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3 Replies and 4391 Views Integration with other modules / using DMX for an intranet development  4391  3 Started by  Jens Lemmer I hope this forum are is the correct one to post in, if not please kindly move my thread where it fits better: We are currently re-developing our intranet on a DNN basis and considering using DMX as the document management solution within that. Therefore I would like to ask if someone of you can provide information and experiences on how far DMX can be integrated with other modules and if there are good examples/case studies/tutorials specifically for using DMX within an intranet platform. So...
3 4391
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/23/2009 12:10 AM
1 Replies and 3828 Views Manual?  3828  1 Started by  Kenneth Hoffman I have a ton questions.. And I can't seem fo find a Manual.. just short incomplete help topics etc. Is there one so I don't need to pepper you with lots of questions My dream would be to have an extension like catagories list that lets me filter on atributes etc. Example I want to have expiration dates for contents and mark some as customer ready or not. then set up a listing of specific catagory that fits that filter. I would also like an (AND/OR/NOR) between catagories.. So I can have a ...
1 3828
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/20/2009 3:23 PM
5 Replies and 4770 Views API Documentation?  4770  5 Started by  Thierry Lach I haven't been able to find any documentation on the API.&160; Does any exist (or am I just missing it)
5 4770
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/03/2009 11:45 PM
1 Replies and 3813 Views Adding Popup Menu Options  3813  1 Started by  pmarkiewicz I have not delved into the DMX API yet, so I wondered is it open enough to include support for adding popup menu options&160; E.g. if I have an html file, and I want to open it in the current web browser, I know that by visiting the file via its WebDAV URL will display it.&160; So having an option to 'View current file' would be pretty useful to me. Also, I might want to develop different web applications which consume the contents of a particular file for viewing.&160; For example, if I ha...
1 3813
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/23/2009 11:01 PM
3 Replies and 4041 Views Partial Source and DNN  4041  3 Started by  GA Hi, I was curious about how the DMX&160;partial source worked with reference to DNN. I am compiling my partial source code on my machine which uses DNN 4.09. When I tried to use this DMX dll in a dotnetnuke portal v4.08, it throws error saying 'to use Bring2Mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Dispatch, you must replace reference to DNN with version 4.09 or higher'.Can I only use this DMX dll on dnn versions higher or equal to the dnn version that it was compiled with, or is&160;it something wrong&160;with ...
3 4041
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/16/2009 12:07 PM
2 Replies and 4152 Views ViewCollection : Details.ascx  4152  2 Started by  Benoit Hi Peter, How I can choose which informations are displayed in 'DetailsContent' pane I put some code in details.ascx : '> But it's not a clean method. Have you a clean method Benoît
2 4152
by  Rob RalstonJump to last post
03/10/2009 1:35 AM
4 Replies and 3859 Views Adding a control to Details.ascx  3859  4 Started by  GA Hi, I was trying to&160;accept some sort of user input by modifying the details pane. I added a textbox and a button to details.ascx but the server side events are not triggered for the button. When I debug, the onclick event for the button is never executed. Can you help me.&160;Is&160;it not possible to use web controls or user controls that require server side&160;event handling in the details.ascx.&160;What I want basically is for the user viewing the&160;document&160;to be able to e...
4 3859
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/04/2009 10:44 PM
1 Replies and 3455 Views Right Click Menu  3455  1 Started by  NetGains Feb 18, 2009 Hi! I am interested in adding one more menu iteam to the right click Ajax menu. Say I want to add 'View' before 'Download'. Now for this i want add my own method which will call a viewer and display the file in that viewer. Can I do this customization if I buy the 'partial source code' &160; Rishi
1 3455
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/18/2009 11:29 PM
1 Replies and 3712 Views Displaying a Custom Attribute in its own column  3712  1 Started by  Simon Gammon-Hardaway &160; Hi Peter,&160;I have been trying to create a seperate display column for the ProjectID custom Attribute in&160;your online demo, without much success. I added a ProjectID of 1234 to your DMX Installation Manual, but could not persuade the Example1 template to display it in its own column, is this possible to do Very brave of you to allow&160;admin access by the way -&160;but I don't think I've broken anything! :0) best regards, Simon
1 3712
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/03/2009 9:21 AM
1 Replies and 4208 Views Accessing File Data from other Modules  4208  1 Started by  pmarkiewicz Does the API for DMX provide a means for other modules to access data contained within files that are stored in the repository&160; For example, maybe I want to create a module that provides a 'DMX FileViewer' to allow a user to select a document and pull the data from that file into that module for parsing.&160; Is there any documentation about that&160; Thanks.
1 4208
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/18/2009 11:12 PM
9 Replies and 5723 Views Programatic Creation  5723  9 Started by  Arick Is there any way I can programatically create a new folder with sub folders programtically in v4&160; I'm in the process of writing an app that provides us wiht customer inforamtion.&160; What I'd like is under each customer to have a folder structure that pertains only to that customer without manually having to go in and add a DMX module to the page. More so I'd like to generate this from one page with one DMX module but if that cannot be done I can handle working with multiple pages.&160;...
