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3 Replies and 3699 Views Support for Many Roles as in DNN 3.2.3/4.0.3  3699  3 Started by  Jonathan Palmer The new version of DNN will support the user of many roles in a tidier interface (e.g. you will be able to have 100's a roles and use role groups to support them).  Will DMX support this functionality fairly quickly
3 3699
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/11/2006 12:30 PM
8 Replies and 17492 Views Object reference not set to an instance of an object.  17492  8 Started by  Scott Murphy Hi Peter,    When logged in as an administrator (any user with admin privleges), I am able to add a new item into a 'Miscellaneous' collection.  I have set up the collection to allow 'All Users' to view and edit the folder contents.  When logging in without admin privleges, I see the icons indicating that I can create a new folder, add a new item, etc..  Unfortunately, whenever I attempt to add a new item, I get the log error seen below.  Any ideas  ...
8 17492
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/09/2006 2:22 PM
4 Replies and 4809 Views Uploading Documents  4809  4 Started by  john Osenbaugh I have read the documentation but I am still unclear on something. I want to maintain the current directory structure and I know how to zip the files and upload them but this is what I am really wanting.   I would like to point the module to read from a directory (e.g. \\server\forms$\clinical) for each specific category, and when a new document is added to that directory it be automaticly uploaded. Do I have to zip all documents or can I just once again point to a directory with a lot of...
4 4809
by  Stephen TurleyJump to last post
09/05/2006 6:45 AM
1 Replies and 3808 Views Role Based access to folders and documents  3808  1 Started by  vishal binjoo Hi, Is there any way by which i can allow certain users to view only a few set of folders and documentsI mean i want role based access of the folders and documents. Thanks in advance.    
1 3808
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/25/2006 11:42 AM
7 Replies and 5586 Views Problem Uploading Large Documents  5586  7 Started by  Ken Simpson I have read the few discussions in this forum about uploading/downloading large documents. However, I have made numerous attempts to modify my web.config settings for timeout and file size. Both of the web.config values have been set to allow for large files but I still consistently get failures for any file over about 40 MB. Can anyone help me out with this I have a site where we need to be able to upload large numbers of documents, many of them over 40 MB. Can this module handle this Thanks...
7 5586
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/11/2006 11:19 PM
8 Replies and 258930 Views Export function  258930  8 Started by  Matthias Kühnle Is it possible to export a list of files out of a collection and copy it to a local folder on my client PC
8 258930
by  Peter MillinerJump to last post
08/07/2006 3:00 PM
4 Replies and 4026 Views Maybe a feature request but can this be done with current DMX  4026  4 Started by  Dylan Barber I want to syncronize the documents with the ones in DNN - i really dont want the previous versions to be in the same directories but I have users who will be using the Core documents module to present files and the Text/HTML module as well - I want to allow them to upload through those modules with the upload file dialog it has and yet be able to provide a full text search of all documents inthe site through DMX Pro   Is this possible can it be done - can I include something in the core m...
4 4026
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/02/2006 12:08 PM
6 Replies and 4256 Views Delete a document  4256  6 Started by  Emanuele Carcerano Hallo,On my portals DotnNetNuke, i have installed the module 'Document Exchange Professional' but there is a problem. When I try to cancel a document selecting the button 'phisical delete' nothing happens. How can i resolve this problem Can i receive information about this problemThank you very much for this information. Best Regards Emanuele
6 4256
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/14/2006 9:09 AM
5 Replies and 3834 Views Multiple Collections?  3834  5 Started by  Jim Matz We have DMX setup right now just for Forms on our Intranet.  I would like to have other pages such as a Policies and Procedures or an Accounting Reports page where those types of documents would be viewable on there.  So for example, on the Forms page, only the forms loadeded in DMX would be viewable, on the Policies and Procedures page only those would be viewable and so on.  Is there some type of filter that can do something with or is there something we can do with collections ...
