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1 Replies and 3657 Views Moving files and folders  3657  1 Started by  Arick Hi Peter, We are in the process of reorganizing our file structure.&160; I'm curious to know if there is an easy way to move existing documents and folders around&160; For example can I take document 1 from Folder 1 and easily move it to Folder 2 wiht out having to download and re-upload the documents And is there an easy way to import documents from a 3.x install to a 4.x installation wihtout having to re add them&160; If SQL is requried on either of thes issues that is a non issue.&16...
1 3657
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/14/2008 12:46 PM
5 Replies and 3786 Views Default Security Issue  3786  5 Started by  Jason K I've got the latest DMX 4 installed and when a person adds a file item to a folder, it displays security information correctly on the permissions page.&160; When they leave the default permissions (inherited from the folder's permissions) intact and click finish, it does not correctly apply the settings to the file. It looks correct when it's edited, but only truly works this way.&160; Add new file, leave default settings, finish.&160; Edit document, click finish.&160; Then and only then do...
5 3786
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/13/2008 2:32 PM
1 Replies and 3724 Views Unify Permissions Does Not Work  3724  1 Started by  Scott Peter, Unify permissions is not working for us even if we are logged in as Admin.&160; When we check 'Unify permissions' it acts like it is trying to run through the tree but after about 4 or 5 minuets it just times out.&160; Can you please help me with this Also,&160; we now have about 4,000 to 5,000 files on the system and it seems to be taking a very long time for the folders to load up.&160; Is there any way to speed up the performance of DMX Thanks, Scott
1 3724
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2008 6:07 PM
1 Replies and 3838 Views Authorization Notification  3838  1 Started by  Arick Is there any way to only notify only those who have approval access when a new document has been changed or modified&160; I notice that if you subscribe everyone who is subscribed will receive an email.&160; However what I'm looking for is just those with approval rights to get notified that a document is awaiting approval.&160; Is this possible to do and if so how Thanks, Arick Helmlinger
1 3838
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/23/2008 7:59 PM
1 Replies and 3926 Views Limited download  3926  1 Started by  Mathias Freudigmann We would like to use DMX 4 for our public download page. 'Zip and Download' is a nice thing, but on the other hand I do not want users to simply download the complete tree (with several hundreds of documents) with just zipping the local root. So my question is: is there a way to set download limits For example max. 10 files per 'Zip and Download', or max. 10 MB, or no Zip and Download for folders that contain subfolders Regards, Mathias
1 3926
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 3:06 PM
1 Replies and 4030 Views Login prompt when access is not authorized  4030  1 Started by  Sean Nolan I am finding that if I log in and open a document (a PDF), it opens in a new window correctly. Then I copy the URL displayed in that window, it looks something like this Now&160;I log out and close my browser, open a new browser and paste that URL in the address bar. I get a browser login popping up asking for a user name and password instead of just being re...
1 4030
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 3:04 PM
6 Replies and 4733 Views Import function read access to source folders/files  4733  6 Started by  Jeff Parker Hi, I'm trialling DMX and when I attempt to import a folder, get the following error message 'I can't access C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff Parker\My Documents\&91rest of folder address&93....&160;Make sure the worker process has read permission on this folder'&160;Is this intended behaviour
6 4733
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/10/2008 8:40 PM
1 Replies and 3919 Views question regarding functionality  3919  1 Started by  tony evans hi, is it possible to restrict file types that can be uploaded for a folder/collection If I was to create a 'holding area'where people can upload documents and complete all the document details, would I then be able to move these documents to the appropriate collections/folder leaving all other settings unchanged regards &160;
1 3919
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/17/2008 10:33 PM
1 Replies and 3868 Views Multiple Instances of the Module Different Locations  3868  1 Started by  Stuart Hilbert I have a client who wants to place multiple DMX modules on one portal.  They want each DMX location to point to a different location and the server to display files.  Is that possible.  If so how do you do that Thank You.
