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1 Replies and 2953 Views Hide old docs or group by Year  2953  1 Started by  lucas Hi, hoping someone may be able to help. Client has been collecting documents in various folders and the folders are getting large in terms of 's of documents. I've sorted them in reverse chronological order so most recent are at the top. what they would like is to show documents for the current Year and either have an Archive section for older documents or even better an expandable list year by year e.g. doc 1 doc 2 doc 3 2012 2011 2010 has anyone tweaked the templa...
1 2953
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/07/2013 1:41 PM
4 Replies and 3009 Views root pattern based on custom profile property  3009  4 Started by  Maxime Larcelet Hi, I'm testing DMX before buying. I have a custom property (named 'groupe') in my users profiles. My DMX tree is : dmx_root |__folder1 |__A |__B |__admin the 'groupe' property is set to A, B or admin. The root pattern of the DMX module is set to '&91;Profile:groupe&93;'. The problem is that it's working well for my admin user ; but for other users, the root is not set to the proper sub-folder. What did I miss Tx a lot in advance. Maxime
4 3009
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/07/2013 1:38 PM
1 Replies and 2875 Views Paging and Multiple Modules on One Page  2875  1 Started by  CSEA Webmaster I'm trying to place two DMX modules on the same page. Module 1 uses the paging template. Module 2 does NOT use paging. When navigating to Page 2 of Module 1, Module 2 displays no documents. If I click on Page 1 of Module 1, Module 2 then displays the documents from Module 1. Does DMX support the usage of multiple modules per page Should I turn OFF paging Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
1 2875
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/16/2013 4:47 PM
8 Replies and 4579 Views performance problems  4579  8 Started by  mh Hi Peter, I’m using DNN 6.1 with DMX 5.3.8 and have some performance problems. For example, I always have to wait about 10 seconds after each click on a treenode until new files and subfolders are loaded. So I tried to find a solution for this and finally end up in database functions. I found some queries in the msssql-monitor that takes long time. This queries looks like ‘reload-functions’ for new Data (Entries, Subfolders). All this queries with a significant long execution time ha...
8 4579
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/16/2013 4:41 PM
1 Replies and 2742 Views HTML Content Type  2742  1 Started by  Patrick I have two questions regarding the HTML File content type: 1. Is there any way to have another module programatically create HTML content in DMX This would be sending in the Title, metadata, HTML Content, collection, and categories. Permission would be inherited from collection. 2. Is there a way to have HTML content in DMX, when clicked, open within another page on the site so that it includes the site skin. Could it be passed to an HTMLPro module using a token Thank you, Patr...
1 2742
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/16/2013 4:38 PM
8 Replies and 3146 Views Template Email Button  3146  8 Started by  ForemostMedia What would an example syntax be for the Email button I cant find a list of the button objects anywhere. Here is a makeshift example I am using, but I keep running into errors with it. &91;if|13&93;&91;button:mailme_visible&93;&91;/if&93;&91;endif|13&93;
8 3146
by  ForemostMediaJump to last post
09/03/2013 8:20 PM
5 Replies and 3107 Views DMX 6.1.5 and DNN 7.1 compatibility  3107  5 Started by  jacton I just installed 6.1.5 on a test 7.1 site and can't get it to create a folder. There aren't any errors in the event viewer. When I click 'create folder' it simply reloads the page and nothing happens. Is this a known issue Thanks
5 3107
by  jactonJump to last post
08/28/2013 9:58 PM
2 Replies and 2734 Views Exporting files from document exchange  2734  2 Started by  Brian English We have a client who is planning on moving his hosting off of the DNN platform. Is there a way he can get an export of his files in the DMX library Or where can I find where his repository resides on the file system Can it be simply copied from the file system
2 2734
by  Brian EnglishJump to last post
08/25/2013 7:31 PM
4 Replies and 2882 Views Copy & Paste issue  2882  4 Started by  Phuoc Hi, I'm having a problem with copy/paste function. On the DMX, I right-clicked on the file and selected 'copy', then I right-clicked on another folder to paste. However, the 'paste' option didn't show. Please advise Thank you. Phuoc
4 2882
by  PhuocJump to last post
08/06/2013 6:12 PM
1 Replies and 2615 Views Unable to Delete Custom Attribute  2615  1 Started by  jeda Hi Peter, I created a custom attribute that I no longer need. When I try to delete the attribute from the DMX > Admin > Global Attributes menu, I receive the following critical error: 'A critical error has occurred. The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint 'FK_dnn_DMX_EntryAttributes_Attributes'. The conflict occurred in database 'DotNetNuke7', table 'dbo.dnn_DMX_EntryAttributes', column 'AttributeId'. The statement has been terminated.' Any suggestions for how to r...