5 3834
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/29/2006 12:18 AM
1 Replies and 4040 Views Automatically add security roles  4040  1 Started by  Christophe Borry Hey,   We would like certain employees to have 2 week to verify documents in DMX. After those 2 week the document should become available for all users. Therefor the 'all users' role should get view rights after two weeks automatically. Is it possible to 'simply' add a scheduled task that inserts lines in a 'view role' table with the right values What table and values would that be Help would be much appreciated, Christophe
1 4040
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/20/2006 1:57 PM
3 Replies and 4152 Views links in documents  4152  3 Started by  Peter Milliner our current dms has documents that link (link is located in document) to other documents in dms. How can I do this with Document exchange. Regards Peter Milliner  
3 4152
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/15/2006 8:43 PM
3 Replies and 3879 Views Store the attachments in the database  3879  3 Started by  Holger Kopf Hi Peter, the new version 4.1 of DNN will give us the possiblilty to store the attachments also in the database. Does you integrate that feature also in your DMX Regards, Holger
3 3879
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/08/2006 2:15 PM
1 Replies and 3503 Views lock  3503  1 Started by  mohini padayachee Hi Can you explain how the locking feature works when 2 users with editing rights are editing the document concurrently If one user locks the document, will the other be able to download and edit the document   Thanks mohini
1 3503
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/04/2006 11:43 PM
1 Replies and 3923 Views Migrate files and folders to another DMX installtion in a different portal  3923  1 Started by  Earnie Eng Hi Peter, Do you know how I might migrate all the files and folder and permissions structure over from one portal to another I'm setting up our intranet on a new server we just purchased and I wanted to rebuild the DNN site from ground-up omitting the mistakes I have made in the current one.  Thanks, Earnie
1 3923
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/01/2006 9:43 PM
4 Replies and 9790 Views Invalid account when accessing the file store  9790  4 Started by  Scott Murphy When attempting to access a remote file store, as described in the documentation (\\servername\share), I get the following message: The account used is a computer account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server. Strangely, I get this message intermittently.  (I've tried 4 times, all as the admin, and was successful at uploading a file twice.)  Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks Scott 
4 9790
by  Scott MurphyJump to last post
04/01/2006 2:37 AM
1 Replies and 4654 Views DMX Admin Role  4654  1 Started by  Mike Willard I have a DNN role called 'Site Admin' that has pretty much full editing capabilities on my site, but is not a member of DNN Administrators group.  I have used the option in DMX to allow only Admins to assign security (security is inherited from collections for items.)  Is there any way I can have the security groups display for this Site Admin role without giving her DNN Admin rights  I tried assigning admin rights for this user today and already have issues with some modules bei...
1 4654
by  Host AccountJump to last post
03/14/2006 9:21 AM
1 Replies and 3822 Views Setting Permissions Recursively  3822  1 Started by  Mike Willard Is there any way that I can add a group for edit permissions on an entire collection without affecting the various view permissions in that collection Example:  I realized a need to give our Domain Admins edit permissions on the entire library, but do not want to affect the various folders where certain users can view and others cannot.  The only way I see to do this is by going through the entire Library (quite large) and individually assigning the edit permission for Domain Admins....
1 3822
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
03/09/2006 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 4189 Views large download issue  4189  3 Started by  matt demick We are currently having problems when large files are dowloaded say a 50mb file is on document exchange pro, and a user downloads it, sometimes it will download the hole file and other times it will only download say 20mb of it. Is there anything we can do to fix this! thanks for any help Matt
3 4189
by  Host AccountJump to last post
03/08/2006 3:18 PM
6 Replies and 3974 Views Import / upload issue  3974  6 Started by  Michael Keller I was able to import a directory structure and upload new documents but I did not realize until too late that dmx does not retain the date/time of document creation or update. Am I missing a switch that needs to be set or is this indeed the behavior of the system Thanks, Mike
6 3974
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/27/2006 9:54 AM
8 Replies and 4537 Views Security levels  4537  8 Started by  Michael Keller As the admin, I have set up and imported a series of folders (collections) and the heirarchy shows up fine with the expected ability to maneuver among the documents and levels. When I log on as a user with view and edit rights (within DNN and applied directly to the module via settings), all folders and documents dissappear. Approval was not turned on and therefore shouldn't have been invoked in the import so why aren't the docs visible to a general user What am I missing Thanks, Mike
8 4537
by  Michael KellerJump to last post
01/25/2006 4:01 PM
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