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1 Replies and 3262 Views Visual Indicator for New Item  3262  1 Started by  keith motte Is there a way to indicate or flag a document with a 'new'  icon when either  a new doucment is posted or a document has been updated in the past x days. Some but not all my users are wiling to subscribe to a floder or collection.
1 3262
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/12/2005 3:16 PM
1 Replies and 3202 Views Nothing happens when I Copy Collections  3202  1 Started by  Ken Simpson When selecting a Collections and attempting to copy and past to an alternate location, the buttons are visible and the system appears to do some processing, but the collection does not apear in the new location. This proceedure works for files, just not collections. Is this as designed, or is there some problem with my set up
1 3202
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/08/2005 10:35 PM
1 Replies and 3138 Views User icons do not appear on non root catalogs?  3138  1 Started by  teresa beere johnson Hello, All of my asx files for my updated version of dmx (03.01.51) have the following settings:   <dmx:toolbar runat='server' id='tbMain'     ButtonVisibility-IncludeCaptions='True'     ButtonVisibility-SingleItemView='False'     ButtonVisibility-ShowCopyCutPaste='True'     ButtonVisibility-ShowExtendedCommands='True'     ButtonVisibility-CommandFolderUpShown='view'     ButtonVisibility-Com...
1 3138
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/08/2005 10:34 PM
1 Replies and 3064 Views Navigator Module On Your Download Page  3064  1 Started by  Paul Deschenes Where do you get the Navigator module to work with DMX
1 3064
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/02/2005 7:51 AM
1 Replies and 3161 Views Keywords Question  3161  1 Started by  teresa beere johnson Hello I'm just wanting to clarify something about the keywords in DMX. It says they must be separated by a semicolon ';'. I was wondering if they can be separated by a comma instead ','. (I've added a bunch of keywords separated by a comma in all the documents I imported)
1 3161
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/02/2005 7:49 AM
1 Replies and 4950 Views Only Administrator can see documents - Permissions are disappearing on items  4950  1 Started by  Paul Deschenes Version 3.1.51 of DMX Whenever I add a document or collection to the module only ADMINISTRATORS can view or edit the item. After adding an item, setting permissions, saving, then going back into the item, the View permission is removed from Administrators(although I can still se it), edit remains, and ALL OTHER PERMISSIONS that I set for any other security roles are completely removed. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I checked the tables DMXEntryAttributes and DMXAttributes ...
1 4950
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/26/2005 11:08 PM
3 Replies and 3325 Views Remarks in the Collection List  3325  3 Started by  Jason K How can I add a column to the Collection List for document Remarks As a secondary preference, it'd be great if we could set the formatting to be: Description                                                        &nbs...
3 3325
by  Jason KJump to last post
10/25/2005 5:03 PM
3 Replies and 3211 Views Can not access Category Maintenance Menu from Options panel  3211  3 Started by  Paul Deschenes I have version 3.1.5 installed I get the following error: Unhandled error loading module. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Parser Error: External component has thrown an exception. ---> System.Web.HttpException: Parser Error: External component has thrown an exception. ---> System.Web.HttpException: External component has thrown an exception. ---> System.Web.HttpCompileException: External component has thrown an exception. at System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler.ThrowIf...
3 3211
by  Paul DeschenesJump to last post
10/25/2005 1:33 PM
1 Replies and 3423 Views Categories not all being displayed  3423  1 Started by  Brett Juchem I originally added two categories without sub-categories.  When I added more categories, only the first two were displayed when 'Show Categories' was selected.  Even deleting one of these displayed categories did not change anything.  In options I unselected 'Show Categories', saved, went back to select 'show categories'  in main options, yet now there is no button displayed in top navigation.  I have plenty of categories created, set 'Category View' to -1, and when uplo...
