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5 Replies and 4135 Views Copy a folder structure  4135  5 Started by  Rob Barefoot Is there a way to copy a folder structure When I go in, I can select a folder, copy, and then go to the new location and hit paste. However, when I do this, any child folders don't come over. All I get is an empty parent folder. Am I doing something wrong Thanks, Rob
5 4135
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/06/2008 11:34 AM
5 Replies and 4878 Views SimpleLog Error  4878  5 Started by  Tiphanie Combre ModuleId: -1 ModuleDefId: -1 FriendlyName: ModuleControlSource: AssemblyVersion: 04.03.05 PortalID: 0 PortalName: TLM InSite UserID: 388 UserName: ES\Cliftonw ActiveTabID: 115 ActiveTabName: Search DMX RawURL: /SearchDMX/tabid/115/Default.aspx AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1) DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlD...
5 4878
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/02/2008 8:52 PM
7 Replies and 14533 Views Module Load Warning  14533  7 Started by  Jerry Andersen Hi, I'm running a DNN 4.4.0 on a SQL 2000DB. install with latest DMX module.  I find when I add the module to the site and when the public role views the page with the module the following is seen on the page: Module Load WarningOne or more of the modules on this page did not load. This may be temporary. Please refresh the page (click F5 in most browsers). If the problem persists, please let the Site Administrator know. Now I've followed the other threads...and I found that once I had th...
7 14533
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/28/2008 10:14 PM
3 Replies and 6317 Views Setting documents to expire?  6317  3 Started by  Dave Ingraham Is there a way to set an expiration date on a document
3 6317
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/06/2008 9:48 PM
4 Replies and 4239 Views Question about Categories  4239  4 Started by  Chhavi I am seeig weird issues with Categories.&160; I am using DMX 3.05.02.&160; If a user is the owner of a document that is tied to a category and then someone deletes (soft -delete) the document, then the document does not show up in any user's (non - Admin) view when viewing in the Collections mode.&160;&160; But when the owner of the document navigates to the document through the Categories view, he/she can view the deleted document with Red X (soft-delete indication) with no option to hard-d...
4 4239
by  A BJump to last post
04/17/2008 8:14 PM
3 Replies and 3768 Views Last Modified on a Collection  3768  3 Started by  Eric Swanzey A collection holds a bunch of items, so it seems to me that the 'Last Modified' on a collection should reflect the date that an item was last added or revised in the collection, NOT the last time the actual collection item was modified (which is typically never). Doesn't that seem more intuitive Otherwise, I tend to breeze right by a collection that has a very old date on it, not bothering to look inside since I incorrectly think that nothing has changed. If a collection has other collections ...
3 3768
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/08/2008 9:48 PM
1 Replies and 3741 Views DMX User settings?  3741  1 Started by  Rob Barefoot Okay, I have DMX3 installed, and as host or admin, I can add folders/documents and do everything as normal. When I log into my 'user' account, I can only subscribe or unsubscribe. I've tried playing with all of the different settings that I can thing of, including giving my 'user' account permission to edit hte module, and still no go. Any thoughts Thanks, Rob
1 3741
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2008 1:13 PM
1 Replies and 3638 Views API for DMX3  3638  1 Started by  Chhavi Hi Peter, Is there any API available for DMX 3I am trying to integrate document upload with another module. I want to create an interface&160;where a user can browse a file from their desktop and click save and it uploads and saves the file in a particular folder in DMX and grabs the download URL for that file and inserts it in the module that I am integrating.&160; I tried copying EditEntry.aspx to a different folder and removing the fields that I do not need.&160; I added an entry to the ...
1 3638
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/27/2008 12:26 PM
1 Replies and 3606 Views Rollback Returned an Exception  3606  1 Started by  MikeW I have just installed DMX3 and was playing around with versioning of documents and tried to RollBack to a previous version.&160; However, when I clicked the 'RollBack' link, I received the following error.&160; Any ideas what would cause this&160; Thanks Server Error in '/ISDocuments' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependenci...
1 3606
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/19/2008 9:01 PM
1 Replies and 3774 Views Direct Editing of Documents  3774  1 Started by  MikeW Is it not possible to edit documents directly on the Server in DMX3&160; Earlier today I opened a document and was prompted whether I wanted to open it read-only or not.&160; I chose not to open it read-only and was able to actually&160;change the&160;doc and save it.&160; When I re-open it, or any other document, I'm no longer prompted to open read-only or not. Every document I open is opened as Read-only, and thus I can't remove the edit I made earlier.&160; And I did not find any docum...
