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11 Replies and 8925 Views Global Attributes  8925  11 Started by  Alessandro Di Marco Hello, Not sure this is the right forum. I Apologize if I enter it in the wrong category. I like Global Attributes but the information on those fields is not carried over new versions of the file. Our users need to re-enter the data on those fields (for every revision on every posted document). Is there any way to copy values from the previous version (so that we type values only when there are changes) Thank you Best Regards
11 8925
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/08/2011 12:11 PM
3 Replies and 4898 Views Custom Notifications  4898  3 Started by  Mike Hello We would like to be able to customise the format of a notification depending upon the folder where the event took place. For example, if we have a folder named Invoices then we would like to send a notification to subscribers where the content is specific to Invoices. I am thinking that I'll need to intercept the point where notifications are generated and make some changes there; maybe creating necessary entries in the dmx_notifications table with the appropriate template Does any...
3 4898
by  MikeJump to last post
05/12/2011 5:46 PM
3 Replies and 4811 Views Permissions problem  4811  3 Started by  Srinivas Hi, I am able to create a folder using API. The following are the permissions set to that folder: User100: VIEW, ADD Role1: VIEW, EDIT, ADD As per my requirement Role1 users should have the access to all files under newly created folder. But while uploading a file/folder by 'User100', he is able to 'uncheck' View,Edit,Add permissions of 'Role1'. So whatever the files uploaded by 'User100' are not visible by 'Role1' users. How to restrict the 'User100' from modifying the permission to '...
3 4811
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/03/2011 10:27 AM
2 Replies and 4224 Views Retrieving By Category  4224  2 Started by  Brendon Looking for best solution, recommendation for a scenario where we need to retrieve entries by two sets of categories, a parent and child set. Entries would belong to the first AND second set. Your CatShortList extension provides some custom SQL for querying by multiple categories using OR statement, but we need to go a step further in filtering that list by child categories with an AND statement. Do you already have something like this in the API
2 4224
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/26/2011 2:09 PM
5 Replies and 5852 Views source code for extensions  5852  5 Started by  j.mcdonagh Peter Is the source code available for the extensions Regards Jonathan
5 5852
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/26/2011 2:06 PM
2 Replies and 4468 Views Retrieving Data via Web Service  4468  2 Started by  Ray Hastie I am attempting to connect to the DMX module currently from a WinForm application using the web service. (Bring2mind/DMX/DMXService.asmx) Is there a way to retrieve the files attributes, keywords and permissions through the service Also is there a way to set the permissions through the service. Thank you, Ray Hastie
2 4468
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/17/2011 2:13 PM
2 Replies and 5939 Views Web Service authenication using active directory provider  5939  2 Started by  Ray Hastie I am running the latest version of the products DNN Community Edition: 05.06.02 ADProvider: 5.0.2 DMX: 05.03.07 Everytime I attempt to connect through the web service I get the following error: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. I have attempted this without credentials and also using my AD identity and password and also with straight DNN credentials but the result is the same. wsDMX.LoginCredentials lc = new wsDMX.LoginCredentials(); ...
2 5939
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/17/2011 2:11 PM
1 Replies and 5142 Views Not able to upload large files  5142  1 Started by  Info Lab Hi, I've specified max upload size as 900 (Mb) in web.config and execution timout as 6000 (sec) When i try to upload a file which is 30 (MB), i get the following error. 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Is there anything else i need to change What needs to be done to upload larger files (max 350 MB). Please help. Thanks in advance.
1 5142
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/17/2011 6:17 PM
5 Replies and 5398 Views Search and find new released/edited documents  5398  5 Started by  FLYLINE Hello, I'm working on a welcome page of our intrante which shows new/changed items. There should show new dmx documents too. Should I use a database query to find out new documents or should I use the API
5 5398
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2011 11:39 AM
1 Replies and 3873 Views API documentation  3873  1 Started by  Ahmet Cetin Is there any documentation about api
1 3873
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/03/2011 11:38 AM
2 Replies and 4954 Views Document Security with PDFs  4954  2 Started by  Throttlenet Hello, We are utilizing the Document Exchange Manager in our website which needs to securely lock down all documents uploaded (PDFs). We have set all users roles on the documents to prevent certain users from seeing certain document folders. However, when we open a PDF file in Internet Explorer (which is the only browser allowed for use with this site), the Save As option appears in the File menu in the main toolbar and the Save As Copy button on adobe reader. We would like to disable thes...
