1 Replies and 5272 Views
Cut/Paste bug with files that have more than one version 5272 1
Started by Brian Stevenson
I am running DMX 3.4.9 with DNN 4.5.3.
I was demonstrating DMX to my CIO and I was very embarassed when the cut/paste function broke. Here is how to reproduce the situation...
Create Two folders (Folder1 and Folder2)
Create Three files under Folder1
Choose any two of those files, and upload a second version of those files.
Check all three files and cut them.
Paste them into Folder2.
You will see them under Folder2.
Go back to Folder1.
Two of the three files are still there!!
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5272 |
by Peter Donker06/18/2007 11:26 PM |
1 Replies and 3740 Views
Trouble with permissions 3740 1
Started by Benicio
I have been experimenting with the Lite version and something very strange is happening.
I setup two roles one which can only view and another one which can add/change items.
The users who have only read/view access to the module are able to view the contents of the root directory (root relative to the module in question) but when clicking on either a file or a folder the screen flashes but the same screen is shown.
Any ideas
I don't really have troubleshooting experience on DNN, where can ...
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3740 |
by Peter Donker06/18/2007 11:24 PM |
3 Replies and 3890 Views
Differentiate between View Only / Upload / Create Folders 3890 3
Started by Benicio
I am trying to setup a structure where I need three different types of access and I am not sure if this is possible and how.
So far I have been trying out the Lite version, so I am not sure if the authorization part is the same in the Pro edition, which I am thinking of purchasing.
So far I have been controlling acces via the creation of Roles which I autorize either to view or edit a certain folder.
The problem is that once I give some user acces to edit a folder they can give access to subf...
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3890 |
by Peter Donker05/30/2007 11:15 PM |
1 Replies and 4091 Views
Login Required? 4091 1
Started by cstern
I've added some documents into a collection that has view permission set to Administrator and All Users. This is set at the collection and the documents. I have linked to the documents in an HTML text module by pasting the link the I get from copying from the downlowd icon in DMX. When an anonymous user clicks on the link they are re-directed to the login page. Is it because of the link from HTML that login is required I'm using DMX 03.04.09 with DNN 4.4.1.
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4091 |
by Rob Ralston05/25/2007 12:22 PM |
1 Replies and 3553 Views
Retrieve “hard delete” items or change security? 3553 1
Started by Curtis Eidson
I have a user (with Edit privilege to a collection/folder) that deleted the collection/folder using the “hard delete” option. Is there any way to restore this without having to recreate the folder/items (based on the message screen you see when you click "hard delete"..., i don't think there is, just need to ask to be sure)..
I realize that the “hard delete” option permanently deletes the collection/files…but is there a way to rem...
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3553 |
by Peter Donker05/16/2007 9:12 AM |
1 Replies and 4114 Views
Moving Repository outside of webroot 4114 1
Started by jensta
I had created a couple of collections under my Root Collection. All under the default repository DMX for my portal id 0. Within these collections, I had done some mass imports of existing folder structures.
But now, for security reasons and also to enable full text searching, according to the documentation, It is recommended that I store my repository oustide the webroot. Note, I will be unchecking the option to rename file extensions to .resources to accomodate the...
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4114 |
by Peter Donker05/03/2007 9:47 AM |
4 Replies and 3587 Views
View items, not download 3587 4
Started by Van
Hi, is there a way to allow All Users to view items in a collection, but not download unless they log in. It seems when i allow them to View, they can download it. Am I missing something really basic
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3587 |
by Van04/26/2007 5:46 AM |
5 Replies and 3852 Views
Document Security - Different Portals 3852 5
Started by eqx
I am running the latest DMX version on DNN version 4.04.01
I have multiple portals i.e. in the DNN portal directory structure, portal/0, portal/1, portal/2. Each has their own Admin account and is allocated to different business clients.
In my setup, HOST and each portal's ADMIN account can see all folders and documents.
Can I configure DMX for:
1) Each portal/0, portal/1, portal/2, should be completely private and not viewable across portals
2) In the DMX r...
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3852 |
by Peter Donker04/03/2007 1:42 PM |
2 Replies and 4344 Views
Error when trying to import file 4344 2
Started by Chris Kleszynski
&91HttpException (0x80004005): Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent.&93 System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(String url, Boolean endResponse) 3208573 DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessPageLoadException(Exception exc, String URL) 304 DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase.Page_Error(Object Source, EventArgs e) 377 System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.OnError(EventArgs e) 105 System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e) 73&n...
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4344 |
by Peter Donker03/21/2007 10:20 AM |
3 Replies and 3728 Views
View Access Logs 3728 3
Started by Alan Arenz
I want to be able to grant other users the ability to see the access log. We are using a specific folder for training documents and we need the person in charge of training to be able to see who has downloaded the documents. Right now it takes a site admin or higher to see the logs for individual items. Is there a way to get that to work.
We are using 03.04.03 of DMX and DNN 03.03.07.
