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1 Replies and 3254 Views ZIP Files Lose their extension upon download  3254  1 Started by  Earnie Eng Hello first off, I had set my DNN to be able to accept file sizes up to 65 megs. I recently uploaded some LARGE (56mb) zip files, and I wanted them to remain as Zip files in DMX.  Initially, they either failed to be uploaded to our hosted site/server, or when attempting to download, the files were corrupted.  So I suspected that the file was corrupted in the http stream during upload.Second, the zip files I tried to download would come at me as a filename of just the texted up to t...
1 3254
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/13/2006 12:45 PM
1 Replies and 3108 Views module print icon  3108  1 Started by  Peter Milliner When selecting the module print icon no matter where you are in DMX.  It will only print the main categories or collections not what is being viewed on page i.e sub collections or documents within categories Is it possible to print contents of categories Thankyou Peter MBRIT  
1 3108
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2006 9:45 PM
3 Replies and 3907 Views Categories / Short List Add On  3907  3 Started by  Eat Fresh! Is there any way to filter content/documents that are displayed based on a category using the short list add on
3 3907
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/26/2006 1:36 PM
1 Replies and 3160 Views custom attributes - details page  3160  1 Started by  Peter Milliner Peter, When selecting to view details. For custom attributes I am getting the value repeated twice not the name and value.  see below ............ Version 1 (Last Version) Categories Forms, Health & Safety Keywords   Remarks   FOH_17 FOH_17 2006-03-09 00:00:00Z 2006-03-09 00:00:00Z Assistance is appreciated Peter M    
1 3160
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/23/2006 2:05 PM
1 Replies and 3291 Views custom attribute - sorting error  3291  1 Started by  Peter Milliner I  have a custom attribute for our document numbering (is a string - alphanumeric number).  I have attempted to add sort or this column but get the following error This is the change I have made to ColumnList.Text Number|Number|||||Number|||File;FileCheckBox|Select|24|||||||File........ This is the error I recieve. A critical error has occurred.Cannot find column Number. Assistance is appreciated PeterBendigo TAFE
1 3291
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/15/2006 9:31 AM
2 Replies and 3923 Views Default Sort  3923  2 Started by  Andrew Haslett Hi Pete. Any chance of getting a Default Sort setting against a collection or instance  Even if only for the default set of columns (rather than having to be able to sort any extra columns that may be added as an extension or similar). That or adding a querystring parameter which effects the sort so we can load the page in this state from a hyperlink or menu option Cheers, A
2 3923
by  Lee CottrellJump to last post
03/02/2006 11:55 AM
4 Replies and 4910 Views Custom dropdownlist of DMX Docs in Telerik Editor?  4910  4 Started by  Andrew Haslett Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has already made a custom dropdownlist of DMX Documents for the Telerik Rich Text Editor  (It offers a list of DMX Docs currently in your repository and when selelected pastes the URL of the document into the editor, rather than having to cut and paste the URL manually). I did it for the Cutesoft Rich Text Editor a while ago and gave the code to Peter, but was just wondering if anyone had done one for Telerik before I go ahead and do it myself ...
4 4910
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/09/2006 9:55 AM
4 Replies and 5189 Views Byte Serving PDF's?  5189  4 Started by  Andrew Haslett Hi Peter.  How's things  Hope all is well over yonder. Great to see you've got the forum up and running. Wondering if its possible in the future to support byte serving of PDF's I believe this has something to do with how the headers are sent to the client.. We have quite a number of larger size PDF's on our Intranet and the files currently need to be downloaded entirely before opening, which can be quite slow over a WAN and not what users are familiar with when opening the sam...
4 5189
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/09/2006 1:02 AM
2 Replies and 5927 Views RTF corrupt after download  5927  2 Started by  Daniel Steinmann Strange problem with RTF files:- The RTF files I uploaded by FTP and I imported directly into DocExch are working fine.- The RTF files I upload direct into DocExch are corrupt after the download to the local system. If I download them by FTP to the local system no problem occurs.Thank's and best regards
2 5927
by  Daniel SteinmannJump to last post
02/07/2006 4:38 PM
6 Replies and 4148 Views document versions  4148  6 Started by  Peter Milliner Hello,Our quality department are very happy with document exchange but have several issues they would like me to resolve if possible.While they like the versioning of documents - they do not want older versions available for download as this would allow general users to download and use out of date documents/forms....Just need to know if it is possible when creating another version by uploading new document to have the older version only viewable by adminstrators and also to have the search not ...