9 5723
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/06/2009 4:58 PM
6 Replies and 3792 Views Checkbox as a Type in Custom Attributes  3792  6 Started by  GA Hi, Is there any way in which I can have a checkbox (or boolean) type in the dropdown for types in Custom Attributes. I have many custom attributes which are all checkboxes and it would be really easy if I could just select Boolean as a type from the dropdown and have a Checkbox appear, instead of creating a custom User control for each Checkbox I need. There are types for all other common types (like date, select) and I dont understand why boolean was not included. So is there any way, in whi...
6 3792
by  GAJump to last post
12/16/2008 4:59 PM
4 Replies and 5927 Views Custom Attributes(Check Box, Radio Button etc.) Problem  5927  4 Started by  Gaurav Kumar When we add another custom Control Like Checkbox,Radio Button then it create problem How can I add CheckBox Costom Control. I tried to add CheckBox control which name is ChkDocumentVisibility12 then it give error. Error message is: Http Parse Exception was caught The base class includes the field 'ChkDocumentVisibility', but its type (System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox) is not compatible with the type of control (System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList). on Reflection.vb page. Can you provid...
4 5927
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/11/2008 8:31 PM
2 Replies and 4526 Views Question regarding changes in DMX_ENTRIES table structure  4526  2 Started by  VarunC Hi, I've noted that from past releases before 4.3.2 version, there has been an Addition of 2 Columns to DMX_Entries table. The columns added are: Path & PermissionsonlyByAdmin. &160; Can you please guide me here, as what is the purpose of these 2 columns, What would be the effect if I Left the 2 columns EMPTY values &160; - Varun
2 4526
by  VarunCJump to last post
11/03/2008 1:43 PM
6 Replies and 5724 Views DMX Webservice  5724  6 Started by  VarunC Hi, I've earlier used DMX Webservice interface to help me upload documents from my custom application with version DMX 04.02.03. But now as I've updated to the latest build of DMX (04.03.02) the Webservice Interface Does not EXPOSE the EntryInfo, EntryAttributeInfo, AttributeInfo, EntryAttributeInfo etc Classes. has there been any modifications to Webservice of DMX and this feature has been Removed My application has broken since the latest update of DMX because of this issue. - Varun
6 5724
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/14/2008 10:16 PM
3 Replies and 4213 Views Customization - Can it be done  4213  3 Started by  Stuart Hilbert Obviously anything can be done.&160; But can it be done with your partial source. I need to perform a number of customizations some will require source others will not, can you let me know if I buy the source will I be able to customize these features. Display a disclaimer before the upload of files (I am guessing I can modify the ascx control for uploading now to do this) Only allow pdf and jpg images.&160; This can be a simple file check when they try to upload a file.&160;&16...
3 4213
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/30/2008 11:56 PM
5 Replies and 4195 Views Filtering of documents displayed based on custom attribute added  4195  5 Started by  Gaurav Kumar Hi, can there be any possibility for filtering records based on the custom attributes chosen at the time of upload of document i mean we can search the record based on custom attribute but can we have the DMX module display records based on the custom attribute value chosen, at the time of page load or module load thanks.
5 4195
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/30/2008 11:55 PM
4 Replies and 5165 Views SimplifiedUpload and MD5Hash  5165  4 Started by  Marc Hi, I am uploading a directory of files to DMX using&160;EntriesController.SimplifiedUpload. All is working fine, I can see the files in DMX,&160;but for some reason all files have the same MD5Hash value even when they are all different. Is there anything I need to do to make sure the MD5Hash value is correct Here is the code I am using: Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(_imagesPath) Dim fiList As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles() For Each fi As FileInfo In fiList ... &160; fs = New FileStream(f...
4 5165
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/25/2008 12:29 AM
1 Replies and 4346 Views Automatic Bulk Import of Files and Folders.  4346  1 Started by  Chhavi We have several files that are sent via FTP to our servers.&160; Is there a way to set up automatic imports of files and folders to a folder in DMX&160; I know we can use the Admin->Options ->Import feature to import the documents manually, but is there a way to schedule this to run automatically Thanks, Chhavi
1 4346
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/23/2008 11:09 AM
2 Replies and 4562 Views God Mode  4562  2 Started by  A B One of my QA guys had a bit of a weird occurrence today (which I verified).&160; He was using a normal user account which only has permission to see a limited set of files in DMX, a file was deleted (this may or may not be relevant) and afterwards he could see all the DMX files on the site. These increased permissions were persistent across multiple logins and logouts and on different computers.&160; About an hour after the phenomena started it stopped. Comparing what parts of the applicatio...
2 4562
by  A BJump to last post
09/15/2008 10:49 PM
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