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1 Replies and 2556 Views AJAX UI File Pane - missing bottom scroll button  2556  1 Started by  benedict Using 6.0.4. In either the 2 Pane or 3 Pane AJAX UI panel, if there are numerous directories or files, each pane has a scroll bar with top and bottom buttons, except the files pane which does not have a bottom scroll bar. It appears that the files pane is cut off prematurely, so that the bottom scroll bar is not shown; of more importance, if there are multiple files, the last two files are not visible in the pane. Is there a setting I need to tweak to see all of the files in the files pane (...
1 2556
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/13/2013 10:47 AM
3 Replies and 2832 Views Hiding context menu items  2832  3 Started by  Sudhakar Chinnaswamy How does one hide context menu items such as lock, Show Direct Link, Delete and so forth, based on user roles Thanks!
3 2832
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/13/2013 10:43 AM
1 Replies and 2592 Views All folders appear to have vanished  2592  1 Started by  Shaun Hi, I am using v 5.3.6 of DMX and up until a couple of weeks ago this was working fine however, I now only see the main DMX module without any of the documents within it & neither am I seeing of the frames within the module. I have 3 instances of the module in my portal & all are showing the same problem. Each module is synchronising to a share on a (different) server, as far as I am aware nothing has changed on either DNN (no updates etc.)or the server hosting the shared folder/files. I am awar...
1 2592
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/10/2013 11:40 AM
3 Replies and 2598 Views Download Entire Folder  2598  3 Started by  Don I'm trying to Zip and Download an entire folder. It is not the root folder. The resultant Zip File is always empty. There are no files in it. Any help would be appreciated. DNN 7.0.0 DoxX 6.1.3 Thanks
3 2598
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/10/2013 11:38 AM
4 Replies and 2689 Views Filter template by category  2689  4 Started by  Mark Selby I added a module that utilizes a template to display documents within a selected category. I thought you could simply choose the root category within the 'other Data Settings' and I would be all set. However, I found that the template shows everything within the selected root folder no matter what category has been selected. Am I simply missing something, or can this not be done In the mean time I have created a subfolder and am using that to filter the documents shown in the template, but that...
4 2689
by  Mark SelbyJump to last post
06/04/2013 3:09 PM
1 Replies and 2631 Views Custom column in Ajax UI (2 panel)view  2631  1 Started by  Sudhakar Chinnaswamy How should one create a new column in the Ajax UI panel Thanks!
1 2631
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 11:09 AM
1 Replies and 2484 Views best practice changing default menu  2484  1 Started by  peter schotman Hi Peter, Can you tell me wat the best practice is for changing the defaultmenu in gui. I changed the file defaultmenu.resources before but now, after an upgrade I suppose my changes are gone. Any hints or tips are welcome... Peter
1 2484
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 10:55 AM
3 Replies and 2822 Views Where is the Template Editor in 6.1?  2822  3 Started by  Bryan Beswick I see the documentation that talkes about looking for the 'Edit Templates' link but I don't see it. Has it been removed or am I just looking in the wrong place
3 2822
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 10:53 AM
3 Replies and 3086 Views recover from graveyard  3086  3 Started by  Ralf Everding Our production site is still running on DMX 5.3.8 . A user deleted a whole subfolder in DMX permanently. Is there a clever way to recover the files from graveyard Cheers, Ralf
3 3086
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 10:52 AM
3 Replies and 2788 Views Ajax 2 panel template problem  2788  3 Started by  Hutch I have a strange situation. I am using the Ajax 2 panel template in DMX. Most everyone is having no problems with this template displaying properly. But for two or 3 employees,the right side panel is cutoff on the right side and they cannot view the list of folders in that right panel. I am using version 6.1.4 of DMX running on Version 6.2.5 of DNN. It happens on my computer when I am using the Firefox browser but O.K in IE 9. In Firefox, when I try to drag the left panel, the right panel ...