1 3423
by  Brett JuchemJump to last post
10/20/2005 9:10 PM
1 Replies and 3052 Views Modify email to subscribers  3052  1 Started by  Rob Bates I want to modify the wording of the email sent to subscribers.  I cannot find where in the code or any supporting files where this text may be.  How would I do this Thanks. rb
1 3052
by  gordon crooksJump to last post
10/11/2005 9:13 PM
2 Replies and 3114 Views Categories access thru a treeview  3114  2 Started by  motte denis Do you plan to make a treeview for displaying categories Great job about DMX Pro 3. Denis
2 3114
by  motte denisJump to last post
10/01/2005 6:13 PM
2 Replies and 3165 Views Changing Startup Screen to Categories Problem  3165  2 Started by  teresa beere johnson Hello,. we've finally got Document Exchange all setup, however, I went into the  Document Exchange Options window, and made some changes to the Top Navigation Buttons settings. I left all of them visible, (default) but changed the Starttup Screen to 'Categories'. However, now when I go to the main window, and click on the collections icon at the top, it does not revert to the collections view, but stays at Categories. The only way to be able to view collections is to change the starrtup ...
2 3165
by  teresa beere johnsonJump to last post
09/29/2005 1:37 AM
2 Replies and 3419 Views Changing Link Styles on Toolbar  3419  2 Started by  Farrah Roberts Does anyone know how I can change the text style&160;of the hyperlinks under the toolbar buttons&160; I've tried out various different ways but the only way which has worked so far is by changing the link styles in my skin.css.&160; However, I don't want to change the syles throughout the site - only for the module.&160; Any advice would be much appreciated.&160; Thanks.
2 3419
by  Farrah RobertsJump to last post
09/14/2005 3:06 PM
1 Replies and 3423 Views Custom Attributes feature  3423  1 Started by  Ron Sklaver Hi.&160; I've been reading the Administrator's Guide to learn more about Custom Attributes, and am a bit confused.&160; My understanding is that I can use this feature to&160;create a custom metadata field, yet when I do so it doesn't seem to appear on the document's info screen.&160; Am I misunderstanding the purpose or use of this feature
1 3423
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/13/2005 9:21 AM
1 Replies and 3251 Views Customising document properties list  3251  1 Started by  Jim Hilditch Is it possible to change the properties visible to the user for each document&160; At the moment the following fields are visible; Description Collection Approved Locked Private&160; Deleted Roles that can view&160; Roles that may edit Created On Created By Original Filename Version Categories Category Keywords&160;&160; Remarks Some of these I don't want a user to see - can it be done Many Thanks Jim ...
1 3251
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/08/2005 8:57 AM
2 Replies and 2876 Views Missing Header Info in New Item Page  2876  2 Started by  Ken Simpson I have found that I get and image placeholder on the New Item Page (...Home/DocumentLibrary/tabid/183/DMXModule/675/Command/Core_Edit/CollectionId/0/Default.aspx). All the other headers are displayed. Using DNN3.1 and DMX Pro ver. 3.1.3.
2 2876
by  Ken SimpsonJump to last post
09/07/2005 8:48 PM
1 Replies and 3359 Views How indent Categories?  3359  1 Started by  Jesus Lopez In your screens the categories and subcategories are indent, but in my installation with last version only change font, but not indent, please how indent Categories
1 3359
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/04/2005 12:19 PM
1 Replies and 3241 Views Are web folders supported?  3241  1 Started by  Help Desk Are web folders supported&160; I need a solution that is extremely easy make multiple edits to a file and I'm not sure how this can be done with using web folders.
1 3241
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/30/2005 4:32 PM
15 Replies and 3390 Views removing icons from user interface  3390  15 Started by  teresa beere johnson Hi - I have some DMX users that will only be subscribing or unsubscribing to documents,. Is there a way I can disable their accounts so that they do not see all of the other icons/options like&160; - Copy, Cut, Undelete, Lock, Unlock In fact I'd probably want to disable all of those options from everyone except an administrator. Let me know if there is a way to do this. thanks
15 3390
by  teresa beere johnsonJump to last post
08/26/2005 5:02 PM
1 Replies and 3171 Views Can I prevent creation of folders but allow uploading of files?  3171  1 Started by  Barry Duncan With DMX Pro, is it possible to setup a repository such that users can not create new folders but yet they can still upload files within existing folders&160; We need this on our intranet so that our folder structure can be maintained among all users and not modified. Thanks!
1 3171
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/19/2005 8:10 AM
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