1 3868
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/23/2008 9:57 AM
1 Replies and 4318 Views Recently Modified Files  4318  1 Started by  Joe Vivona Peter, One of our clients has asked us to build a "recently modified documents" display area for their home page, so folks can keep an eye on DMX managed documents they need to be dealing with amd keeping an eye on(I know, I know - that's what the subscribe option is supposed to be for). Any quick pointers on how to go about getting this data from the DMX tables/SPs   Joe V
1 4318
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/08/2008 7:59 PM
1 Replies and 3951 Views Userbased permissions  3951  1 Started by  Philipp Becker Hi Peter, I have  a customer who needs a storage area where clients can upload files and view files to approve work. The tricky thing is that a client may only view files that either have been uploaded by the client or that have been uploaded for them.   Can this be done with DMX
1 3951
by  Rob RalstonJump to last post
01/08/2008 6:19 PM
2 Replies and 4534 Views Only portal admins can add files...  4534  2 Started by  Rob Gamble We licensed version 4 a few monghts ago.  After initial setup, we finally got a chance to really get into the features of the module. We have noticed that users can only upload files to Document Exchange 4 when logged in as a portal administrator.  I have seen references to extensibility where we could build a way to determine a user's ability to add, but we feel a document exchange module should already allow assigning "Add" permission to non-portal administrators...
2 4534
by  Rob GambleJump to last post
12/19/2007 4:21 PM
3 Replies and 4835 Views Using DMX vs. FileManager  4835  3 Started by  Laverne Douglas Peter: We would like to open up part of our document store to the public, but not in the traditional way. We would use DMX to manage the documents, images and such in the conventional way. We would then like to reference these items from public pages on the web site. When first moving to DMX4 we hoped that Navigate would help that process but it only takes you to the document in DMX. E.g. On a page in DNN place a reference to a PDF that is stored in DMX. When a user clicks the reference we wou...
3 4835
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/24/2007 9:48 AM
1 Replies and 4262 Views reporting  4262  1 Started by  jrasta could I ask what (if any) reports are available for administrators  my client requires a report including: who download/uploaded a file (by login name/IP address) what file was downloaded/uploaded what time the file was downloaded/uploaded thanks!
1 4262
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/15/2007 7:50 PM
2 Replies and 4548 Views FIle Dates do not reflect original file date  4548  2 Started by  lprager Hi Peter, The modified date on files shows the date uploaded to DMX4. This appears to be consistent whether the web interface or WebDAV is used. Is there a way to show the original date modified on the file It is important because the content of the file is not modified by adding it to the repository. Users need to be able to see when the document content was actually modified. Also, synchronizing documents from a local store to the DMX4 repository cannot work if the date modified on DMX4 n...
2 4548
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/09/2007 9:25 AM
2 Replies and 4705 Views Reindexing excessive entries  4705  2 Started by  lprager Hi Peter, I have been working with a DMX4 portal in trial mode uploading and deleting thousands of files. The portal seems to be getting slower so I decided to reindex it. First I hard deleted the contents and sub-directories of all the folders in the portal. There are now only 3 master folders and no files in the repository. When I start the reindex for the portal it runs for over 1/2 hour and lists over ten thousands of entry ID's. Is there any way to purge the deleted entries from the da...
2 4705
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/09/2007 9:23 AM
1 Replies and 4378 Views Default number of versions to keep  4378  1 Started by  lprager Hi Peter, The default number of version to keep in Options accepts a 0. So, is 0 the original with no additional version (Which would mean that 1 is the original plus one revision.) Or, does 1 mean keep only one version and 0 should not be allowed  
1 4378
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/07/2007 9:53 PM
1 Replies and 4344 Views File Extentions  4344  1 Started by  Collis Burch Is there a way to preserve the original file extention like in DMX3   -Collis
1 4344
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/28/2007 3:21 PM
1 Replies and 4447 Views How do I move a repository  4447  1 Started by  lprager I have my repository on drive C: but the drive is too small. I want to move it to drive D: How do I accomplish this
1 4447
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/28/2007 9:27 AM
1 Replies and 4262 Views Permission replicating down the tree.  4262  1 Started by  Laverne Douglas Peter: When we assign new permissions to folders and select "Unify permissions on children" this change doe not propagate all the way to the bottom of the tree. The files in the last folder still had to be assign by hand. Note: These new assignments where in a subgroup of roles. Thanx Laverne
1 4262
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/28/2007 9:23 AM
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