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3728 |
by Peter Donker03/21/2007 9:12 AM |
1 Replies and 3776 Views
Using DMX APIs 3776 1
Started by optospeed
Hello. I'm pretty satisfied of the performance of DMX and I'm thinking of using it as a document repository for other applications I have in my company intranet portal. My question regards the possibility of calling DMX APIs from third party applications, to store files in the DMX file store. Is this possible Could you give some guidelines/hints/documentation on how to implement this interface
Thank you for your help.
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3776 |
by Peter Donker03/13/2007 5:56 PM |
7 Replies and 3878 Views
Multiple downloads 3878 7
Started by Peter Milliner
I am getting more and more requests for advice on DMX. The latest is from our HR dept they are required to send a copy of our policies and procedures to a governing body. We run DMX on our intranet which is not accessible from outside. So they would like a CD copy of all Policies and Procedures. We have 2 categories named as such
What I need to know is if there is a way of downloading multiple documents (at once) from these categories or do they ne...
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3878 |
by Peter Donker03/06/2007 10:09 AM |
1 Replies and 3990 Views
Can we Block Certain File Extensions in DMX? 3990 1
Started by pj rodriguez
I am wondering if there is a way to block certain file types from being uploaded into DMX I looked in the settings and I did not see any of that kind of option. Please let me know if this would be possible. Thanks!
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3990 |
by Peter Donker02/20/2007 10:27 PM |
13 Replies and 7509 Views
Issues with DMX on DotNetNuke 4.4.0 7509 13
Started by Nicolo Pitsch
I have strange issues on DotNetNuke 4.4.0 with files when downloading from DMX. I have/had error messages when opening pdf-files downloaded by DMX, but not always. There could be a coherence between new performance and compression settings in DNN 4.4.0. What are your experiences with DNN 4.4.0 and DMX
Kind regards
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7509 |
by Peter Donker02/06/2007 11:25 PM |
4 Replies and 4430 Views
Activating subdirectories AFTER many files have been uploaded? 4430 4
Started by Dave Ingraham
Hi Peter,
When I first installed DMX on our site, I did not activate the Subdirectories option. We now have over 3600 files in the DMX folder, and our ISP has recommended that I turn on the Subdirectories option, as our site performance has started to take a hit from having that many files in one folder.
What happens to all the files already uploaded if I now turn on this feature Do they all stay in the same folder, and only subsequent files are put in subdirectories, or do all the existing...
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4430 |
by Dave Ingraham01/20/2007 6:20 PM |
10 Replies and 4399 Views
Error changing Repository Location to external server 4399 10
Started by Bubu Kasur
I have a new Document Exchange 3 Professional installation on DNN 4.3.7 which is running ok with the repository located on the web server. But when I tried to change the Repository Location to an external server using a UNC path of \\servername\sharename or a mapping drive to the external storage and update the new setting, an error occured: 'The specified external directory does not exist'.
I then opened IIS Manager and checked that DNN is using DefaultAppPool application pool with identity of...
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4399 |
by Peter Donker01/20/2007 12:14 PM |
12 Replies and 10803 Views
What the??? After bulk Import, DNN File Manager not working??? 10803 12
Started by Dave Ingraham
Hi Peter,
Last week, I'd performed a file Import of 2.5 GB of files and at first, it appeared that everything worked fine.
Today, I attempted to add a photo to a text/html module on our site, and to my suprise, when I clicked the Rich Text icon to add an image, I got the following error:
'A critical error has occurred.
Directory 'C:\Inetpub\vhosts\domain_name\httpdocs\Portals\0\DMX\Contract Files' does not exist. Failed to start monitoring file changes.'
'Contract Files' is ...
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10803 |
by Peter Donker01/18/2007 10:01 AM |
2 Replies and 3870 Views
Download Errors in DMX 03.04.08/ DNN 4.4.0 Portal 3870 2
Started by Asle K
I just wanted to reinforce the importance of needing this to work as soon as possible.
We are migrating from DNN 3.2.2 to DNN 4.4.0 due to the announced discontinuation of supporting the 3.x series by the Core team.
The documents in the DNN 4.4.0 portal won't download correctly. We get error messages on all attempts.
E.g. PDF documents: 'There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired'.
This was a perfectly healthy document p...
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3870 |
by Asle K01/09/2007 12:02 PM |
4 Replies and 3737 Views
Permission Problem 3737 4
Started by Ulrich Jenzer
I use DMX (New) on DNN 4.3.7
New Uploaded Files dont Inhirit View Permissions that the Module Inhirit from the Page.
Ulrich Jenzer
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3737 |
by Peter Donker01/07/2007 6:38 PM |
1 Replies and 3877 Views
Repository Location on UNC path 3877 1
Started by Rob Ralston
Hello Peter,
I am setting up a new portal and the repository location is on a UNC path. Based on the anticipated growth of this portal, I am expecting to eventually migrate the DNN instance to a new Web server and SQL Server. When that ocurrs, the repository UNC path location will also change.
After examining the DMX_Entries table, it appears the Entry column stores everything in a relative format: e.g. \2006\12\filename.
So, if I keep the folder structure of the new UNC location consist...
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3877 |
by Peter Donker12/05/2006 10:39 AM |