1 2615
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/06/2013 5:47 PM
1 Replies and 2764 Views User folders not being created when a document is uploaded via the Letterbox Module  2764  1 Started by  Chris Wylie Hi We are setting up an instance of DMX on a test site to use with our product. When we upload a document via the Letterbox Module, a folder with the username should be created on DMX, however the file uploads directly to the root instead. The old checkbox to enable this was 'Username Subfolder' in earlier version of the letterbox module. Now it was replaced by an 'Auto Create' checkbox instead that should enable this folder creation on upload, but unfortunately it does not, even tho...
1 2764
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/06/2013 5:46 PM
1 Replies and 2735 Views Role Based Subscription Notifications  2735  1 Started by  luftschiffe Is there a way to add a security role to a folder vs an individual's account for notifications of file activity
1 2735
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/06/2013 5:40 PM
3 Replies and 2852 Views v6.1.5 breaking change?  2852  3 Started by  Eric Swanzey We recently upgraded an installation to DMX v6.1.5 and have found that items added after the upgrade result in File Not Found errors. If I run the 'Analyze Files' script, notice the results that include these newest files: 00:00:03.478 - Analyzing A000380-WS Magnum EX.pdf (Path 0;30;227;229;) 00:00:03.478 - Checking file_20130503_161602_Jgo_0.resources Success 00:00:03.510 - Analyzing KAPA LC MSKCC 1.09.bmf (Path 0;69;208;204;230;) 00:00:03.510 - Checking file_20130503_201013_...
3 2852
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/18/2013 9:02 AM
1 Replies and 2950 Views alternating rows and row counter  2950  1 Started by  doug the search here is broken so I cant seem to find my answer. so I will just ask it (as it has probably been asked 100 times already). is there a simple way to alternate classes in the Entry.html is there a way to get the row counter to show in a first column of a table row I do see some js samples to change the alternating rows. I am just wondering if there is a built in way to get it with a query such as &91;if|2&93;&91;query:rowcount mod 2&93;&91;/if&93; this is even row &91;...
1 2950
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/12/2013 11:51 AM
1 Replies and 3081 Views UI issues Chrome, IE10  3081  1 Started by  sentient In Chrome and IE10 (between them a massive market share of browsers) The folder tree view doesnt work well. Clicking on a folder makes it move to the right, there is no expand/contract icon, the dropdown menu appears 50 pixels below the parent link (so it is near impossible to click anything) This is NOT a cheap module. It is one of the most expensive per installation on the dotnetnuke store. Therefore the performance and browser compatibility should be part of the price. I'm aware that there...
1 3081
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/12/2013 11:48 AM
7 Replies and 4371 Views Javascript error and infinite loading  4371  7 Started by  Stéphane Bebrone Hi, I get the following javascript error under IE8 (not tested bellow) when I click on a folder in the tree: Webpage error details Message: 'Grid1' is null or not an object Line: 503 Char: 2 Code: 0 URI: http://***/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/js/ViewCollection.js The result is that right panels (which shows files and details at the bottom) never stop loading. No problem under Firefox. Any ideas Greetz, Stéphane. &160;
7 4371
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/08/2013 9:24 PM
1 Replies and 2594 Views Conditional token for custom attribute  2594  1 Started by  Dan L. Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to use your conditional syntax with the value of a custom attribute. For example if I have a custom attribute called att5 that has a drop-down list and set of strings associated with it, can I do something like this: &91;if|1&93;&91;entryattribute:att5&93;&91;=&93;'Some Value'&91;/if&93; write something here &91;endif|1&93; Thanks, Dan
1 2594
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/03/2013 7:42 PM
3 Replies and 2760 Views Cannot Update permissions on folder  2760  3 Started by  BartS Hi I'm trying to update the permissions to a parent folder and unify them on the sub folders but I am getting the following error: A critical error has occurred. The transaction log for database 'RDP' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases The log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases says 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'. Any ideas as to why this happens
3 2760
by  Rob RalstonJump to last post
07/02/2013 10:23 PM
1 Replies and 3089 Views Slow performance with 8,030 files  3089  1 Started by  Synoptek Web Team I am using DNN 06.02.05 with 6.1.3 Document Exchange. It was been working great, but recently usage has increased and started to slow down when loading the document view. It's only the initial page request that is slow. When exploring folder and files the AJAX requests are quick. I noticed that the DNN File Manager was also slow for the /Portals/0/DMX folder and found a post about disabling 'Auto Sync File System'. After disabling that option the DNN File Manager performed much better. Cou...
1 3089
by  Mitchel SellersJump to last post
06/20/2013 6:23 PM
1 Replies and 3740 Views Show Direct Link - Copy to Clipboard  3740  1 Started by  CSEA Webmaster After a couple hours of work, I've managed to integrate the ZeroClipBoard jQuery library into the Show Direct Link function of DMX. This will allow your users to click a button and copy the URL to the clipboard. (Since this is my first post here, I'm not sure how this is going to display.) Here's what you'll need: 1) The zClip library and Flash file: 2) The ability to edit the appropriate DMX javascript file on your web server (I used AjaxTwoPanel.js) a...
1 3740
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/14/2013 2:03 PM
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