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6 Replies and 4681 Views Approval problems  4681  6 Started by  Dominique Delforge Hi Peter, I make a test with version 4.0.1 and here are some problems encountered : - I don't see the possibility to disconnect the approval funtionnality either on the whole DMX or a specific folder. It seems that the option "Needs Approval" is not yet available (I think I see it in a previous documentation). It's important in some case because when uploading 100 news files, we can't ask to a person to validate file one by one... - A authorized users created a folder and fill it wi...
6 4681
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/27/2007 9:50 AM
4 Replies and 4393 Views Automatic Approval  4393  4 Started by  lprager Is there an automatic approval function Some users should be able to upload or copy with WebDAV and have the content automatically approved. Both for files and folders. We will be uploading hundreds of files and folders automatically through WebDAV and cannot go in and manually approve the documents. Thanx, Lance Prager
4 4393
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/26/2007 10:15 PM
3 Replies and 4543 Views Issue With Folder Permissions  4543  3 Started by  gderosa I have set up a folder for a particular user, and added them as the only user that can View/Edit it.  As soon as I do this, their name is listed correctly as 'John Doe' (View Checked & Edit Checked).  If I exit and go back in to double check their name, it is listed as 'VIEW' instead of 'John Doe'.  Why is this occurring  Is it a bug Thanks!
3 4543
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/24/2007 6:12 PM
6 Replies and 5607 Views Autmoatical Import from Files or Directories  5607  6 Started by  Guido Kuehler Is planned in feature in Future that allows a automatical import of Files or Directories on a scheduled Time Background: We have also many Files what autmatical generated Daily  by different Systems and we need the files in the DMX-Structure. A manual Import is very hard to realize this. Thank You!!!
6 5607
by  Guido KuehlerJump to last post
09/24/2007 8:16 AM
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