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8 Replies and 3823 Views Quicktime does not play when file type set to view  3823  8 Started by  Scott Hi, I set quicktime files to be set to view only not download.&160; For some reason when i click on quicktime files in DMX4 the movies do not play in the browser.&160; I have this same problem with shockwave files.&160; I do not have this problem with pdf's however.&160; Can someone please help &160; Thanks, Scott
8 3823
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/17/2008 7:38 PM
15 Replies and 3791 Views Folder Rename  3791  15 Started by  Joe Vivona Upgraded to 4.01 this weekend.   Customers are reporting non-admins are no longer able to rename folders in the system.  Admins can, but non-admins cannot.   I checked to ensure approvals are turned off.   Regular users can add folders, delete folders & upload files. Any thoughts
15 3791
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/13/2008 11:41 AM
1 Replies and 3624 Views List of categories displayed  3624  1 Started by  Jeff Parker Hi, I'm trialling DMX 4. I like the concept of categories and local root folders. However, it would be great if the list of categories displayed to a user only included those categories that have&160;documents for which the user&160;has access to, if you get what I mean I'd like to use DMX for quite a large collection of documents that would be accessible by both&160;internal and external users and would not like the complete list of categories exposed to the external users. Is this possible...
1 3624
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/10/2008 10:05 AM
2 Replies and 3691 Views Collection vs Folder  3691  2 Started by  Jeff Parker Hi, I'm trialling DMX Pro 4 on Windows XP Pro (hence IIS 5) with SQL Server 2005 Express on DNN 4.8.1. Install seems to be OK. But when I add a DMX module to a page, it doesn't have 'Collection' as per the documentation. Instead it has 'Folder'. Is anything wrong with my installation FYI, I have also disabled WebDAV in DMX settings, if that matters.
2 3691
by  Jeff ParkerJump to last post
03/04/2008 12:30 AM
1 Replies and 3682 Views Categories display files outside local root tree  3682  1 Started by  Mathias Freudigmann I have several module instances of DMX on different pages. Each of them only gives access to certain set of sub-folders (sub-tree) which is easy to realise in DMX by chosing different local root folders (via module settings). However, if a user now browses by category, DMX displays files which are above the local root folder or in parallel folder branches, which should not be accessible from this module instance. Example: local root is 'Project X' with files from categories 'Presentations', 'Re...
1 3682
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/04/2008 12:17 AM
1 Replies and 3798 Views Problem using DMX 4.02  3798  1 Started by  Parmentier Frederik This morning we suddenly got the next error: Critical error - Reference to undeclared entity 'dIuc'. Line 38, position 83. If we look at the eventviewer of DNN: General exception: AssemblyVersion: 04.05.05 PortalID: 0 PortalName: AZ DAMIAAN UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 93 ActiveTabName: Documenten RawURL: /dnn/eBib/Documenten/tabid/93/Default.aspx AbsoluteURL: /DNN/Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.1....
1 3798
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/04/2008 12:06 AM
4 Replies and 4156 Views categories  4156  4 Started by  chriscore is therre a way to show in my page only the files from a categorie with a link to dowload them without all the menu and trees
4 4156
by  Mathias FreudigmannJump to last post
02/29/2008 2:59 PM
6 Replies and 3679 Views Notification object: entry property  3679  6 Started by  Ken I added {{valueof(notification/entry/property)}} to the body of my Notification email. The Notifications.doc tells me it will return "all details of the document", but it did not return anything. I know these objects must be added carefully which I did. It did not error. Should it have returned the Details of the file
6 3679
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/17/2008 10:19 PM
6 Replies and 4182 Views Import  4182  6 Started by  Jason Ross My apologies if this question has an obvious answer, but I haven't been able to find much documentation.  It seems that the only way to "bulk upload" files in DMX 4 is to utilize the Import tool. Since there is no upload/unzip feature in DMX 4, am I correct in thinking this is an accurate description of the process: upload and auto-extract ZIP files using File Manager point the DMX 4 Import tool to the folder location in File Manager (ex: Portals/0/docs/foldername) ...
6 4182
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/15/2008 9:24 PM
1 Replies and 3389 Views Minor enhancement suggestion on Edit Attributes  3389  1 Started by  Thierry Lach It would be handy for the name (at least the original name - realizing it can be changed in&160; the core metadata screen) to be carried through on all of the screens when editing attributes.&160;&160; A suggestion would be to place it above or at the top of the left panel.