3 2788
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 10:51 AM
12 Replies and 3355 Views Double Click Behavior  3355  12 Started by  Synoptek Web Team Is it possible to change the double click behavior My client states that before I updated the module to version 6.0 they were able to double click a PDF and view it. However, now their browsers download the file rather than open it up. Is there a way to allow them to double click PDFs to view them again
12 3355
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/22/2013 12:01 PM
1 Replies and 2404 Views Show files underneath main folder  2404  1 Started by  scoslow I would like to know if there is a way of using the minimal template, to have the list of files already showing, instead of clicking on the individual folders to get to the list of files Thank you
1 2404
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/22/2013 11:56 AM
3 Replies and 2891 Views Submenu offset in IE 10  2891  3 Started by  Tammy Tyson The submenu displays correctly in Chrome and Firefox but in IE 10 the top of the submenu is about 30 pixels lower then the main menu item. This makes it very difficult to select anything in the submenu and is preventing us from adding new files and folders.
3 2891
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/22/2013 11:53 AM
3 Replies and 2740 Views Subscribing to folders will not hold  2740  3 Started by  jimfer I have tried everything. When a user subscribes to a folder, or if I add the user using subscription manager to a folder - it lasts for only a few minutes. You can refresh subscription manager a few times and actually watch it disappear. Or if you are the user you can view the folders under 'my subscriptions' and they also eventually disappear. Usually in a matter of minutes. Could one of these scheduled jobs be clearing the setting I see consistent notifications to the superuser from another s...
3 2740
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/15/2013 3:14 PM
1 Replies and 2359 Views Mobile-Friendly Templates  2359  1 Started by  Bryan Beswick We have an installation where we want users with mobile devices to be able to browse-for and download documents. We want to support categories and folders. (Mobile users will NOT be making any edits - just search / browse / download.) With the standard 2-panel view, it appears too wide on a phone so I suspect that using at 'template' is the way to go. Does anyone have any pre-made templates they could share that use categories and work well on phones
1 2359
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/15/2013 3:11 PM
1 Replies and 2199 Views forced subscription  2199  1 Started by  josh is there a way to force the subscription of a file/folder when someone downloads it
1 2199
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/15/2013 3:09 PM
2 Replies and 2397 Views how to add more file types and icons?  2397  2 Started by  stehtimschilf Hi Forum is there a way to add more file types Especially I want to add the file type .exe - This work is based upon Microsoft and this file type is missing cheerioh & thx SiS
2 2397
by  stehtimschilfJump to last post
05/11/2013 10:42 PM
2 Replies and 2798 Views Show all Downloads  2798  2 Started by  jeda I'm trying to figure out if the following is possible, but haven't found an answer yet. Maybe someone can provide some insight. I have a number of documents available for download. Most are public, but some require registration. I'd like all the downloads to appear as links on a web page for all users, even those not registered. When a user who isn't logged in tries to click on the link requiring registration, they'd be prompted to login or register. Is this something that can be accomplis...
2 2798
by  jedaJump to last post
05/06/2013 5:50 PM
2 Replies and 2684 Views BUG: Scheduler Changes  2684  2 Started by  LE I am using DMX 6.1.4 on DNN 6.2.6 When I go into Schedule there are 3 DMX jobs, DMX Maintenance, DMX Notification, DMX SyncFolder. If I change the Frequency setting for any of the tasks, it will duplicate the 3 tasks, so now I have 6 tasks total. 3 with the default settings and then the original 3 tasks. I don't think this is DNN because it only happens when I modify DMX tasks.
2 2684
by  LEJump to last post
05/02/2013 9:17 PM
3 Replies and 2834 Views The grid is skewed..  2834  3 Started by  MortenF Hi, I installed the DMX on my site and it works great in all other browsers than IE.. When we use IE the interface is skewed to the side. We cannot see the filenames completely (only a little of the really long names). The size and modified is visible. It is like the content window is placed 50pixels to the left underneath the folder tree window. I can do a screendump so you can see if you want to, and mail it. Do you have any idea what causes this I have version DMX 6.1.4. I tried r...
3 2834
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2013 2:53 PM
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