2 4954
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/10/2010 2:17 PM
1 Replies and 4411 Views configure a collection via API  4411  1 Started by  Geert Huisman Is it possible to configure a new collection with sub collections with their own security settings via an API I want to generate automatically (on the fly) a collection with sub collections including the security settings, so a specific group of users will have (edit/view) rights. This specific group will be a sub set of the complete set of portal users. looking forward to your reaction. Kind regards, Geert&160;
1 4411
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/02/2010 11:00 AM
1 Replies and 4440 Views DMXService SetEntry() Problem  4440  1 Started by  vkh hello, i want to add an entry to DMX from a picturegallery this case when i add a picture to the gallery i want to add a reference of that picture to DMX. then i found that SetEntry() function in the DMXWebservice might do the job. the code that i am using is below: &160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; &160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160; Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet '''''''''''''''' &160;&160;&160;&160;&160;&160...
1 4440
by  khademiattehranJump to last post
11/20/2010 8:16 AM
0 Replies and 4891 Views Step by step to create custom attribute using custom control  4891  0 Started by  Rakesh Kumar Peter, Can you list me the exact steps needed to Create a Custom Attribute using Custom Control. I need to have Custom Attribute Created where we can multiselect the Attribute Values &160; Also do we need partial source code to do so &160; &160;
0 4891
11/12/2010 9:59 AM
3 Replies and 4382 Views Delete older doc version  4382  3 Started by  ABS Jets I need to be able to delete specific version of a documents. I would like to modify the VersionsList control - add an icon between the 'display' and 'download' icons, which would cause a deletion of the corresponding document version. But I can't find the correct command that should be inserted instead of XXXX in the following code: EntryId=&Command=XXXXXXXX'>&nbsp; Could you please give me the commands for Delete and Hard delete Will this be enough or does it need...
3 4382
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/02/2010 5:45 PM
7 Replies and 5588 Views Custom attribute with file upload  5588  7 Started by  Stéphane Bebrone Hi, I'd like to create a custom attribute which will allow users to add an illustration (image file) to their document. As far as I've seen it just a matter of setting the correct 'control to load', but I dunno which one I tried with a 'AspnetUpload.ascx', it appears correctly but the file is not been uploaded. &160; What can I do &160; Best regard, Stéphane. &160;
7 5588
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/21/2010 11:42 AM
1 Replies and 4499 Views Additional datafields for Grid1  4499  1 Started by  Albert Hi Peter. I need to add some coloumns with additional datafields for ComponentArt Grid, so I need to modyify the datasource. My track breaks off on UI.IContentProvider which is compiled object. I suppouse that we have a stored procedure for providing adequate DataTable. Could you point which one is it or if I am on wrong track, could you show the way to modify Grid1 datasource Thank you, Albert.
1 4499
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/28/2010 8:31 PM
3 Replies and 4421 Views Custom Attribute  4421  3 Started by  shipu miah Hi, I&160;am adding a number of custom attributes on per folder basis by running sql script.&160; After running the sql script I&160;can see the custom attributes from the Manage Attributes option in each folder and all seems to be working as expected, however when I&160;restart IIS, all my items seems to dissappear and all I can see is the Document Exchange folder and none of the items added under it previously. If i then go to DMX&160;settings and look at Root folder for module I&160...
3 4421
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/28/2010 8:27 PM
1 Replies and 4207 Views Setting ViewTemplate to load files based on custom attribute  4207  1 Started by  chris parisi I figured out to create a custom attribute and tie a file to a custom attribute. &160; &160; However the problem that I am now having is how to get the viewtemplate.ascx file (or a custom one) to load just the files that are tied to that custom attribute. For example, I have a Client that is going to be using the system. &160; I need to say that a file is for a specific Client (ClientID is the custom attribute, and the value for the client is assigned via a custom control that contains a dr...
1 4207
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/01/2010 12:40 PM
8 Replies and 4813 Views Add a file to root programatically  4813  8 Started by  ryan I am looking to add files programatically, I can get it working while I create collections(folders) and then add the files to the collections(folders).&160; I have tried adding the files via EntriesController.SimplifiedUpload passing in both 0 and -1 as the collection id, I have also tried using EntriesController.UploadEntry however using any of these methods I receive an Object not found exception.&160; Is there a way to do this What is the way to do it Thanks, Ryan
8 4813
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/01/2010 12:37 PM
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