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1 Replies and 3672 Views Older versions of documents  3672  1 Started by  Chhavi I have several questions about older version of documents. How do I access older versions of a document, without searching for it Is it possible to have the same document in more than one collection  If I copy the document it makes a copy of the document instead of creating a reference to it. Thanks      
1 3672
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/12/2007 7:01 PM
6 Replies and 4658 Views providing links to files that require login  4658  6 Started by  Eric Swanzey Is there a trick to providing someone a link directly to a DMX-secured document that &91requires a login&93 to access A DMX 'file detail' link such as:/tabid/350/DMXModule/747/Command/Core_ViewDetails/Default.aspxEntryId=85works OK - at least it loads the page and tells the user they don't have access rights to the item That same file also has 2 different download links, each of which throw an error such as 'Server Error...The resource cannot be found' because (I guess) the ReturnUrl gets ...
6 4658
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/09/2007 10:35 AM
0 Replies and 4656 Views UNZIP option  4656  0 Started by  dnnmvallet Hi, it's not working very well the unzip option with the accents. If i have one file with the name á.txt into the zip when i upload the zip with the unzip option. i upload a file with the name .txt. It's not working the accents à á è é ì í ò ó ù ú and the next special caracters: ü l·l  
0 4656
03/05/2007 1:10 PM
1 Replies and 4060 Views wrong domain in notificaiton email  4060  1 Started by  Geoff Van Brunt I was just testing out the notification feature and the link specified in the email is wrong. The domain part of the url is not found in the portals alias tables etc. Where does this value come from It looks like it was dirived from the email address of the administrator....
1 4060
by  Geoff Van BruntJump to last post
02/27/2007 6:17 PM
3 Replies and 4061 Views Notification to every user  4061  3 Started by  WannoInsys I am running DMX 03.04.08 in a DNN 4.3.6 Intranet environment. All users have access to the DMX and all users get email notifications on all changes on any DMX document. I assumed only the documents subscribed to would generate an email to the subscribers on changes. I checked all documentation on DMX but did not find helpfull information to change this behaviour. I noticed that all users who have only viewing rights on DMX see all entries double, e.g. they see two versions of the documents an...
3 4061
by  WannoInsysJump to last post
02/21/2007 5:05 PM
6 Replies and 17421 Views Problem creating new folder  17421  6 Started by  Daniel Steinmann Hi Peter My customer has a problem to create new folders, he get's a javascript-error and this on 2 complete different pc's in different networks, with IEX 6/7 or FF. But myself I cannot reproduce this error, even with his account I can create new folders. Do you can imagine where the source of error is This error occurs since the update of DNN to 04.04.01, respective the last WinServer 2003 patches, the DMX is version 03.04.08. And a little bug I found in the forms for adding new ent...
6 17421
by  Daniel SteinmannJump to last post
02/12/2007 5:47 AM
3 Replies and 4157 Views Roll-back functionality not available  4157  3 Started by  Dave Ingraham Hi Peter, I just noticed on the document Details page, there is no link to Roll Back a document version, even though there are multiple versions showing in the Log. I looked at the ViewDetails.ascx file, and ButtonVisibility-CommandRollBackShown='edit'. I have edit capabilities since I'm the site admin & host, so I should be seeing this functionality, right  I looked through the DMX Options, and couldn't see anywhere to turn on/off this functionality, and I saw that the number of vers...
3 4157
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/09/2007 12:23 AM
4 Replies and 4293 Views Subscriptions for deleted users  4293  4 Started by  Mike Willard We've now been using DNN w/AD authentication for about 1 year and have realized that something needs to be done to 'clean up' users who no longer exist in AD, but have DNN user accounts.  I'm considering writing a script to compare DNN users to AD and delete those records from the database where no AD account exists.  The question is, what happens when a user is subscribed to a collection in DMX and the user has been deleted  Will there be a flood of undeliverable emails  ...
4 4293
by  Mike WillardJump to last post
02/08/2007 2:51 PM
2 Replies and 4693 Views Unzip (A critical error has occurred.)  4693  2 Started by  Stas Popov Hi, My problem is that I can’t upload files using Unzip feature. The Unzip was working fine in the past and I don’t actually know when it’s stopped. I can upload a single file, but when I’m trying to unzip, then the DNN generates an exception and does upload to the selected folder but only a first file from the zip. ·         I have checked the permissions ·         Tried to disable the Index service ·&nbs...