1 3774
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/17/2008 6:37 PM
1 Replies and 3807 Views Change Description Link to a Detail Link  3807  1 Started by  Mark Pringle Is it possible to alter the description link so it serves as a detail link. I only want the disk icon to serve as the download. Users are having difficulty accessing the details. Clicking on the pdf, zip, etc icon is not intuitive for accessing the doc details. I want the description to serve as access to the doc details.
1 3807
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/08/2008 11:05 AM
3 Replies and 3841 Views Unable to delete categories  3841  3 Started by  APAN User Peter, We're having problems deleting a categories.&160; Is this because there are documents associated with them&160; There's no error.&160; We tried to clear the cache also.&160; We're using version 3.5.5 &160;
3 3841
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/14/2008 9:38 AM
1 Replies and 4818 Views Page Load Exception with Google Crawler  4818  1 Started by  APAN User Peter, not sure which forum to post this to so I apologize. We're not expecting a solution, but was wondering if you can shed some light into these Page Load Exceptions in our Event Log: We have a Google appliance crawling our site.&160; The ActiveTabId referenced here is the home page of the portal and there's no Document Exchange module on that page.... Note the RawURL&160;&160; ... not sure where Google got that URL from.... AssemblyVersion: 04.05.05 PortalID: 11 PortalName: My Websit...
1 4818
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/13/2008 10:23 PM
6 Replies and 4326 Views Linking Documents in DMX  4326  6 Started by  Laverne Douglas I was moving (cut/paste) some folders/documents to a different parent folder and noticed that all the documents moved. Perfect.  Upon returning to the original parent folder the original folder was still in place and one document remained in the folder. This document matched exactly to the moved document right down to the fact that I had moved in the history. This leads me to ask is it possible to create a hyperlink to an existing document in DMX like we can we collections Have I stumbled...
6 4326
by  tom mccoyJump to last post
02/08/2008 2:34 PM
1 Replies and 3853 Views Preventing addition of items at DMX root folder  3853  1 Started by  John Barker We are running DMX 3 and have called it the Document Library on our web portal.&160; Our intent is to allow authorized individuals to create new FOLDERS (i.e. subfolders) at the root of the Doc Library, but not to add files.&160; Files should only be added to the sub-folders.&160; However I cannot seem to find out where to set this privilege. I can click to the right of any subfolder and set the permissions on it, but I can't click to the right of the root folder and change any permissions.&...
1 3853
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/07/2008 9:03 PM
1 Replies and 3947 Views Custom Attribute Date Field Issue  3947  1 Started by  Aaron I am having a problem with Custom Attribute fields of type 'Date' that I have added into a DNN 4.5.5/DMX 3.5.4 module.  The problem is that after the date information is entered and submitted through the 'Detail'-'Edit' screen.  The next time you return to that screen to change other info. details, the dates appearing in the date fields have been decreased by one day -automatically.  If the data entry person changes any of the non-date fields and submits, the date values...
1 3947
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/17/2008 10:08 AM
1 Replies and 3792 Views Turn off Document Exchange Subscriptions?  3792  1 Started by  Emilee Is it possible to turn off or block the subscribe/unsubscribe link in the Document manager  Cant find any answers in the forums and the user manual seems to be an incomplete reference.
1 3792
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/16/2008 12:55 PM
1 Replies and 3853 Views document exchange  3853  1 Started by  chriscore i have just installed document exchange modules and i really like the way you can categorise your files. But for my site i would like to have the upload setting in a admin page but in some page i would only want show the name and a link to download of a specific categorie depending witch page the user is one For example a pdf who is categorise under sector will show in the sector page but i only one the name and a link to download a file
1 3853
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/12/2008 6:31 PM
5 Replies and 3907 Views Duplicate Collection and Files  3907  5 Started by  Jerry Andersen Hi, I'm using version 03.04.09 on a 4.4.1 install.  I have been adding documents via the module and after adding a few folders, the Root Collections show that I have duplicate folders.  One folder contains my docs while the other folder is empty.  I deleted the folder and it deletes both folders from the root collection.   It is also duplicating documents.  I'm not sure why this started happening.  I do know that this appeared to have happened right after I in...
5 3907
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/12/2007 11:46 AM
15 Replies and 4733 Views Subscription email notification  4733  15 Started by  adam nowotka Hi, I have a problem with subscription email notification. When someone changes in my subscribed catalog I'm not receive any information. Information is send only to audit email account but the conntent looks like this: 'A Message was sent to the following list:' I remember from previous version that this text includes name of file, catalog and link to it. Regards,adam 
15 4733
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/08/2007 12:07 PM
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