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Study study study

In a brief update about DMX 4 just a word or two about some of the technologies that will be used. For over a year now ComponentArt components have been incorporated into DMX, although not heavily. When MS Ajax goes release, ComponentArt will most likely follow closely with compatible version of their Web UI suite. In the lab DMX 4 is using a beta version of this and MS Ajax. The goal is to utilize these technologies to the max in this revision. File lists, menus, treeviews (already used for categories) etc. will be employed.

One other technology that has just become available is the .net 3 framework. "Huh? We only just got used to 2.0" I hear you say. Not to worry, this version is not an overhaul of existing classes as 2.0 was. Instead it adds a bunch of new stuff to 2.0. Among these is the so-called Windows Workflow Foundation (or simply WF). This framework allows you to create programmatic workflow easier and more visual (there is a designer that reates closely to how non-techies experience workflow). Not for the feint-hearted, this techology does require a lot of study to incorporate into DMX. The goal is to completely separate doc storage/serving from workflow logic using this technology. Setting approval for documents would then require attaching a different workflow to the upload event. This provides potential limitless applications for DMX and I hope it will be possible in a way that doesn't require too much tweaking by admins to their DNN installation (preferably none).

Given the learning curve and yet undetermined release dates of MS Ajax and CA for Ajax components, I expect that end of January release of DMX 4 is maybe a touch optimistic. I'll keep you informed of progress.