1 3389
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/15/2008 9:17 PM
3 Replies and 3301 Views DMX 4 Look and Feel  3301  3 Started by  Vineet Belani Hi I quite like the look and feel for the DMX module used in the downloads section of your website. I was wondering if it is&160;possible to have the same look and feel&160;with the DMX 4 version which we are trialingfor&160;for our&160;company intranet at the moment. Thanks and Kind Rgeards Vineet Belani
3 3301
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/13/2008 10:04 PM
8 Replies and 3704 Views New Version not appearing for non-Admins  3704  8 Started by  Joe Vivona Peter, I have 2 non-admin groups in the system.&160;&160; When an Admin logs in and right clicks on a file, they get a menu item 'New Version'.&160;&160; When a non-admin logs in they do not see this item. The non-admin groups have Add/Edit/View security and Keep Versions is set to -1.&160; We do NOT have approvals turned on. Any thoughts
8 3704
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/13/2008 10:03 PM
1 Replies and 3466 Views Problem uploading a new file  3466  1 Started by  Lori Hello.&160; I am running into an issue uploading a new file if I am not logged in as an administrator.&160; The user name has permissions to view, edit, add and approve for Document Exchange but does not have permissions to modify the module or page settings.&160; What happens is as soon as the file starts to upload, the page redirects to a login screen.&160; I really do not want to give the user control over the site, just control over documents.&160; Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 3466
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/12/2008 10:01 PM
3 Replies and 3329 Views Customize File List  3329  3 Started by  Jason Ross Is it possible to customize the appearance of the Flie List area (3 in Help documentation)&160; On our installation, when a folder is selected in the Folder Tree, the File List area features three columns: Filename Size Modified Date The Modified Date column is too narrow to display the entire date.&160; Plus, the Filename column doesn't use all the available space to display the maximum amount of characters in the filename.&160; No matter how wide the column, there is a...
3 3329
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/11/2008 12:04 PM
14 Replies and 5196 Views How to link directly to a document  5196  14 Started by  Chhavi In DMX 3 we could right click on a document and get it's URL and then copy and paste it in a Text/HTML module or another module to link directly to that document.  How do I do that in DMX4  It does not look like I can link directly to the document.  The "Navigate" menu itme takes me to the following URL where I get "Page Not Found" error.  The DMX repository is outside the DNN Portals folder
14 5196
by  matt leibertJump to last post
02/01/2008 5:37 AM
1 Replies and 3409 Views Two Root Folders  3409  1 Started by  Brian Is there a way to show what looks like two root directories in the library  Ie can I create two sub folders to the default root directory and set the module so that it hides the default root directory and shows the two sub folders at the same level
1 3409
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/31/2008 11:49 PM
2 Replies and 3944 Views notifications question  3944  2 Started by  Ken I've been configuring a full install for a while now and am unclear on the notification possibilities. Below is an example of the process I would like. Is it possible UPLOADER uploads a new file in a directory with permissions for CLIENT APPROVER is notified, logs in, approves the file CLIENT is notified that a file is approved. CLIENT gets notified of the file before it is approved. They cannot view it yet but they also don't know that it is waiting approval. It's just not ...
2 3944
by  KenJump to last post
01/29/2008 9:31 PM
13 Replies and 9647 Views Sys.UI.DOMEvnet is null or not an object  9647  13 Started by  gderosa I am receiveing this JavaScript error on a Demo installation of DMX 4: Sys.UI.DOMEvnet is null or not an object What may be the cause of this error  I am running DNN 4.6.0 and using IE7.  When testing in FF, I do not receive an error. Other than that, excellent module! Thanks!
13 9647
by  anabelen.moroJump to last post
01/27/2008 4:29 PM
1 Replies and 3593 Views Folder name in Notification email  3593  1 Started by  Jason Ross Hi, Currently, our notification emails include the following details: Document: {{valueof(notification/entry/title)}} Editor: {{valueof(notification/user/displayname)}} Modification: {{valueof(notification/logtype/phrase)}} Time: {{valueof(notification/time)}} Date: {{valueof(notification/date)}} I would like to add the name of the Folder the Document is contained within.  Is that possible, and, if so, what is the XPath notation Thanks so much for your ...
1 3593
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/25/2008 11:15 PM
11 Replies and 4594 Views How do I add sub folders and set permissions?  4594  11 Started by  Mike Grace Hi, I am evaluating Document Exchange Version 4 and have some questions: 1) How do I create sub folders e.g. Finance, Sales etc.. 2) Where do I set up which users can add/edit/delete documents and which users can only view. Only a user set as administrator can do this at the moment. I have looked through the documents and cannot find this information. Your version 1 manual shows a screen that I cannot seem to find. I am running as localhost at the moment. 3) Is there a step by step tutori...
11 4594
by  Krista SeidlJump to last post
01/18/2008 8:57 PM
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