ulrich Jenzer Is it possible to prevent that on definitive delete a notification (with a Link to a not existing Item) is generated
1 3804
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 3:00 PM
1 Replies and 3679 Views Mail Me gives an error  3679  1 Started by  Sean Nolan If I select the Mail Me menu option on a file I am getting a popup that shows the error 'The data could not be loaded'. Any ideas what I can do to try and fix this Thanks Sean
1 3679
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 2:58 PM
2 Replies and 3743 Views Buttons Go Missing In New/Edit Item Wizard  3743  2 Started by  Paul Deschenes This seems to happen more on the core data form within the wizard, but adding a new item, the Next and Cancel Will sometimes appear Will sometimes appear after about 15-20 seconds will magically disappear off the page for no reason I can tell will reappear again only after you refresh the page OR if you hover over the Upload/Core Meta menu Will appear to the FAR right of the screen causing the user to have to scroll to the right to access the buttons This is the str...
2 3743
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 2:54 PM
1 Replies and 3646 Views Can Not Cancel Out Of New Item  3646  1 Started by  Paul Deschenes When you click CANCEL when adding an item(in my case Folder) you get a description required message and you can not cancel
1 3646
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 2:43 PM
6 Replies and 3516 Views Edit Entry Main-Metadata to large 750px (WizardStep)  3516  6 Started by  Guido Kuehler DMX: 04.00.03 The Content-Admins from our Organisation inform me that the With by the Edit-Entry is only by the Main-Metadata so very large that cannot click on next without scrolling. I have verified this and see thats is right and we have by only by this WizardStep by one Table a width from 750. Below the detailed Code position: &160;&160;
6 3516
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 2:30 PM
4 Replies and 3608 Views Localization from Cancel,Previous,Next and Finishing in Wizard when Edit Attribiutes  3608  4 Started by  Guido Kuehler Hi Peter, can we currently also localize the Buttons (Cancel,Next,Previous and Finish) from the Wizard what you use for Exmple to Edit Attributed of a Object Thank You Guido &160;
4 3608
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 1:53 PM
4 Replies and 3615 Views localization wizardbuttons doesn't work in v 04.02.01  3615  4 Started by  janalwin Hallo, I have made a dutch-localisation of the module.&160; After updating some menu-items where in English again.&160; This was easily solved by adjusting the languagefiles in the languageeditor. I tried to do the same for the previous, next, cancel, finish buttons in the add item wizard. But they stay in English. They right values are edit to EditEntry.ascx.nl_NL.resx: &160; &160; &160;&160;&160; Beëindig &160; &160; &160;&160;&160; Vorige &160; &160; &160;&16...
4 3615
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 1:47 PM
1 Replies and 3526 Views New Folder Created With Name As No Title  3526  1 Started by  Paul Deschenes I have my DMX module set up to inherit the permissions from the root. So I have a user who is in a group with View/Edit permissions to new items. I can create new file entries with no problem, but whenever a user creates a folder and enters a new name for the folder, after clicking Finish, the new entry has a name of No Title
1 3526
by  Paul DeschenesJump to last post
03/29/2008 5:01 PM
2 Replies and 3592 Views DMX 04.02.01 Focus Javascript Error in IE  3592  2 Started by  Guido Kuehler When we view the Tab with the DMX-Module we see a Javascript Error in IE Browser. Sorry but we only a German-Error-Message from our Browser: 'Das Steuerelement kann den Fokus nicht erhalten, da dieses unsichtbar oder nicht aktiviert ist oder keinen Fokus zulässt.' We have look in Google and see that this Problem comes when the Code will set the Focus to a Object but this is hidden, not activated or&160;block a Focus. Thank You Guido &160; &160;
2 3592
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/27/2008 1:28 PM
2 Replies and 3877 Views DMX Addon Settings in DMX 04.02.01  3877  2 Started by  Guido Kuehler DMX Addon Settings in DMX 04.02.01 on DNN 04.08.01 Screen is empty only the Module-Title and Symbol is displayed but no Content or Cancel-Button or Link. Thank You Guido
2 3877
by  Guido KuehlerJump to last post
03/27/2008 1:28 PM
1 Replies and 3786 Views Custom Attributes per folder  3786  1 Started by  Ahmet Cetin Hello, Is there a way to define custom attributes per folder Let's say I have CA1 and CA2 as custom attributes, and Folder1 and Folder2. I want CA1 to be shown for files under Folder1 and CA2 to be shown for the files under Folder2. I wrote Folder1 in EntryType, but didn't work.
1 3786
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/27/2008 1:23 PM
1 Replies and 3805 Views Localization  3805  1 Started by  Ahmet Cetin Is there any way to translate the user interface
1 3805
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/27/2008 1:22 PM
1 Replies and 3569 Views Hide Filter List on: in UI  3569  1 Started by  Guido Kuehler Hi Peter, my Customer will that the 'Filter list: on' feature is hidden in the DMX-UI! Our Customer is a Goverment Institution and accept this not with the Feature, our Customer brings the Arguments that whe the Module is filled here work tausends of normal users from the internet was understand this option false and think he can search here in the Contents and so. When our Customer not acceppt this we becomes a very large Problem! Thank You Guido &160;
1 3569
by  Guido KuehlerJump to last post
03/27/2008 1:17 PM
7 Replies and 4266 Views Move a file from one folder to another?  4266  7 Started by  Richard Rynearson Is there a way to move a file from one folder to another through the UI and without using WebDav
7 4266
by  bJump to last post
03/25/2008 5:52 PM
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