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2 Replies and 3797 Views Issue found adding attribute via API  3797  2 Started by  Darren Grayson Hi, I found an issue while adding attributes to a folder via the API. If I add a STRING type attribute called 'Keywords', all of the folders and files disappear from the user interface. All that is shown is the root 'Document Exchange' folder, it's not possible to expand this folder and the right-click context menu loses it's 'Attributes' option. If I go into the dnn_DMX_Attributes table and change the attribute key to something else, everything comes back. Is 'Keywords' intended to...
2 3797
by  Darren GraysonJump to last post
05/22/2013 12:32 PM
2 Replies and 3473 Views Custom attribute in sites group, template view  3473  2 Started by  VladK In our project we have a sites group with a master site. I have added Report Date custom attribute to the DMX in Master site, and it got a name of att2. In my custom template for template view I can reference this attribute and display its value, sort by it, etc. But when I added the same Report Date attribute to one of the children sites it got a name of att5. How should I reference this in template. I found only one place where I can change template: ..\dmx\resources\viewTemplates ...
2 3473
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/22/2013 12:08 PM
3 Replies and 4122 Views Example Code  4122  3 Started by  Bryan Beswick I am evaluating how difficult it would be to use the API. Are there any working examples out there that I/we can see that show creating folders and files
3 4122
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/22/2013 12:05 PM
2 Replies and 3618 Views Create my own module/user control  3618  2 Started by  Finny I hope I can explain this. We are on version 6.01 of your product. I have a new page request for our DNN website which involves creating a table of links to documents. Is there a way, sub routines or API methods, that I can query the DMX tables and return links to documents based on certain criteria (custom attributes I'm assuming) If so is there documentation/examples that I can use to help I need to create a table with names of documents down the side broken out by versions of thos...
2 3618
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2013 4:43 PM
2 Replies and 4217 Views Adding permissions to a folder  4217  2 Started by  Synoptek Web Team I am using DMX v6.1.3 and am trying to add a folder and set permissions using the API. The following function is adding the folder correctly, but not setting any permissions. I am guessing it is because I am doing something wrong with the EntryPermissionCollection. public EntryInfo AddPropertyDocumentRepository(PortalSettings portalSettings, string propertyName) { var locale = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; var port...
2 4217
by  Synoptek Web TeamJump to last post
02/05/2013 8:52 PM
1 Replies and 3689 Views Download pause / resume  3689  1 Started by  maoz Hi Peter, Does DMX download support pause / resume to be used with download managers I noticed you have chunk number and chunk size in the web service. Is it functioning Do you have any documentation Thanks in advance, Maoz
1 3689
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/09/2013 11:43 AM
1 Replies and 3570 Views Approval Through The API  3570  1 Started by  michael How do I turn off approval. When I add a subfolder using the API EntriesController.MakeCollection it makes me login as superuser and approve the subfolder before the user can access it. Do I have to approve it in the code, or can I set the control to not have any approval Thanks Michael
1 3570
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/03/2013 4:04 PM
1 Replies and 3475 Views mail document  3475  1 Started by  Sherri Camp Is it possible to set the default mailing of a document to use Outlook rather than DNN messaging
1 3475
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/17/2012 11:06 AM
1 Replies and 3512 Views Permission issue with a custom search  3512  1 Started by  Mark Selby I created a custom search module using DMX.Services.SearchController.Search() for the meat of the processing. The module is working well, but just noticed that file permissions are not being observed, as the search results allow all files to be returned even if permissions for all users has been removed. I was originally thinking the permissions were accounted for with the Search method, but I guess not. Any help on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
1 3512
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/24/2012 6:03 PM
4 Replies and 3869 Views View folder based on URL  3869  4 Started by  Simon I'd like to create a module which allows a user to view a list of files within a collection by supplying URL parameters. For example: I don't want to show the folder tree, and only want the user to be able to view the folder if they have appropriate permissions. So, my questions are: 1. Are there are any existing examples like this (I can't seem to find the src code for DMX Flexgrid, which looked like a good start). 2. What sec...
4 3869
by  SimonJump to last post
08/14/2012 8:30 PM
3 Replies and 4501 Views File Upload Event subscribe  4501  3 Started by  nerijus navickas Hello all, Need to implement simple functionality: - catch event when file is uploaded (.pdf); - analyze it (iText library); - save it to sertain folder / rename; Is it possible to implement such a function Is there event handler to subscribe to or some other technique could be used thank you for any advice.
