After the summer holiday season it's time for an update. The second bugfix release of DMX 05.01 has been released. You'll find the following changes:
Fix: Scheduler will no longer throw an error on Host Settings update on DNN 5.1
Fix: Anonymous downloads while audit email is on, no longer provokes an error
Fix: Found and removed calls to Css.aspx still in the RadUpload
Fix: LastModified date now being set on old versions so they show up in the UI in the version list correctly
Enhancement: Added status icon column to grid on regular Ajax UI showing locked or non-approval status
Fix: Drag-n-drop of folder unto self now caught and stopped
Fix: Moving item to child item stopped
Fix: Unlock issue in Vista with different lock token than before
Fix: Resolved LastVersionID being set to non-existent entry when item is deleted through WebDAV and re-added
Enhancement: During notification processing users that have been removed from the portal are filtered out
Fix: Better handling of soft-deleted items when re-added through WebDAV. These items are now undeleted when re-added.
Enhancement: Item Template now has access to query object
Fix: Unzip will also unzip file with same name as zip file
Fix: Paging fix to search.ascx used in DNN search integration
Fix: upon soft delete all underlying versions are soft-deleted. Same for undelete.
Please read 05.01.00 notes if upgrading from versions prior to DMX 5.1