6 4148
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/02/2006 12:11 PM
6 Replies and 3690 Views Redirect Issue  3690  6 Started by  Jason K In previous discussions, you mentioned that DMX uses DotNetNuke's security to redirect a user, if they do not have rights to a document.  Unfortunately, I'm still having an issue with this. I created links that point to documents in Document Exchange, with the intention that they be prompted to log into the site, if needed.  Document Exchange does not redirect correctly.  I'm running DNN 3.2 and am testing now with a clean version of it.  The URL I use: http://www.whit...
6 3690
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/20/2006 7:56 PM
4 Replies and 3113 Views Collections Tree View  3113  4 Started by  teresa beere johnson Hello, Any thoughts on adding a 'tree view' type system to the document collecions in the ui I've got a client who would like to expand the the collections but retain them in the list view. Similar to what you've done with the category view. Just wondering if that is possible.
4 3113
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/22/2005 10:40 AM
2 Replies and 3315 Views Document naming after download  3315  2 Started by  Andrew Haslett Greetings all - wondering if anyone has had any success with retaining the name of a file after download, when using the 'View' option as the default action for word or excel document. Ideally, we would like to make available templates that users could open with a single click (hence the 'View' default action) as they would in a normal network environment, and be given a new document. We've tried this with actual file (.doc or .xls) or with template files (.dot or .xlt) and they seem to op...
2 3315
by  Andrew HaslettJump to last post
12/06/2005 2:10 AM
1 Replies and 3180 Views Categories Issue  3180  1 Started by  Shane Hamlin I created a few test categories. Then created some documents and selected a category. Here is what I'm seeing: When I view details: No categories display When I edit the item: The categories display and are selected. When I try to select the Categories View: I get no documents. Anyone else experienced this I just purchased the product from Snowcovered, so I am sure I am on the most recent version.
1 3180
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/05/2005 2:29 PM
3 Replies and 2934 Views Sorting By Custom Attributes  2934  3 Started by  Jeff Berg Hi, I was setting up DMX today to mimic a current document library that my company uses. I managed to figure out how to add custom attributes and new columns for each of those attributes, but I can't seem to get the library to sort via those attributes. Alternatively, I also purchased the source code for the application. Is it possible to modify the DMX_Entries table to include fields for those extra attributes   Thanks, Jeff
3 2934
by  Jeff BergJump to last post
11/29/2005 2:54 AM
2 Replies and 3292 Views Hiding Columns on the File Lists  3292  2 Started by  Farrah Roberts Hi I'm in the process of making some changes to the columns on the file lists.  I want to hide the column for 'Author'. Can I do this and if so what value/variable do I need to put in the resource files Thanks.
2 3292
by  Farrah RobertsJump to last post
11/25/2005 12:17 PM
1 Replies and 3169 Views File Size  3169  1 Started by  teresa beere johnson I've noticed that the file size in the Column List Text row does not show the total file size of a collection. Just curious if that is as designed or a bug. (it shows the size of individual documents, but not the collection'folder'
1 3169
by  Host AccountJump to last post
11/25/2005 10:19 AM
3 Replies and 3382 Views Default Sorting  3382  3 Started by  Brian Zalewski Is there a way to change the default sorting of the folder I'd like to have my documents sorted descending instead of ascending since they're named by date. I can't find anything in the options. Thanks.
3 3382
by  Brian ZalewskiJump to last post
11/17/2005 4:39 PM
1 Replies and 3231 Views Deleted - duplicate post  3231  1 Started by  Ron Sloan Deleted - duplicate post, sorry
1 3231
by  Host AccountJump to last post
11/16/2005 9:55 PM
6 Replies and 3482 Views Download Issue  3482  6 Started by  Jason K I've had  a working version of DMX for weeks now.  I was informed today that the tool is not working.  Here's what happens: Click on a file to download & it downloads a PDF of 0kb Click on another PDF, the site hangs indefinitely I know for certain that the PDFs on the server are not corrupt.  I also know that it is most likely not client-side, as it happens on several clients. To try to resolve any DMX issue, I upgraded to the latest version, but no luck.&nbs...
6 3482
by  Jason KJump to last post
11/14/2005 10:50 PM
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