3 4501
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/05/2012 10:19 PM
3 Replies and 4727 Views Adding Field content from DNN into the Custom properties MS Word more approvers  4727  3 Started by  Peter Bos We want to put revision nr, author, folder info via the MS Word Custom properties (fields) in to my document, so If a document get's printed by someone it has that information on the printout (eg. footer). Additional we need more that just one approver for a document, will that be feasible
3 4727
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/19/2012 6:21 PM
1 Replies and 3816 Views using API for import  3816  1 Started by  Gus Hi We have been struggling to import a large file system into DMX without success for some time now and wondered if we could build something to do the job that works independently on the server outside of IIS/ASP.NET. Does anyone have any experience of doing this with the API I can't find any documentation or examples so where would we start Gus
1 3816
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/01/2011 11:40 AM
3 Replies and 3575 Views DMX 6: Issue with DMX_GetCategoryByName  3575  3 Started by  Jesse Hormachea I believe there is an issue with the stored procedure DMX_GetCategoryByName. In it, there is an INNER JOIN dbo.DMX_CategoriesML cl ON c.CategoryId=cl.CategoryId AND cl.Locale=Locale. This causes the query to return no values unless there is a corresponding entry in DMX_CategoriesML which is not always the case. To provide some context, I am using the following code block to populate a dropdown with a list of subcategories based on a category name. The only way I was able to get this t...
3 3575
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/01/2011 11:39 AM
1 Replies and 3267 Views Maintaining Link/Virtual Copy of Documents/Folders in DMX  3267  1 Started by  Srinivas Hi Peter, I have a requirement on linking (virtual copy) of documents/folder to actual documents/folder. For example, in DMX I have a folder called Folder1 and it contains one subfolder “FolderA” and one file “FileA”. And the Folder2 need the contents Folder1 (FolderA & FileA). So instead of copying child items of Folder1 to Folder2, I need to link or marinating a virtual copy of FolderA and FileA to Folder2. How can I achieve this using DMX Currently I am using DMX 05.03.07 versio...
1 3267
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/24/2011 4:07 PM
1 Replies and 4276 Views UpdateEntry() method fails to update Remarks field of a file  4276  1 Started by  Srinivas Hi, I am trying to update the attributes (Ex: Remarks) of a file using UpdateEntry() method. here is the sample code id used: EntryInfo oDocEntryInfo = EntriesController.GetEntry(this.PortalId, iCollectionID,'Locale',true,true); if (oDocEntryInfo != null) { oDocEntryInfo.Remarks = 'This is user manual doc'; EntriesController.UpdateEntry(oDocEntryInfo,true,true,true,true); } Here 'iCollectionID' is the PDF file document/entry ID,...
1 4276
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2011 9:30 PM
1 Replies and 3532 Views Where are the attributes located?  3532  1 Started by  oliver Hi there I need to write a SQL-query where I should retreive all documents including their attributes (e.g. remarks). But I simply can't find the related attributes within the DB model. Can you give me a hint where I have to look for them Thx Oliver
1 3532
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2011 9:26 PM
1 Replies and 5812 Views Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes  5812  1 Started by  Paula Morales Estimados: Teniendo el siguiente codigo Java: UploadEntry.Entry entry = new UploadEntry.Entry(); int resultado = serviceSoap.uploadEntry(entry, archivoBase64, nombre, credenciales); Me lanza un error en el entry pero desconozco que podria ser si uds pueden ayudarme, serian muy amables: Exception in thread 'main' Server was unable to read request. ---> There is an error in XML document (1, 2166). ---> An error occured during import of an Entry --->...
1 5812
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/08/2011 9:31 PM
1 Replies and 3803 Views Using FileDropDownSelect  3803  1 Started by  Rogue Wave Hi Peter. Building my own version of the DMX ShortList, but having trouble importing the FileDropDownSelect.ascx file. VS is throwing an error in the Settings.ascx.designer.cs file: Error 1: The type or namespace name 'Controls' does not exist in the namespace 'Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX' (are you missing an assembly reference) This line is being included in Settings.ascx: The controls properties are not available in the code-behind (Settings.cs) but cause no compile error: ...
1 3803
by  Rogue WaveJump to last post
07/31/2011 11:39 AM
4 Replies and 4675 Views Skip 'custom attribute'-step  4675  4 Started by  mh Hello, I’ve added a custom attribute to dmx and I want to hide this attribute during the upload/create-process of documents or directories. I.e. I want to skip the 'custom'-step when a document is currently uploaded und just show the custom attribute if the attributes of an existing document are edited. How cloud I realize this thanks
4 4675
by  mhJump to last post
06/08/2011 4:32 PM
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