2 4693
by  Stas PopovJump to last post
02/07/2007 4:09 AM
1 Replies and 3871 Views Customize Table Layout  3871  1 Started by  Jerry Andersen Hi, Is there a way to 'turn off' the last modified, created, and author column, so the module only displayes the files with the rest of the column headers Thanks, Jerry
1 3871
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/31/2007 11:30 AM
3 Replies and 4238 Views Layout Question Custom Fields -Questions  4238  3 Started by  David A Hi, We would like to customize the layout of the View Collection layout. Basically , we would like to add custom sort index filed (like wieght). I have read all threads about layout customization , ViewCollection column format , custom fields, etc, but I have to clear some issues My questions are: 1. Can I add custom field to the View Collection layout 2. How can I remove the view details link from the icon 3. Can I edit the detail view , so I will choose which property to v...
3 4238
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/26/2007 5:25 PM
1 Replies and 3782 Views Edit folder settings  3782  1 Started by  Laverne Douglas This may seem obvious, but how do you edit the seetings on a folder that is already in the main collection. I know I can edit an item's settings by clicking the icon in front of the itme name works, but clicking the icon in front of the folder only takes me to the contents of the folders. Any help would be appreciated.
1 3782
by  Laverne DouglasJump to last post
01/25/2007 8:51 PM
2 Replies and 3617 Views Programmatically send subscription notifications  3617  2 Started by  Bill Is it possible to programmatically trigger the subscription notifications  What I’m doing for one of the modules is to programmatically update and/or delete and regenerate two levels of documents.  Such as Root (collection)>>Sub Root 1(collection) >> file.  I delete all documents in the database table via code and then delete the sub folders.  Then they are rebuilt with the new folders and documents.  This is done twice a day plus on demand.  The Document...
2 3617
by  BillJump to last post
01/18/2007 1:38 PM
17 Replies and 5602 Views Understanding the File Lists (ViewCollection)  5602  17 Started by  Earnie Eng The documentation explains that in order to customize the columns displayed in ViewCollection, ViewCategory, and ViewSubscriptions we must modify the corresponding .resx file.  The correct syntax is a single line of column definition seperated by semicolons.  Within each of these columns, there are 10 variables available for customization, each seperated by a | symbol (pipe) I was able to add the Remarks column based on the documentation, however, when analyzing the default structu...
17 5602
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/18/2007 9:44 AM
10 Replies and 4989 Views Bug with deleted documents  4989  10 Started by  Holger Kopf Hi, there is a bug in your application (version 03.04.08). If a user deletes a file it does not appear under the collection. BUT the deleted file can still be found if someone search for it !!! Regards Holger
10 4989
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/15/2007 11:31 PM
8 Replies and 4702 Views Subscription without enty in DMX_Subscription  4702  8 Started by  Holger Kopf Peter,i have no entries in DMX_Subscription, but if i create a new file, i got a subscription message. What is the reason for that Holger
8 4702
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/12/2007 9:28 PM
4 Replies and 4077 Views Layout of Document list table  4077  4 Started by  Alan Arenz Is there a way to change the order of columns or hide specific columns.  We have a need to use it for an intranet application and do not want to display the author or post date.  I would also like to know if a custom property can be added to the table.
4 4077
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/12/2007 8:58 AM
3 Replies and 3710 Views Your Manual Layout style  3710  3 Started by  Bill I like the layout on your website under Modules>>Document Exchange 3 Pro>> Manual-- How did you do it Thanks
3 3710
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/10/2007 10:25 AM
2 Replies and 4293 Views Locked Folder !?!  4293  2 Started by  Ulrich Jenzer You can Lock a Folder (Collection) however the Lock Symbol is not visible. Other users can't change to the locked Folder (Collection) and other users can not add files. Is this so intended Ulrich Jenzer
2 4293
by  Ulrich JenzerJump to last post
01/09/2007 9:37 AM
14 Replies and 4470 Views Bulk uploading?  4470  14 Started by  Dave Ingraham Hi Peter, Our content editors are starting to upload documents into our site. Some of them have upwards of 50-60 documents that they need to upload, and they'd like to not have to uploaded each document one at a time. Most of these would have similar descriptions, keywords and permissions. Is there a way to do a bulk upload of documents
14 4470
by  Dave IngrahamJump to last post
01/07/2007 9:08 PM
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